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Continental News

Six German Franciscans at Epinal have been expelled from France, anil English Passionists in Paris are threatened with a similar fate, though their chapel is the only place where English and American Catholics caa hear sermons in their own tongue.

The strike among workmen at Berlin, which began recently with the carpenters, has now extended to the turners, weavers, and other workmen. It is assuming a serious phase, By the explosion of fire damp ia a mine near Herme, Essen district, eleven workmen were killed, and the same number seriously wounded.

The Russian Government has convened a conference of Russian cotton manufacturers at Moscow, to aiscuss the threatened crisis in the cotton industry. There are outbreaks apprehended if wages should be reduced, as the failure of the harvest has doubled the price of food.

An accident occurred in a mine near Kattometz. Fifty-four men were overwhelmed. It is feared that fifty were suffocated.

It is announced that a Socialist Congress will be held ia Zurich in 1581. Circulars have been sent to the principal socialist societies of Europe, inviting their co-' operation.

General Garibaldi yesterday visited Major Canzio in prison. He was followed,on the way to the prison by an immense crowd. He said to Major Canzio, " You have been right not to ask pardon, and 1 shall not ask it for you."

It is believed that Garibaldi, owing to the pressure brought to bear on him, will again become a Deputy. A meeting of the Bonapartists hostile to Prince Jerome Napoleon, after an excited discussion, have adopted a resolution summoning him to renouuee his candidature and recognize Prince Victor Napoleon as heir to the. throne.

The railway train from Dartmund, Westphalia, to Berlin.was precipitated down the embankment. Two persons were killed and 26 injured.

A fire in Christiansand, Norway, has destroyed two-thirds of the houses. Hundreds_ of families are homeless. The fine Gothic cathedral was burned out.

Beer drinking is increasing to such an extent in France that it is seriously interfering with the popular use of wine. In Belgium the beer most ia vogue is called Faro.

The demeanour and menace of the socialists at their late meeting at Zurich have caused the Prussian Government to conßider the question nfresh, and have made it draw the serious attention of the Saxou Government and the Hamburg State to the necessity of taking measures to guarantee public peace.


St. Petersburg, Octobor 23. *. Hartmann, Nihilist, telegraphs to the Internationalist" to-day, a fall descrip :

tion of the mine which wan to hay« m up the Imperial train at A^jS. loWnl explains that the plot fafflSj. H« hour before the passage of ?? se a" a carriage came aloug the line anri am wire connecting the dynamite »•??'tlle battery. Hartmanu asserts that 7h h the 13 000,090 of orgunhed Kadicalatnfc 116 file " Vedomosti" says that thf? i*• ing news, which has not been tn«°llowhas been received from Turkestan'M-^' General Levashcff tclegraohs fmJ. r ai°rinisk that on the 29th of July X^ 1* on the road to Kuldja were dZedT severe fighting near Leantchu Zil' 34 000 troops were said to be fierX ll!at a force of 30,000, partly Chioeserecmf 5 *lth Though the latest news f rO m 9S burg show* a change ia the direct!** ', peace in the Chinese policy, oW in e T ( . of presence of the Russian squadron i»!r I Pacific, and the war preparaL the Turkestan, the Russian (SoSraJZ? in dently^iU doubts whether £«&•* The Princess Dolgoronki. who n. •' the Czar, is a younger niece of th* r ed nor-General of Moscow, and not a.; T Ver# Count Albertinski. Negotiation's » of ing the future position of the trine., , U their children are still pending Tt ■ an^ posed that the latter be rfcoimi.^ 1"0" Priuces of Blood, and take nnkK.1 1 Grand Dukes. Should the CarovKdf he sent to this arrangement, the Czar win 00"" point him co-regent, and transfer toil*' the reins of government, the Czarri>t n i i Imperial privileges, and rctiiL™^ nently to Livadia. « petnu,. The Tekke Turcomans have amln sumed the offensive. " a *<>• FRANCE. The Frencli Press accuse Gambeti. . having caused the present crisis. The new Cabinet has been definfiai.. stituted as follows :-Julc ß Ferry lWr1' ' o£ the Council, and Minister of P' k?' Instruction and Fine Arts: BmIHaI.- ? c St. Hilaire, Minister of ForeieaAff* ' Constans, Minister of the Interior and w'oV ship; Cazot, Minister of Justice- Mao*Minister of Finance ; General Farm M? 1 -' tar of War; Admiral Clone, Mh&i Marine and the Colonies ; Carnofc Mm, < of Public Works; Tirard, U&*&* merce; Cochery, Minister of Po ß t.^S!i Telegraphs. The proeramme of the « Cabinet consists in the execution of T religious decrees for the suppression of k non-authorized orders; compulsory ,!S gratuitous secular primary education «h7 serious reforms in the Magistracy *i, foreign policy of the Ministry ig an'iofc able peace. wuour. A circular letter wasi sent rcquirine"ft, heads of unauthorized religious onl»! to submit to the March dS? Archbishop Ginbort protested against th execution of the decrees, and the HolvS threatened to recall the Papal Nun c j o \)r Paris On October 16th, the fie D s7a£ forcibly ejected fourteen Jesuit ProfesS from the College at Toulouse. On thoS the Carmelites were expelled from their establishment in Kennes. The police w£a obliged to force the doors, and it was rS sary to send gea d'armes and a battalion »f ' infantry to maintain order. ■ Three Catholic priests have joined Peru Hyacinthe.-The Carmelite and BraaUte establishments numbered 16, with 200 i« mates.—At Montpellier the Bishop person ally excommunicated the Prefect The Bishop is to be prosecuted by the Govern meut. The Government alto instituted proceedings against Felix Pyat for an article justifying the attempt of BeWowski to shoot the Russian Czar.—Prat tm« eentonced to two years' imprisonment and a line of 1,000 francs. The manager of the paper received six months.—A fire in Pjiris destroyed the Pavilion de Fldre. The Tuillcries and the museum of the liou'vre were in great danger,., The Italian Government is reinstituiing measures against the Jesuits in consequencs of the expelled orders from, France taking refuge in Italy. '

