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Land and Estate Agents. fTr H. ÜBTOAJ-I. ESTATEI& GENERAL COMMISSION AGKNT, No, 29, Insurance buildings, Tho ndvorllsor, having had 17 years' experience, and being intimately acquainted with all properties now in hia hands for salo, can adi Ise intending Settlors in timir choico ot land. FARMS.from 50 to 8,000 aci _ S, on hand. Full particular, on application. Several good Investments for Capitalist, Commisiions of ovory dsssriptlou exoouted forCcuntry Settlers at low rates. riEA . 'W ILLIAMSONj HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. RENTS and INTEREST Colleoted. MONKY Inveated for Capltollßts on flret-olaSB securities, without Charqk. Sevkn per cent, allowed on doiiosits until invested. MORTGAGES and LOANS Negotiated. SHARKS Bought or Sold to order. ESTATES Managed for Absentees. BUILDING ALLO'i?MKNTS FOR SALE. AT I'KB FOOT I— Homo-street, 20/ Welllngton-streot, GO/ Boresford-stroet, 00/ Duko-street, 28/ View Road, 30/ Cook-streot. £9 Porcival Parade, 35/ Kdwin-stroot, 21/ Rokeby-Btreet, 10/ Victoria-street, £10 Wyndham-stroot. £1010/Grafton Road,os/ William-streot, 00/ Nolßon-streot, 10/ Russoll-Btroet, 7/ Vino-atreot, 10/ Franklin Road, 60/ Bhfclly Beach Road, 30/ Symonda-Btrect, £1 Kyber Pat 8,90/ Haokett-Btroct, 35/ Prospeot-stroot, 15/ Conqueßt Place, 30/ Norfolk-Btroot. 35' Wood-stroo^, 15/ Albcrt-Btroot, 15s Upper Queen-stroot, 50/ Livorpool-stroot, 10/ Also, in various othor streets at low rates. noAAA TO LEND, In Sums of 810 and up*»""v wards, on good soonrltles ■PI r \rv~ Fivc-roomod Houso for Salo in NowXiloO _ on . largo garden ; fowl-house, &c. f>7f; CASH.—For Bii'o a Now Slx-roomod *• « Huuao In Ponsonby — owner loavlng. Prioo SIX,. ft) 7c. —Now House for Salo at Mount Eden ; Xiii I O __ v 0 rooms; largo allotment fenced £100 can remain. fjAPAKURA.-Allotments 1 aid 2, opposite X Uuntor ai d Nolan's .aio Yards, for salo. <tqAA,—Six-raomcd ll< <übo mid Four-Stalled --OUV 8-ablefor Siile. in Kast 6troot, Nowton UPP R QUKWN-STREKT. - Sovon-roomed House nnd Ihrconllotmontß: two frontages, lino viow. Cho'P. Easy terms. ■ (ra. WKEKLY.-Novv Houso, Aye roams, 3 .) stable, two allotments, on ta'.o, at 15s weekly. No doposit. i? 1 OO—HOUSE for salo noar Mount Eden Xi_V\_ Railway Station; also, ono at £200. r.QiA— Vory Comfortable FAMILY RE-5I XdV ijENCK (now) for sale, with water frontago: ovory convenience QT. OEOKGE'S allotments k? pos icsslng line viown to bo sold on deferred payments, to suit ipurchasors. Monoy lent to build with. •PI OK—HOUSEforsaloon,MountEdon Road, JLiX_jU opposito church ; allotment 33 by 100. ALLOTMENTS Bought and HOUSES Built on tho Weekly Re-payment System. J?u on—Now and Well-finished tioven-roomed 3jOOL' HOUSE for salo In Nowton; largo cornor allotment, detached workshop, waßlihouse, fowl ho 'so, excollont garden. •PI Of*,n- vlrjljA RKSIDKNCH; for Sale, at ~i"u" Mount Albort, posßoß3ing ono of tho finest viows in tlio district. fihlif)— Now Five-roomod HOUSE in Fern»^"u leigh-street for salo; garden, &c. •P1 Kl"_—Now HOUSE, four rooms, in Russell-JjL-IU street, for sale. MOUNT KDEN ROAO.-Now Four-roomed HOUSK for salo ; allotmont. 99 x 198. £150 HOUSE forsalo tn wcat-atroot, 3J -VU Newton, near Karangahape road. GRAFTON UOAD.-91 Aoroa In grasa to lot (with Houao) on lease. Low rental. nqhrK-New Six-roomed House for s-'ale, in *°' ° Ponsonby. with two allotments. Splendid viow of harbour. PANMURE.— Houso and acre of Rround for aale ; flnoit poaltlon. Kaay torma. ■(? ..OO- Six-roomed Houso, all llniehed, for £>O\J\J Ba i o _ n Lincoln-etroot; largo allotmont. i>oi a—New Houso in Brown-stivot for Salo, MO lv ,_ oar ponsonby Road ; two tanks COLLEGE BO AD-Commodious Family Roaidence for S-lo ; Gaa and Water laid oa. _p-|QA-For Salo In Newton, v Four-roomed *lou Houio and nice garden, lovcl. PUKKKOHK KASI'.