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Land and Estate Agents. Wf H^ METCA Ir ? E KBTATKI& GKNKRAL COMMISSION AGENT, NOv 20, INBURANOB DUILDINOn. Tho atlvcrtlsor, haVtng had i 7 years' expeflenue, and being intimately acquainted with all pvopcrtirs now in his hands for salo, can advfso intending Solllers in their choice ot land. FAKMS.from 60 tn S.UOO acres, on hand. Full particulars on applicaiion. Several good Investments for Capitalists. Commissions of ovory description oxocutod forCountrv Sottlers at low rates. J. M« JL £AM ° x EBTATK AGBNT AND VALVATOE, QUBBN-6TRBKT, AUCKLAND, MONBY LKNT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, OR INVKBTKD IN BANK, INSURANCE. OR OTHER SHARES. NO CnAMGII! TO LBNDKII OB IHVBBTOB. tT\O FARMERS.—S'oI' sale, a Fir. t-class Farm X on tho Kast Tainaki; 81l iv gfass, woll watel'od. Prlcoi £7 pot acre—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agont. FOR S iiiK, a Flvo roomed Cottago iv llowostreot, with largo froohold allotment. Tho cottagu is in oxcollent condition, and Is woll built. Price; M3l6.—it. M. Loniloit, Kstato Agent. n tyr\— KAKM ot 17 Acres, with house. Price, X//V £70.— T. M. Lominx, KHtuto Agoot. HOUaON-aTItHKT— Tun-roomod Houao and large freehold allotment, 35 x 200. Prico, £BaO.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agont. 'iiO FARMKHB—For salo, a First class Farm 1 of 100 acres, 11) milos from tho city, with eight-roomed house, four stall stable, »nd ovory convenience, l'ric--, £1810. L'rOD at a valuation. i»1 r-.l\—& Four-rooiiu-d COTTAGK in Brewer Ai 1 0v street, oil' Cook-street; freehold alia mont; Rood well; Prico, £150. Terms can ho arrAiiK'd. Let for 8s per weon.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agent. jCAIM\— A Six-roomed IUCSIDKNCIC, with- **"« about 3 auras of freehold, at Komunrn, Beautiful view of tho harbour. Price, JJIOO. Toims can bo nrrannod.— I. M. Lennox. rilAUllOU.—Farm of KiO acres, wlih dwelling X houßO and astoro doiun a good Imslnesn--tho latter 1b leaßoii for £M per joar, l'rico, £260— J. M. Lennox, Kstato /^gont. GRAFTON KOAD-A llarK'iin.-llouno of 7 rooms, with largo freehold allotment running back to .tho Domain. Prico "rfl3so.—J. M. Letlnox. ITiOIt SALIS, a Four-roemod Cottago iv Con- . itucst Plnci<;n bmmtifulvlowof tho harbour. Freehold allotment, (15 x 07. Price, £2UO; £80 cash, balance on Hullding Society iirinclplus. —J.M.I ennox. Kstutn Agent. SIX-ROOMKDCOTTAUrS, ton minutes'walk from Quuonstreet; fi-cohold allotment, 20 x 100, Prlco, <!sil0: lorma can bo arranged.— J. M. f.onnox, KHtnto /tgent. A FIRST-CLASS FAKM of 150aoros, twelvo miles from thu city by a good mucndiimlHcd road. Tho land is all funend, and laid down iv tho best H nglish grasses. Thcro Is a good houso and every convenience. Tho land Is aU llratclasf.—J. M.Lennox, Kstato Agent. 171 OR IwMKIiIATK SALIC, a Farm ot 100 " acres at Patorangl, 5 miles from thcOhaupo railway Btation, Tho land ifl mostly in uraas. Tho dtvellltig-houaocontiiins live rooms. Prico, £1(75.—J. JL Lonnoi, Ket^to Agent. CITY— a Bargain—A commodioiiß 12-roomod Residonco in Uroy-Btroot, freehold allotment 4lxl!)0; Buitnbli> eltlior for a family roßidenco or for v lodglnghouso. Tho l.ouso Is ull nowly built and buauil ully !!■ Ishod, nnd In only a fnw minutes'walk from Qucon-atroet. Piiue, £000; &150 cash — balunco can remain upon the property,—J. M. LcnnoxiSlCstuto Agent. rjiO KaKJIKIU-A Bargain.