The Franciscan friars, of Avignon have bricked up the door of their monastery, They were well supplied with provisions. It is announced that the Bishops of Valence and Montpellier will be summoned before the correctional police for treasonable attacks upon the Government, contained in letters to the Under-Secretary of, the Interior. ' ,■ c-.- '"'''*.'


Teheran, October^ A Ktmrdish Chieftain from the TurkMi side of the frontier has united liia force with Hamyeh Agha, a Persian Kburd, The allita number 150,CD0, and atemortlf armed with Henry rifles. After pMdftjng the Lahigan and Maragha district! ilief are within fifty miles of Touris. October II; The Khurds who recently entered Peiiiaj territory are still in Maragha district ; The town of Mirancab and four lint villages have been pillaged and'it inhabitants massacred. The Persian Government has ordered the dispatch, ot twelve battalions of infantry.and!£s cavalry, with twelve guns. The Ehurds have fallen back so far v Sorjoulikh, nondiog their booty ova 4bt. I frontier into Khurdistan. They are reported to have totally or partially destroyed II Persian villages. The tribes of AzerbojM are preparing to march against them.ij

IMPENDING WAR WITH BURMAH, Calcutta, September 21

Reports have been received from Maudalay that the Queen mother and bet daughter have been accused of intriguing with court officials and that thirty arresti ' have been made. It is reported that i executions within the palace have re- ( commenced. London^ October la A dispatch from Thy'tmyo reports tint King 1 heehaw, of Burmah, rendered arrogant by the easy suppression of the rebellion under Prince Nyoungokec, hat been preparing to make war on the British. Over 10,000 Burmese troops havei'Mwd at the frontier, and they daily; expect jo be reinforced |by 10,000 more. A message ii also expected from the King demanding indemnity from the British for toe louts of Burmese subjects from NyoungokeeV expedition, or his troops will immediately cross the frontier. Two companies of | infantry have been ordered. '


Constantinople, October^. ;i

Many of the tribes under the Ottoman i Government are prepared to throw off their allegiance and cause a revolt that wjnld vibrate throughout Kuropc. Should? the Albanians yield Dulcigno, probably Greece | may obtain peaceful possession of the slice,, ; territory awarded her. If, ou the contrar/i both Dulcigno and Jauina have ito w , wrested by force, then it is a measurable distance to the time wlieu the two peat f Slavic powers, Russia, and Austria, mos' move their armies down to settle definitely the future of the Balkan peninsula. Then are threats of a massacre Christians, and the Mohammedans of Dulcigno threaten to burn the ctiy. The Montenegrini are 7.000 strong, and the Albanians .tan ; 6,000 men with three field-pieces. '.»«» 1 asha has a force of 9,000 Turkish »?y»* , The French commander has.been ordered; > to abstain from actual hostilities. 8,000: Albanians occupied the town, Riza Pmbj} withdrawing to Goviza. . The Porte asked the allies to conciliate the Albanians «»| money and. decorations. The Prints m Montenegro has promised to ptbclainv* general amnesty if Dulcigno is,surrendered. Admiral Seymour has informed all the[Admirals that the Turks are concentrating » : I large number of troops in Smyrna. > ,'' ' It is positively known that; 'Apf*l '; | Germany, and France, have resolved », hold aloof from Gladstone's coercive mensurest A deepening dislike and distrnstw . Gladstone is beginning to be displayed ? throughout Germany. all: The following are the proposals of tne. Turkish Government in regard to the snrrender of Dulcigno :—Montenegro toassnnwi a portion of the Turkish debt correspond' ing to the ceded territory; liberty of em> i gration for the inhabitants; maintenances the Turkish guaranty for the property oi the Ottoman Government; maintenance 0I; the Turkish flag aboard trading vessel* W* lomring to Dulcigno, and the mainteniroM t of the statu quo east of Lake Scutari. ,:JJ» f untrue that Riza Pasha has proposed 1B« there shall be an interval of three hours between the evacuation of Dalcigno and w occupation by the Montenegrins. GREEK FRONTIER QUESTION. The leaders of the opposition in VaUment have decided to support a natuTi armament. Forty thousand men are « arms, and recruits are flocking in. lu>^™ I men are stationed at Athens. The succmsion of the Roumanian throne nas »*" fixed on Prince Charles Antome,.««» twelve years, third son of Prince Le°pow"i Hohenzollern. The Government is awiuj to address a note to the Powers, <"cMj» ; that if the Greek question is not set»«"'" a certain specified time, Greece will "6. c~^ pelled to occupy the disputed province* All the inhabitants around Scutari, *' Imnia, have been summoned to arms., Montenegrin chief has arrived at Belgaras-

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 2

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Continental News Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 2

Continental News Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3220, 15 November 1880, Page 2