-Jlno Farm of 107 acres for Sale, noar Railway-station. Comfortable homestead ; littlo bush ; £110s por aero. yEAFIKLD ROAD. — Comfortablo CotUgCB O (now), for Salo, on easy torma. nA c o,—Now Houso in Park Road, nine rooms, 3J-M,)\) for Sale. Splendid view.—Alßo very comfortable House of seven rooms; largo gardon ; fine view. H'asy terms. GRE Y-STRUET-Six-rooir.ed Houso (now) for sale. I,argo allotment. Also, two Hiopa, detached, work-hop Sec, 011 very 1 aay torms. oIIOPS in High-street, Karangahape Road, O and Freeman's Boy, fo- mlo, cheap. MOUNT EDEN—Large Now House, fitted with overy convenience (two aorea of land), for sale. Fino viow. If ARMS also For Sale at Hunua, Mount Kden, -1- W'alkomiti, Riohuiond, Komokoriki, Mangere, Paremoromo.Kast Tamaki,Stokes's Point, Waitakerei, Hendorson'a Creok, Papatoitoi, Remuera, Cambridge, Littlo md Big Omaha, Karloi, Rivorhead, Morningsido, Mahurangi, Walnui, Omara, Ararimn, Coromandel, Meroury Bay, Okalhu, North Shoro, Owhlwha. Papakura, &o. Also, see list In New Zealand Herald and Weekly AT«im. CHAS. wTI~L lAMS ON, ESTATE AGENT Vulcan Lank J. Ma L*« »° X Estate Agent and Vamtatoe, Quekn-STKKBT, AUOKLAND. MONEY LENT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, OR INVESTED IN BANK, INSURANCE, OR OTHER SHARKS. NO CUABGS TO liENDKB OR INVESTOR. TO LET, an exeollent Suburban Residence, containing eight apartmonta. togethor with Stabling, coach-house, and about 15 acres of rich volcanic paature land. The residence la within a few milea of tho city.—J. M. Lennox. rpO FARMKRS-A Bargain.—Farm of 101 X. acrea In Eaßt Pukekohe. Sub-divided, and about 30 acrea in gro-s. The land la pai t buah, is well wntered, haa a cottage upon it, and is only; twenty minutes' walk from the railway station.—J. M. Lennox. TO FARMERS.—For sale, a Fir.-t-class Farm of 202 acres on tho Kast Tamaki; nil in grass, well watered. Price,£7par acre.—J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent 31L. UUBUKBAN RESIDENCE, with 9 acres of .J ireehold. A rare opportunity. Price, £500. Or will sell 0 acres and house for- £100. Only £150 required in cash.—J. M. Lennox, Estato Agent, Auckland. 1691 . QUBORBAN SITE of 10 ncrcs at Mangaro; .5 beautiful situation, ilrst-clnss laud; ten minutes' walk from the Mangare Bridge, Price, £350.— J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent. 11L. SUBURBAN RESILIENCE.—A most beautiO ful'aitc of 20 acres, about 8 miles from tho city. The viow ia good and tho land is firatclaaa. This flno littlo property is well suited to any gentleman wishing to occupy hia leisure hours profitably. Prico, £750.— J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent, Auckland. 11L. {j \ARM of 317 acres, abont 2 miles from a railway station .There are 60 acros injgrass, a five-roomed dwelling-houae. dairy, otc. Price, £550; £275 cash—balance can rejauin npon the property —J. m. Lennox, Kstate Agent. 42L. RESIDENCE of six rooms, about quarter of an hour's walk from tho Union Bank. Price, £320.-J. M. LonDox. 40K. FIVK-ItOOMKD COTTAGK, near the Remuora railway station. A pretty little cottage, with freehold allotment. Prioe, £280.— J. M. Lennox, Eatato Agent, Auckland. 38K. FOR S ALB, a Fivo roomed Ccttago in Howeatreet, with largo freehold a'lotmont. The cottage is In excellent condition, and la well built,-Price, £315.-J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. 351. '110 FARMBRS-For salo, a Firßt claas Farm L of 150 acres, 19 miles from the oity, with eight-roomed house, four Btall atable, md every convenience. Price, £1810. Crop at a valuation. •a.. p 1 n(\-A Four-roomed COTTAGE in Brewer * J-"" street, off Cookntreet; freehold allot ment; good well. Price, £150, Terma can be arranged. Lot for 8a per week.