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Dampier's Wonderful Bargains. r a D I ESI Roiiiumhor we open now at 8 and close at 0; and on Saturdays wo olobo at 10.30. Como anil boo tho largo nlco lot of Wonderful Fresh Bargains, oommonclng With Ladles' Auckland Mado Kid Hoots, at 8* the pairt Pompadour Hibbon, 3d tho yd.; Satin and Filillo BeVornablo Kibbon, Gd t LtU-Ro Lot othel- Slimmer Rlbbong, 6d to Is* Very VVlrtb Sash Hibbon, Gd tho yd,; Leather Tablo JWaK Is (id tho set of B; Knives and Forkß,od tlVo pair; Hooka and Kycs, 2 cards for Id, or fid tho doz. curds : Glnsa Ink Bottles, with metal lids, M ; Black Bracelets, :id the pair; tho Fashionable Snake Bracolot, In tho rnlr; Silvered Snake Ilraoelots, !M ouch; Nioo Lot of Tablo Oilcloth, la tho yd. Toll your husbands to look In Iho Wakcfleld-stroot Window at my Black and Summer Kelt Hats, at is oach. lam rot aware that I've had bu 'h noheaplotof Folt Hatß boforo; Boys'do., tho Bamo prlco; Black Luatro, Kd and Is tho yd.: Boys' Hummer Suitß.l 5s and 7s ; Grand Metal Dress Holders, 2d; the now fashioned Ladlen Girdles, (id; tho Ladios1 new fashioned Thick Beaded Nooklaoes, Is fl<1; now fashioned Brooches (blaok or coloured), Cd ! Kid Gloves, Id the pair; splendid lot of Josephine do. (Whito and coloured), 2s; nlco lot of Ridlntt W hips, Is oach ; Largo Cards of Children's Tools, (id tho card ; Playing Cards, Bd tho pack J yimdsoroo ' Money Boxob, Cd; Woi'kboxes, nicely illlod with Scissors, Kc/ia; Toy Hells, 3d; Largo do., Buitablo for Tablo Bolls. Id j Largo Grand China ToaSots, 2s; Diaper, 1b thnyd;: Croohot Antl- I maccasars, la Sd ; Tollot Mats, la tho sot of 0; Omnibuses, Bd oach; Halt- Brushes, la; Cambrio Flandkorohicfa, Bd; Trniapota, Dd. onBh! Punch Chippters, lai Engines,lid; Turkey Twill, 1b; Frnmort Oleoßraph Pictures, la the pair; Grand, Pin Cushions, !ld; Large Jars Kimmcl a tornado,, Gd ; ViotorU Mats, 2d each ; largo nico lot of Ladles' Gloves, 6d ;,, SUrorior Fingor Rings, Cd; Infants' Feeding Bottlos, 9d caoh ; Children's Patent Leather Bools. 2a; Childron s Prunolla do., eizo Gto 0, 3a; Ladies' X.9. Boots, fiafid; Prunella do., Gsfld; pretty bottles Smelling Salts, lid; largo out glass b»ttlos Scont, Is Oil; 150 yd. Rtola of Thread, 3d ! 200 yd. licols oC Cotton, 2d, or Is lOd tho dot!, t Crochet Cotton, 2d and 2Jd; Buttons, 12 do*, for Id ; Cloth Vest Buttons, 12 do!!, for Id; Ladles' and Glrlb' Thimb'os, 2 for Id ; lirown Windsor Soap, 7 for Is; Olycorlno Bars, 7d tho bar; a fow Blind Tnswla. 2do»oh; aood si™ Picturo Crosses, 2d; vnassivoH-cornorcdßlaaslnk Battles, la; Lidles and Girls' Umbrellas, 2s; nlco Lot of Ladioa Whito Straw Hats, Is 3d : Glrln' do., lOd and Is ; Men's do., la and Is Od; Phoots of Fins, i for Id or oil tho doz.; Ladioa' Hardsomo Silk Squares, Is Bd ; Motley's Knitting Cotton, Nos. fi to 11, la l>d the Ib.; lnfnnta' Feeding BottlO", lid oaohi Book Mualin, od and 011 Stod Knltllh* Pi s, I for 2d: good Biao Tin Walters, i j Pretty Egg Clips, D for Is t foW Hull DroßSes, a HtHb soilorl, Js ; Men's Wa'klPK 3t}cks. 1b fcl ; Boya' do., Od ; KleCtro platod Forks, la ; dc £por>r.s, id. fid. and ltd t Boys' Wide framed Slates, 2d ; 2 Violins, With Hows, 20s each. Toll tho Shoemnkorß 1 )mvo a Nicu Lot of Ladi™' Kid Boot Uppers. 