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Land ani Estate Agents. RO, WKEENWOOD, 0 AUCTIONEER. HOUSE, LAND. AND KSTATE lAGENT I Corner oir Shortland-strekt. TI7'aNTKD— Intending Purchajers of Farms, TT Land, or Houses, to call it my oflico for printed list-*. ,4 FIRST-RATE Bush Farm, ronaiating of Lrk lid a"rea good land; 100 acreß improved and in grass, remainder kauri and totai a hush; s x-iuoim. lions *, slore, bto-kyard, out-houses, garden, &a I'ric . £500. , fpOR SALE, 00 .icrea of Alluvia! Buah Land, con'aining puriri and othor valuable tlmbe . bordered by road and creek, being lot 170, Parish 0( HunUn, and Immediately behind Mr uoit'a property, four miles from Papakura railway Btation. Price low, I7IOR SALK, at Newmarket, a comfortablo Four-roomed House and Allotment, 33 x 90 feoi; good garden, well.tanks, wush-house; coal and wood shed, etc, etc. Price £250. Terms easy. FARM for Salo.-A compact little Farm of 50 ocreß good land, all fonced and subdivided, &c; 30 acroa undor plough, 20 aores ia grasa &c; 5-roomod Houao, Sheda, &c„ orchard, garden. Sec; 20 miloß from Auckland by rail. Prioe, £500.-25. . , _ , __ FOR SALE, 100 Acres of good Land In tho Waipa (Waikato). Price, £2 an acre.-21. A GOOD Six-roomed Houso and Allotmont ■13 x 100 ft., within A low mirtutea walk of Qncon-B'reet; lot to good tenant for Ms a-woek. Price, £350.-49. _____ „„„„_ „ K-ROOMEI) House and Allotment 35 x 200 ft. all v fenced, Fowl-house, Outhousos, &o„ &o.; situated on tho Now North Road, about two m'lea from Queen-stroot. Prico, £310.-50. ITUVKto 'IKN ACRES of good Land forsalo . Bituatod in tho Mount Albert Dlstnot nortb-oaßtoin aspect. Prioe. £12 10san acre. I7IOR SALK, three Now Four-roomed Veran- . dab Cottugea; thoroughly woll ilnlahod: lorjjo Freehold Allotments; fencod, Sec; situated noar Maaon's gardens, Purnell, and cloao to Newmarket. Prlco,£22n each. Termi easy. ITiOR SALK good Five roomed Houbo and . Allotmont. 33 x 172 foot; situated tn Now-ton-street; good garden, woll, oto otc. Prico vory low, £150,-20. J7*iOK SALIC, two Sovon-roomod Houses and . largo Allotment. 127 feot frontago to Wil-Ham-Btroot by 100 foot to Homo-street. Prico, £100 each. No. 37. , _..„_,. 17IOR HALI . at Whatawhata, about 1,000 Acres . Land, being lots 191,192, 1911. 190, 700 acros b ing Bplendid bush, tho remainder mostly improved, about 200 acres being in grass; two homoaleadß. Will be sold in either ono or two lots. Prico, £3 an aero. No. 29. FOR SALK, a good Slx-rooinod Houso, soullory, wash-houso, oto., and Allotment 18ft. frontago to Kden Terrace; gas and water laid on. Price, £320.-18. 17"OR SALK, wcll-llniahed Sevon-roomod Houso . in llowo-streot; rooms largo, lofty, and woll-flnished; goad allotmont. Prico, £110.-37. Sales by auction of nonaohold Furniture, &o, &c, undertaken by R. C. GREENWOOD, • AUCTIONEER, &a. Ollice: Corner Hhortland and Queon Btroets. ESTATE Ainu INVESTMENT AGENCY. D. P. EVANS (Lato of Tannku & Evans). Estates Managed and Supervised for Exocutorß and others Salo of Houso, Land, and othor Properties Loanß and Mortgages Negotiated Insurancoß Effootcd ot Current Rates Money Invested In Bank Shares and other Stock (without charge to investor) FOR SALE: MOUNT ALBERT, near tho Station.-A Choico Proportj j (.ood houso (0 rooms), Sec; stable, buggy-h use, Sec; about 1 acres garden nnd paddock. WOOD-STREE I', Ponsonby.—Splendid Residence (8 rooms), tec.; fitted well; ovory convonlonct: magnificent view of city and harbour ; largo allotmont, laid out in fruit and ornamontal treoa and flowers (very choice). TOP OF FRANKLIN ROAD.-Handsome Villa Itosidenco and lergo garden. GRACK-STRKET, Ponsonby.-Pretty Villa and large allotmont. DKVONPORT.-Splendid Sea-Bido Residence, replete, eroded on 2 acres good land, laid out as gardon, &c.; more land availablo if roauircd SYMONDS-STREET. — Commodiouß Houbß, 10 rooms, &c.; good position GRKY-STUEET. -Houso 8 rooms, wol! built, good position LONDON-STREET, PONSONBY. - Handsomo Seaside llcaidenc, Gaa, and every convenience NE WTON.