—J. M. Lennox. Estate Agent. _(iL. TAUHOU.— Farm of 100 acres, with dwelling house and a Btore doing a good business--tho latter is leased for £28 per year. Price, £250.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. 15L. GRAFTON HOAD-A Bargain.-Houso of 7 rooms, with largo freehold allotment running back to the Domain. Price £350.— J. M, Lennox. 1561 . I?OR SALE, a Four-roemed Cottago in Conquest Place; a beautiful view of the harbour. Freehold allotmont, 05 x 97. Price, £200: £80 cash, balance on Building Society principles. —J. M.Lennox. Kstate Agent. 16L. SIX'-ROOMKD COTTAGK, ten minutes' walk from Queen-Btreet; freehold allotment, 2 x 100, Price, £210: torma can bo arranged.— J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent. 22L. A FIRST-CLASS FARM of 15'J aores, twelve miles from the city by a good macadamlacd road. The land is all fenced, and laid down in tho best Hnglish grasses. There is a good houae and every convenience. The land is aU flratclaae.—J. M. Lennox, Eatato Age~t. 89JC. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, a Farm of 100 acres at Paterangi, 5 miles from the Ohaupo railway station. Tho land is mostly in grass. The dwelllng-houaecontains live room . Price £375.— J. M. Lennox, EBtato Agent. 12L. TO FARMERS—A Bargain.—A Farm of 107 acres in East Pakekobe, about 50 acres in grass; a 5-roomed House and every convenience. Price, £190.—Terms can ba arranged.— J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent, /'1 uokland. 110 K. TO FARMERS (a bargain).-Fami of 90 acres in the Kast Tamaki; 10 acres in grass. Price. £150.— J. M. Lenr ox, Ksiate Agent. 21.-. TO FARMERS-A really first-class Form of 571 acres, mostly in grass or crop. Thia is some of tho beat land in the Wnikato. ai d ia only two and three-quarter miles from a railway station. To a bona fide settler this is a first clasa opportunity. Price low; terms easy.—J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent. IC3IC. OIRAFTON ROAD. - Kight-roomed Houso, T with large freehold allotment. Price, £100. -J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent 15L. PUKEKOHE WKST.-Fan . of 200 Acres, adjoining Buckland and Shepherd's; good land. Price, 50s per acre.—J. M. Lennox. II7K. rpo FARMERS-A Bargain.-Farm ot 256 X acres, 150 acrea of which aro In graßS. This first-class farm is situated at tho junction of two roads, and is near a railway station. Prico £1 10s per acre.—J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent. UIK. f» O FARMERS and Others.-One of the A Choicest Farms in the Province. There are 217 acres within 8 miles of the city _ quality of land cannot be excelled: large nine-roomed residence.—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. 73K. Stf For Houaes, .barms, and Allotments, see my long advertisement in ' Weekly Herald." J M. LENNOX, Estate Agent. Auckland. f.OXV d A T H \_/f to Roth's Publio Hot, Cold, and Showor baths, Victoria-street East. Charge, ONE SHILLING. Open all week days from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday Mornings from 6 till 10 . a.m. The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, lesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, soap. | feo .Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladies every i _ day, at all hours, with female attendance, Onb ; ' Shilling. Please note the address:—VictoriaBtreet East, above tho Greyhound Hotel, and I next the Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mart' AuoHaad i

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3241, 9 December 1880, Page 4