2s iho pair, and a Lotof Ladies' Boot Blocks, Is tho pair; nico Lot of Hoot Trunks for anyone 2a fi 1 to 5.i; Wash Leathers, la oach; about 15 doz. Tomahawks left for Is oaoh; Flaying Carda, Od tho pack; nice Lot of Gormnn Silver and Stoel Spootaclos, Is tho pair, worth 2a Gd : Slato Pencils, Id tho doz. or Gd for 100; Hair Nets. Id; nnothor Lot of tho Black Velveteen, 2* 8d tho yd.; Lot of Sarcenat. la tho yd.; Gents' tfat'n Bows, Gd and Dd; Nookties, 11; Ladies' Scarvos, 9d ta Is Gd; Pcorlesa Glos'. to Bbino the boo'a witliont bruihoH, tld; nico Lot of Mon's West Knd Collars, nizo 14,3 d (good quality); Blaok and Whito Berlin Wool. 3d the doa i all tha baautifulcolours, Jd; Ladles' Stays, la Gd tho pair; Calloo.Ud; Towelling,4Jd; Fre»h Lotof Whito ' Haok Combn. 4d and 6-t: Mons Shirts, la 3d to 2h Gd tho highest prlco; Boy» do., different sizes cheap; Ladies whito Hobo, 3Jd; Unblcaohcd do.,Gd; Other colours, 6d( Very Wido Whito Window Holland, Od per yd.; Oreon Striped do,, Gd; Como Ladios and see tho LoVely lot of i Ladles' Bummer Gloves I am telling at fid tho ! pair ; Children's Gauntlet Gloves, 4d; Ruche. ' different colours,2d the id.; Ladios'and Uiris Pottlcoats, 2s; whito do., 4s 6d; Boys' Dux I Collars, b'zo 11}, 3d the box: Mon's Grand Puggaree*. Dd ; xplondld Lino of Men'B Braces, ' lß;no.higher mice; Llttlo Boy's do., Gd: Puff Boxes, with puffs, 9d ; Towels, 2d to2)d; Largo Honeycomb do., Gdj Turkish do.. Is; Navy Rluo, Majenra M»roon, Groan. Brown, and Lavender Merino, Is 3d the yd.; Ladlss' Bolts, Gdandfld: Mon's do., If; Boy's do., Od; Hair Pads, 3 for Gd; Satin Tubular Trimming, Id tho yd.; Hooding Gla»s«s, to hold in tno band, 3d each: Nico Lot ot sctnt, 6d tho bottlo; Piping Cord 18 knots for 6d ; Fingering Wool. 3d tho hank ; Ladies' nnd Mon s Stand-Up Collars, sizo 15,154, and 16, 2d the box ; KmbroideredMat?, 9d; Notopaper, 2d quire; Flannol la 3d,—W. H DAMPIKR Ouoen-stroct WANTED, my Customers to take ps.rticula'1 notice of myChristmasHo'idaye' Lint of Bargains, comprising a grand assortment ot fashionable Millinery Bonnets, and Borne of tho Cheap»at Trimmed Ladies' Hats In Auckland. My house! ia celebrated tor selling the best and cheapest Kid Gloves iv town. Tho following list of prices will bo a Buro guarantco that the articles will lntura themselves to tlio public, especially Bohemian Kid Gloves, an excellont quality, in all sizes, prico Is Od per pair, worth 3s 6d; ono line of Twilled Flbx Shirting, at"d peryd., worth Is; Summer Fanoy 2-Button 2s, worth la per pair: a Good Dark Kid Ulovo, 2-Buttoned, 2a. worth 3s 6d ; a splendid value in Oatrlch Featherß. 5s Gd, worth 10s Gd; a largo stock of Long White OBtrieh Feathers cqua'ly cheap : 1000 yards of Dress Mohair, for Summer wear, 7d per yard, worth la Gd ; 30 dozen SI1 Scarves, Is each, worth 2s ; 50 dozon Laca Collarets, Is, worth 3s ; a good Uno in Black Kid Gloves, 2-BHtton,3a, worth 4a 6d per pair; Men's and Youths' Ventilated Straw Hats at Is Gd, worth 3a: a pplendid lot of Boya' Straw Hats. Is each. Tbla is tho only honso in town that has got the now Chinnello Frilling for Bnll Dresses : aIHO, a great variety of Gold and Silver Laco; tho Gent.'a New Tuscan Hata at ss. worth 7a G< A lot ot heavy Flax Hhirtmg, at 7d per yard, worth Is —WM. KYKB. Victoria-street.! J\ X A y E X Y. Wanted, all to Read this Advertisement, and keep it in their mind's eye, as the Prices aro extraordinarily