-Cottngo and Cornor Allotment, for £125. IRKLANIt-STRKKT, PONSONBY. - Now House, with verandah back and front. £260 OPOTIKI.— SOurros Good Land, unimproved, noar the township. Onlj- £2 por iioro. WfAIUKU EA .'.-About 200 aorea UliimTT proved Land, water frontago. Choap. IM EA". MOUNT RO6ICILL.-Houao, 8 rooniß, is* Sec, 7 acres volcanic land KARANGAHAPE ROAD—House, Brooms, Sec ; near Upper Queen-street EEMUKHA.— A aplendid little Dairy Farm, about 12 acros NEWTON.— Cottage, 5 rooms, Seo., In good position, and utmost now ; allotment 33 by 100. Prico, only £280. WOOO-STR KBIT.—House, 7 rooms, splendid garden. &o Only £500. "VIAUNGAKAHAMKA. — 276 acres good ItX mixed Land, situated between Mangapai and tlio Wairoa River. Only £1 per aero. Bosides sovor^l othor Properties, situated in Ponaonby, Newton, Parnell, &c, and choico Farma in Waikato and othor districts, Fall particulars on application to D. F. EVANS, ESTATE AGENT, Qukbn-strekt, Upstair, (Opposito Bank of New Zealand.) Monevjy| o in i y Monoy to Lend on Mortgage ot Freohold Securities.—George Frasor, Publlo Accountant, Investing and Kstate Agent, W. S. Grahamo'a Bond, Fort-streot, and, No. 6, South British liißm-unco Buildinga, corner of Quoen and Short-and-streot. MONEY TO LEND on MORTGAGE Of First-olaßß Freehold Securities, WM. COLKMAN, Solicitor, Corner of Queen and Shortland-atreeta. MONEY TO LiUKu in large or small sums at a moderate rate of luterest,Jaokaon and Ruaaell. Solicitors. ONEY TO LEND, in large or sma Buma. at -jaual rates ot interest, CONNELL & COOPER, Solicitors, Vuloan Lane. MONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage.~ g Ring. Agent. Shortland-atreet M~'ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, in sums of £50 nnd upwards. BEVERIDGE & AL tCXANDER, Solicltoi Bank Buildings, W yndham-atreet Venetian Ulmaa. AUCKLA ND VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY, CORNKR O COOK AND GREY STRKKTS VENETIAN BLINDS I VENETIAN BLINDS 1 Mado of tho best Califoruian Pine, guaranteed not to warp or twi«t. Our Blinda Burpaßß all Imported Blinda, Vjpod or Iron. Wo havo a vory large stock or woll-soosoned Pine Timber: also a Largo Stock of VENETIAN BLINDS on hand, aßßorted aizen. Wire Gauze | linds mado to order, and forward to all parts of,tho Col »ny at the shortest notice. A. & A. BUSBY (Late K. Horton Busby), VKNKTIAN BLIND MAKKRS AND WIRE WORKKRS COUNWROF COOK AND GRRV STRKKTS Gu-.sinittts. " \^ 4^? . ■ DEVITT, Gnnmaktsr, M 4, Queen- ■' street, Auckiav d, opposite the MarkethoußO. Established, 1851.—Always in Stock and to arrivo by direct importation from Kngland made to advertisers own order,—Chokebore Breech-loading Guns, Double and Single Muzzleloaders, Bieech-loading Revolvers, Breech-load-ing Rook and Rabbit R1 ea, Game Ba;*s, Gun Cases, Powdor Flasks, Shot Pouches, and every article necoaaary to complete the outfit ot a Bportaman. An assortment of overy description of Revolver Cartridgts, an.) all the beat Brands in Sporting Powders are imported direct from tho makers by the the advortia^r, who can guarantee their good uality. Cartridges for the Enfield, Snider nnd Terry Uilles. Metallic Cartridge Cases, Jhilled Shot and other speeialitiea alwaya on hand. Country dealers liberally dealt ffith. Guns Re-stocked, Browned, cto., and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable pr ices. Notice.- Juat to hand, a lot of good aorv ceable C. F. Chokebore Hreechloading Gunß cheap. Tho lar&eßt stock in Auckland to choose from. Alao, in stook, a largo ascortment of Fireworks _of tho best auality. Fiahing Tackle MH s- D° w N UPPER HOBSON-STREE.T. Established 1861. Every Description os- Stay Cobsrts, &o. Surgical Belts, upon the Lathst Improvements. Siiouldbr Straps Made to Order. * Qi^tf) gßnctwlly Attended 'Jo

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4