—A Fnrm of 107 J. Acres In Kast Piikckoho, about :'i() aoroß lti grass; a 6-roomed Houbo and every convunienco. Prlco, £190.—'forms can bu arranged.--J. M. Lonncx, Kstato Agent, a uoklnnil. r>! ,iA_i BARGAIN.—CottaKO of tour rooms 3ilO\J ln varnoll. Price. £130.~J. M. LoiinoK, rpO FARMICRS |a burgain).—JTurni of 00 acres JL in tho Rust Taimiki; 10 ncre.i in grass. Prico. £150.— J. M. Lonoox, Katato A»ont. £~\ Kn CASH— Balance can rummn on tho Xi±O\J p.oporty.—a D'our-rooined VKRANHAU COTTAGK. with atutilus, cowfhed, mid c acri'a of IlratclaßS froehold. Jho rroperty Is lica'ltifully eituatcrt and Is only half-an hour's ■walk from Qiieen-ttroof. This proporty will bo sold at sacrillce. Price, £100.— J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agent. TO FARMKRfI-A really llrstolass F<mio( 571 acres, mostly In grusa or crop.). Tills Is somo of tho beat land In tho Wnikato, niid l« only two and throe quartor miles from a railway Btation. To a bora lido settlor this ia a llrst class opnortunity. Prico low; terms easy.—J. M. Lennox Kutiitu Agent. CIRAFTUN ROAD. — Klght roomed Houso, T with Urgo freehold allotment, Prlco, £100. —J. M. Lennox, Kstuto Agent I3UKKKOIIK WK«T.—Farm of 200 Acres, adjoining Huckland and Shepherd's; good lund. Price, uOd per aero.—J. M. Lennox. »o M( -i- SIX-UOOMKU 11OUSK on'freehold AOVV allotment in tho city. Prico £300; £100 cash, balanco can remain upon tho property.— J- M. Lennox, K«tato Agont. rpo FAIIMKRd-A Bargain.-Furm of 250 X acres, 150 acron of which aro In grass. Thlß Hrst-clasß farm is situated at tho junction of two roads, and is near a railway station. Price £1 10s per aero.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agent f« O FARMKRS and Others.—Ono of the JL Choicest Farms in tho Province. Thoro »ro 217 acres within 8 miles of tho city ; qaality of land cannot bo excelled: largo nine-roomed residence.—J. M. liCnnox, Kstato Agent. ttr For Houses, .Harms, and Allotments, sa my long advortlsomout in ' Weekly Horald." J M. LENNOX, Estate Agent. Auckland. riHAS, V%' ILLIAMSON, HOUSK. LAND AND KSTATK AOKNT. Vuloan Lanb, Auckland. RKNTS and INTKRKST Collootod. MONKY Invested for Capitalist* on first clans seouritiea, without Ciiarob. Skvkn por cent, allowod on duiiosita until invested. MORTGAGKS and LOANS NoKOllatod. SHARKS Bought or Sold to order. KSTATKS Managed for Absonloos. BUILDING ALLUTMKNTS FOR SALJI, AT PBB FOOT I— Home-street, 20/ Willlam-streo*, 15/ liorcsford-stroet, 00/ Duke-street, 28/ View Road. 30/ Cook-street. £!> Percival Purado. 35/ Kdwln-streel, 21/ Rokeby-street, 10/ Victoria-street. £10 Wyndham-stroot,£lolo'Grafton Road,Cs/ William-street. fiO/ Nelsou-Btreet. 40/ Rußsell-Btreot, 7/ Vine-street, 10/ Franklin Road, 60/ Shtll> Beach Road, 30/ Symonds-atrect. £1 Kyber Pbi i, 90/ i Backott-Btreet, 35/ Proapect-tu-uot, 15/ Conquest Place, 30/ Norfolk-streot. 35/ Wood-s'recr, 15/ Albert-street, 15a Upper Queen-street, 50/ Liverpool-street, 40/ Also, in various other streets at low rates. ■POOOn To LKND, In Sums of £10 and upX/AUVV wanis, on good securities UPPHR QUKKN-STRKH.T. — Soven-roomcd Honso and Ihreo allotments: two frontages, flno view. Che*p. Ka^y terms. "VTKWTON ROAD.-New Houso, flvo rooms, XI stable, two allotments, on ealo, at 15s weekly. No deposit. ■P,l HO— HOUSK for sale near Mount Kden *luu Railway Station; also, ono at £200. .pjOA-Vory Comfortable FAMILY RK-il £,*A\J UKNCK (now) for salo, with wator frontage: every convenience. ST. GKOItGK'S BAY.