Low, and the artiolos Good:— Lyon's Katharin, 8d a bottlo: lSiyds Maize and Kcro, Corded Icibbon lull silk), at 5d and 6d yard : 269 Turkey-lto<l Handkerchiefs (damaged) at Gd usual price, 1» each; Taeso Trimniing, ljd yard; Men's and Boys' Braces, only Gd a pair; Men's Merino Drawers, 3s lid—usual price, os for some quality: 200 pair Girls' Stockings, eizo 4 and 5,1s 4d per pair: warehouse price was Is 9d. so you can boo wh»t a bargain they aro at tho price. Ladies' Embroidered Chemises, 2a Cd each ; Handeomo Trimmed Night-dresses, 3s Od each : Whito Holland. 6d end "d a yard: it answora all the purposes of a strong calico; Ladies' Lace Falls. 9d and Is each ; a fow pair Ladies' Corsets left, nt 2s per pair. Bizo 25 inches ; 300 yds Lustre in Grey and Navy Blue, at lOd and Is, worth la 3d yard ; Crochet DolHoc, 2d each : Holland Pinafores, 3d each : a splendid lino of Ladies' Whito Petticcats at 3s 9d, worth fully 4s fid each. J. GRKKN, VICTORIi-STBKKT. N.B.—Panama Hats, 2s 3d each, which is cheaper than they have ever boensold before in Auckland. Qurvamittte. DEVITT, Gnnmaker, VA, Qneen- * street, Auckland, opposite the Markethouse. Established, 1859.—AlwayB in Stock and to arrive by direot importation from England made to advertisera own order,—Chokeboro Breech-loading Guns, Doable and Single Muzzleloaders, Bieech-loadlng Revolvers, Breech-load-ing Book and Rabbit Rifles, Game Bans, Gun Cases, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, and every article necossary to complete the outfit of a sportsman. An assortment of every description of Revolver Cartridges, and all tho best Branda in Sporting Powders are imported direct from tho makers by the the advertiser, who can guarantee thoir good quality. Cartridges for the ffinfleld, Snider and Terry Rifles. Metalllo Cartridge Cases, Chilled Shot and other specialities always on hand. Country dealers liberally dealt with. Guns Re-stocked, Browned, etc., and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable pricen. Notice.—Just to hand, a lot of good serviceable C. F. Chokebore Breechloading Guns cheap. The largest stock in Auckland to choose from. Also, in stock, a largo assortment of Fireworks of the best Duality. Fishing Tackle Portmanteaus FOftTMANTE |A|,U S PORTMANTEAUS I W. fHATFIKLD, Manufacturer of all kinds of Portmanteaus' Ladies' Travkixing Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Hat and Gun Casks. rra vellera' Sample Cases, and Leather Caooa of ovory description, made to size and order. 3entlcmcn's Portmanteaus always kept in stock i,in great variety; manufactured from the Best Colonial Loather and Sold at English Prices. C3T Repairs neatly and promptly executed. 25, Grey-street. Auckland. Venetian Bunas. A UCKLAND VENETIAN BLIND tX. FACTORY, lOKjSTKR OF COOK AND GREY STREETS ENETIAN BLINDS I VENETIAN BLINDS! Made of the best Californian Pine, guaranteed it to warp or twist. Our Blinds surpass all iported Blinds, Wood or Iron. We have a sry large stock of well-seasoned Pine Timir; also a Large Stock of VENETIAN LINDS on hand, assorted sizes. Wire Gauze linds made to order, and forward to all parts tho Co) sny at the shortest notice. A. & A. BUSBY (Late M. Hortok Busby), ENBTIAN BLIND MAKERS AND| WIEK I M WOBKKKS , I JBNEB OF COOK AND GREY STRBHTS *

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 4