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I WantedWAIN TED KNOWN, 300 Men's and Hnj'B' Cloth Caps, at Is; a lot worth 3s 6d, at Coomubb', 92, Queen-street. \T7ANTED, the Ladies to Know that » T they can have their old Jewellery ropnired and re-gilt or plated equal to new, at Singleton's, Electro-plater, Viotoria-Btroet. ■ANTED, BUYERS, 1500 yds Venetian Blinds, GJd; 2000 yds Wearing Tweed, Is 3d ; lOiOyds 'i will Ureas. Od; 300 yds Cocoa Matting, from Is 0:1 ; 100 English Millinery Bonnets, 0s Hi. —J. McLachlan, 218 Quoen-Btreet TTTANTED KNOWN that at Somerlield TV and Leoks Great Cheap Sale a job lot Of White Mußlins—checked striped and lace stripes—will he i-acriflced at B|d. WANTED K<vOWN.—Knvelopes! Envelopos ! Envelopes I—Thousands and thousands and tens of thousands. Linear, Cream and Vellum at Knglish price?, 2d par packet: l.ream Laid Note Paper (Ruled), 2d per quire. All Stationary correspondingly cheap at Goodson'b Novelty iJepOt, 111, Queen-street (opposite Tonka' Mart). ANTED KNOWN,Mrs Lucy, Ktraw Hat and Bonnet Manufacturer, desires to inform her cußtomeis and patrons that she has a splendid assorted stock of Ladles' and Gentleman's Straw Hats ani Bonnets ; also an assortment of Boys' and Children's do. Latest fashion guaranteed. Three doors below Albertstreet. In Victoria-street. ANTED KNtIWN, that Carlaw and Co. have on hand a Large and WellSelocted StocK of Timber, Shingles, House Blocks, Posts, Kails, and Palinga, Wo receive orders for oil kinds of. .Joiners' Work, Mouldings, &c. Timber by the cargo forwarded to any port from our Coast Mills. SAWMILL AND TIMBER YARD, Custom house street West WANTED KNOWN, that the undersigned has on hand, for sale, all those Vehicles that were exhibltod at lUlerslie, viz.: Wagonette Concord Buggy (double-seated), iwheeled Express, Baker's Cart; Heavy Spring Cart (to carry 2 tons); also, Tip-drays, PagnaTs Spring Carts, light and heavy. Now and Second-hand Vehicles, of every description, always od hand for sale —A. Maclcie, Roy&l Standard Carriage and Spring Factory. Durham-streot West, Auckland. WANTED KNOWN.—That which is termed the wrong sldo will bo found to ho tho right side of Quoon-Btreot for intending purchasers, At No. 11l the trade motto is, "Small profits and quick returns," or, "A nimble sixpence better than a slow shilling." Tho "Tom Thumb" has arrived tne other oovolties just being unpacked. Call and inapeot them. No old a took to oflbr at nominally "alarming sacriflco," all being imported within tho lost six months. O. W. GOOD3ON. WANTED, every peisou about to Build or requiring Building Material n largo or small quantities to call or, send their orders to the AUCKLAND TIMBER COMPANY (Limited). By aid of now and high-class Machinery, ovory description of Building Materials inauufacturod of a quality, and at prices, hitherto unknown in the Colony. Trial solicited. Prices to meet tho times. Bpcclal advantages (or cash. —Workß : Custom-houso-streot West. Office: Custom-house-street Bant, near Wharf. rYYrwT~wEN>s aND boys> *y,\J\J\J STRAW HATa (New Shapeß), Is.—J. Cosgraro and Co. Ecclesiastical. B OKNE-STREET HALL. — UNSECJLJ TABIAN SUNDAY SERVICKB, 14th November.—Morning Service only, at 11. SubJeof-, " Tho Power of the Gospol over the Soul of Man." "V"ODNG MEN'S UrfKISTIAN ASSOA CIATION, cornor of Wellosloy and Albert streets.—Mooting for United Prayor will bo held THIS (Saturday) KVJCNfNG, at 7.30. A Bible Reading will bo given. Friends cordially invited. A BIBI,K CLASS for YOUNG MBN ovcry Sunday afternoon from 3 till i. IDITT - STREKT Wealeyan Church.— Morning at 11, Itcv T. Buddie; Evening, at C.30, Itev H. K. I 'ewsbury. PKIMITIVE METHODIST SUNDAY SKRVICKS, Kxcolslnr Ha11,.-Thoro will be no afternoon service. Evening, at 6.30, Mr Baunderßon. NIT ED METHODIST FKEE OHUKCH, Junction of Pitt and Vincent etrcob1. —fcundny Servlcos, November 14, conducted by tho Kov R. Taylor—ln the Morning, at 11 o'clock, and in the » venlng. at 6.30. mUEAThE KOYAL: SUNDAY EVENJL JNG SERVICES, nndor the conduct of tho Young Mini's Christian Association Tomorrow Kvcninif, from Bto 9. All are invited. Seats Freo. __ •\TOKTH SHORE WESLEYAN i_l CHURCH.-Divine Service Tomorrow. Morning, at 11, by Itev U. R. Dewsbury; Evenla g^a^by^evT^Buddle. rnLLERSLIEWESLEV AN SERVICES. Hi —Divine Servico will bo conducted in the Public School-room, To-morrow Evening, at 6.30 o'clock, by Mr Lawry. "JVT E W MARKET WESLEYAN i.l SERVICEB.