—>over«l allotmonts ,_ possessing fine viow« to bo sold on deferred payments, to suit purchasers. Money lent to build with. S:IX-ROOMED HOUSE and Six Allotments for ■J salo, in Ponsonby, on deferred payments J?1 9 K—HOUSE,'or sale on MountKden Road, ~I'JU opposite church ; allotment 33 by 100. A LLOTMKNTS Bought and HOUSKd Built XX on tho Weekly Ru-payment fcystem. J?«JOA~Nowand Well-llnished Hevon-roomed 3HOOU HOUSE for salo in Newton; large corner allotmont, detached workshop, washhouse, fowl hose, oxcellent garden. £1 Of»O-VXLLlA RKSIDMiNCK for Salo, at d*±.\jv\> Mount Albert, possessing one of tho finest views In tho district. +'9fiO—New Fivo-roomod HOUSE in Fern*'iuu leiKh-street for sale; garden, &c. £1 f^D—Now MOUSE, four rooms, in Russell--3J1.0V street, for sale. MOUNT KDKN ROAD.-New Fonr-roomod HOUSK for salo ; allotment. 99 x 198. £150 £20r)~ NKVV HOUSK for sale In West-atreoG, *" vv/ Nowton, near Karangahapo road. p RAFTON ROAD,-9i Acres in grass to lot VX (with House) on lease. Low rental. "DONSONBY-Villa Residence for sale, six X rooms, stabling, out-offlces, &c; 2 acres, orchard, &c; large frontage to two streeta; splendid view of river. i?4.i a—New Six-roomed House for Pale, in r' v Ponsonby, with two allotments. Splendid view of harbour. "I3ANMURE.—House and aore of ground for X sale ; flnoat position. Easy terms. JQnn—Six-roomed Houso, all tlnißhed, for *uv" saloin Lincoln-street; large allotment. £qi A—New Houso in Brown-street for Sale, '*•'* lv near Ponsonby Road ; two tankß /COLLEGE ROAD-Commodious Family Rcsi\J dence for Sale ; Gas and Water laid on. ■VfOUNT EDEN—Seven-roomed Honso and XTX Btablo; largo ollotmcnt. Prico, ifiiGO. ■PIRO" For Sale in Nowton, a Four-roomod jja.o\j House and nice garden, level. PUKKKOHK BAST ifino Farm of 107 acres for Solo, near Railway-station. Comfortable homestead ; little bush ; £110s por aero. VKAFIKLD ROAD. — Coinfortublo Cottages kJ Inewl, for Sale, on easy terms. -P9Ko—F'vo-rooinedllouoeand Workshop, oft ~*°" College Road, for sale; well finished throughout, quite new; two verandahs. £4< *> ( )•— No w House in Park Road, nine rooms, S^*«JV for Sale. Splendid view.-Also very comfortable House of seven rooms; large garden ; fine view. Kasy terms. rj.REY-STRKET-Six-roorr.ed House (new) for VX sale. Large allotment. Also, two shops, detached workshop &c, on very easy terms. oIIOPS in High-street, Karangahape Road, O and Freeman's Bay, for eale. cheap. £O Six roomed HOUSK for sale in Par- •*'" ' v nell ; quite new. Easy terms. MOUNT EDEN-Large New House, ilttod with every convenience (two acres ot land), for sale. Fino view. Tf ARMS also For Sale at Hunua, Mount Bdon, - 1- Waikomiti, Richmond, Komokoriki, Mangere, Paremoromo.Kaßt Tamaki.Stokes's Point waitakerei, Henderson's Creek, Papatoitoi, Remuera, Cambridge, Little.and Big Omaha Karioi, Riverhead, Morningside, Mahurangi, Wainui, Omaru, Ararimu, Coromandel, Meruury Bay, Okaihu, North Shore, Owhiwha, Papakura, &o. Also, see list In New Zealand Herald and Weekly Htws. oflA S. WILLIAMSON, ESTATE AGKNT Vuicam Lank jyj- it s. jy own, UPPER HOBSON-STREET. Established 1861. Svkky Description of Stay Cohsbts, &c. bukgioal bblts, upon tub latest imtrovbmiwtß. Siiouloer Straps Made to Omiek. arCountry Orders Punctually Attended To

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4