-Nowmarket HaU.-Dlvine Service To-morrow Kvening, at 6.30 o'clock, by Mr Dean. rpJEMPEUANCB HA~LL. — Geo. A. J Brown will preach on Sunday morning at II o'clock ; subject, "Tho Reason of Faith." H Kxlory, Kvangolist, will preaoh at C.30; subject/^Xho Dignity of eervlng Christ." OTDDFELIOWS' HALL (foot of Cookstroet).—Lord's Day Service at 6.30 p.m. Address by Mr Goodson. All scats are free, and cordial invitation givoD. No collection. RIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, NKWMAKKKT,—Afternoon, at 3, and Kvening, at 6.3o.—Rev J. Nixon. 4 lEMPEKANCK Sermon (byreq.uest) J\. will bo dslivored in tho Primitive Methodist Church, Franklin Road Koad, at 6.30, by Mr J. Cater. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NORTH SHORK.—Divine Servico will be conducted To-morrow (Sunday), 14th Novomber: Morning, at 11 a.m.. by tho Rev Mr McCallum ; Kvening, at 6.30 p.m., by Mi A. Stranger. CIONGREGATIONAL, CAURCH.Beres- / ford-street—Tho usual Services will be conducted To-morrow (Sunday) by the Rev R. Laishley, of the Thames; in the Morning at 11, and in the Kvening at 6.30. A NNIVERSARY SERMONS in cou- ±\. nectlon with iho Alox»ndra-stroot Primitive Methodist Sunday-school will be preached To-morrow—Morning at 11, Afternoon at 3, and Evening at 6.30, by Rev L. W, Isitt. ANNUAL SOIRKE on WEDNESDAY NEXT. Tea at 6 30: Publio Meeting at 7,30, when Addresses will bo delivered by various friends. CHRIS HANS' MEETING HOUSE, COOK AND HOBSON STREETS. LCRD'd DAY.—Morning, at 11, Worship, Acts 2—42. Address by Mr Kxley, from Nebraska; subject, "The Witness of the Spirit. Evening, 6.30, by E. Uarr; subjoot, "Did the Apostleß Proach the Conditional Immortality Theory as Part of tbe Gospel V MONDAY EVENING, at 7.30.—Mr Kxley will pr-ach; subject, "Beginning at Jerusalem." TUESDAY EVENING,—Tea Meeting. Tea on table at 6.30; admission, 1b Od. 7.30 free. WEDNESDAY KVENING, at 7.30. Mr Exley will preach prior to his departure South; sabjeet, "Kternal Llfo." ■ AVT ESLE YA N CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, ONBHUNGA. SERVICES 1 SERVICES! Will be conducted in the above Church, on SUNDAY, November 14, 1880, at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., by Rev. S. W. Baker, Missionary from Tonga. A collection will be mado after eaoh Sorvico in aid of the Trust Fund. ON WEDNESDAY, I7th INSTANT, THE ANNUAL SOIREE Will bo held in the School-room. Tea on the Table at 6.30 p.m. After Tea A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held in ths Church, when addresses will bo given by tho Revs. Baker, Buddlo, and DewEbury. Seloct Picoes will be rendored at intervals, by the MAORI STUDKNTSOF WKSLEY COLLEGE, THREE KINGS. Chair to bo taken at 7.30 p.m. QT. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN O CHURCH. OPENING SERVICE?. Tho above Now Churoh will be OPENED for Divino Servico on SUNDAI, November 14, 1850. Three Sermons will be preached—ln tho Morning, at 11 o'clock, by Rev. A. Caerick; in the Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, by Rev. R. F. Maoniool ; in tho Evening, at o.3i>, by Key. A. M. MoCalldm. , . . Collections at each servioe on behalf of the Church Building Fund. On THURSDAY, November 18, PUBLIC SOIRKK. Tickets, Is 6deach. Tea on the table at 6.30; after which Addresses by Ministers and friends, Interspersed with Selections ot Sacred Music T^PIPHANY MISSION CHURCH. • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th. LIMELIGHT ENTERTAINMENT, By Mr Percy Smallfibld, IN AID OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL FUNDS. Admission:—Adults,ls; Children, Half-price. To commence at 7.30 p.m. Stove and uven Maker. CIEE HERBERT A. SMITH'S >O OVENS STOVES. RANGES, &C, Especially the Nmv Zealand mCLIPSE COITAGK RANGE BE WAKE OF IMITATIONS g /lam. smithS g " Ia)CZZiCStID(D| % g LmjcklandJ * WHAT THE PERSONS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE SAY ! I have purchased several wrought-iron Stoveß from Herbert H. Smith for the use of vessels. and I can recommend them to owners end masters of vessel*. c . A . Harris. We have used Mr Herbert H. Smith* Ships' Stores In several of our vessels, and we can confidently recommend them as durable and in every way suitable for coasting vessels. D. H. McKknzie & Co., Auckland. Stoves sold on tho Deferred Paymbni Sxstbm. Auckland" iron works, DURHAM-STREET,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3