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/ Wanted. I — WANTED KNOWN, Farlour Mats, Sixpence each, and a large lot of other Wonderful Fresh Bargains, in the 3rd column •lth page.—W. H. Dampier. WANTED, a good Coat-hand.-Pos-senessikio, Tailor, ahortiand-strcet. ANTED, iwo active Boys, 14 or 15 jFearsjrfjige,—J, Grev.lCdon Cresent. ANTED, two good "Brush-hands,—J. Henderson, 8, Wyndham-street. ANTED, a General Servant.—Mrs Flood, St. George's Bay Road. Parncll. WANTEU, a smart Boy.—W. Head, City Market. • WANTED, Purchasers for Sewing and Kilting Machines just received by W. C. Donnes. WANTED, an Improver, a good Hand ; also, an Apprentice.—Apply Mrs Weatherly, Drejnnaker^Grey-street. WANTED, a Boy to work in a Jobbing taw Mill.—Apply to Thomas Thwaites, Custom-house street West. WANTED to Sell, a Rood strong Spring Cart fit for warehouse work.—Apply Star Ofllce. WANTED, to Sdl CxxxxxxxE Petti, conts at 5d each or 3 for Is.—J. Green, Viotoria-street. WANTED, a good General Servant, one accußtomed to upstalrß work.—Mrs W. A. WatormaD, Dining Rooms, Queon-Btreot ANTED, to Depose of a Rood paying Drapory Business in the suburbs.—For particulars app'y Stak Office. WANTED, the Public to inspect Singleton's now Stook of Gilt and Electrop!ated good*, yjctorJa-Btreot. YJtTANTED, Dressmakers who underVf stand tho business.—Apply to Mrs Kaglcßlm, Albany Houbp, Well»sley-stroot WOfit. WANTED, a respectable Female Person to look altor an invalid and child 12 months olJ.—Apply to Mrs F. H. Moody, Now-markot-stroot, Nowmarkot. W" ~ANTE"d7 purchasers for tho Lace Curtains still on hand, and which will bo cleared out far below valuo at eomerflold and Leck'BGrjatChtapjealo. WANTED, by a New Arrival, a Situation us wool sorter; thorouahly understands tho trade.—J. Milec, care of H. Watts, Nolsou-atroot, Auckland. ANTED, by a Respectable Young Person, a situation in a Baker's or Con fect'oner'B shop. — Apply to J. H., Young Womenn'lnstituto, Upper Quccn-atroet. WANTED, by a Respectable Young Person, occupation in a. work-room, or assistant to a dros«maker.— Apply to M. R., Youug Woiuon'slnstitutOj^Uppor Queen-street. WANTED, a middle-aged respectable Woman for tho country ; widow with chlldron will do.—Apply at Uopo Cottago, four doors from Ponsonby Hall, Poneonby, any forenoon. ANTED, a Rcspectablo Middle-aged woman, as working hou.o-kcopnr for a mun with n small family.—AddreßS, Alcha, Pai nell Post Ofllce. \\/"ANTED, a good General Scrvaut; T T must know how to wash and iron. Scotoh preferred.—Apply for address at this olllco. . WANTED, the Ladies to Remember tho Yard Wide American Calico at i± will soon bo gone from Somerlield and Look'g ANTED, a Youth to mako himself useful; ono with some knowledge of frcnoh-polißhlux ormattrass making preforred. Apply at tho Choap Furnlturo and Bedding Mart, Vlctoria-stroot, East; nuxt door to tho Pabllo Hot Baths. _ WANTED, by an experienced young Lady, a Situation as Barmaid in a firstclass hotel; lus good rofcrontoa ;no objection to go fc'outh.-E. lionrj's Registry, ShortUndstrooN ANTKI), Parties who have left jobs ■with Mr Schwartz, Watchmaker, QuoenKtreot, to c»ll for thorn at once at Mr U. Penahol;:, Jowcllor, Victoria street. T\7^N^EDnKNC7WN7Just Opened up Vl ft fcplondld Lot of Youths' Kngatia Shirts, all acw Patterns, ut CoOMUitfl' City ClotliingMart, 92 (Jueen-strott. ANTED, Smart Active Housekeepers to inspect tho Tablo Clothß which aro boing cleared out at Somerlield and Leon's Great Cheap f ale. W^AtfTED KNOWN, that Samuel VT Coombes has just Opensd up his Stock of Summer Clothing, which will bo sold Cheap. for Cash.—City Clothing Mart, 92 Quoon-strcct. ' V\7"ANTED KNOWN,-Mrs J. White, Vt Dressmaker, etc. (recently from most fashlonablo house in Nottin«ham), will Wait upon Ladies at their Residences on receipt of lettor.—Addross : Brighton. Parnell. ANTED KNOWN, 500 Men's and Youths' Fashlonablo Hats. Bought a lot, to bo sold at 2s 6a, worth 7s 6d, at Coomiiks', 92. Queon-ativtt. WANTED KNOWN, that J. Morrison, Asphaltor, has Romoved to his Now Yard Custom-Housxj-Btreet West, bctwooa Holwon and Nolson-stroeta. Asphalting attended to on tho shortest notice. Also, a Large stock tf Firewood, cut and unout; wholesale and retail. WANTED KNOWN, Just Opened a Largo Lot of Gonts' Straw Hats, from 6d, at Coomuxs1 City C othlng Mart, 92, Queenstreet. W~~~ANTKD to SELL, a splendid lot of ohlidren's now dresses at 9a. worth 15s, job lot of boys' straw hats 9d, worth la 6d ; girls' trimmed hats 6d, to dear them out 1 Look at the now advertisement on Ith page.—W. byre, Victorla-strcoU V\7At?TKD KNOWN, You Can Uet a T T Good Pair of Sox for Cd, at COOMBE3", 92 Queen-street. vy ANTED KNOWN, that the Cheapest T T House in Town for good Boots and Hioos of all sorts and sizes is tho Cheap Boot Shop, cornor of Queen-street &nd Market Entrance*. Como one, come nil. No credit to pay for. Large ttock. Must sell. ANTKD~KNOWN.- We are Delivering in tho City, for cash only :—Best Tltree firewood, 12s per ton; Ditto, cut in blocks, 13s per ton; Waikato Cool (best house), 22s per ton; Taupiri Coal (best house), 23s per ion.—W. & G, Winatone, Custom-house-street Hast and West. WANTED KNOWN.—To bring the celebrated Wertheim Treadle Machines into moro general use, we are now Selling thorn at from Five Pounds and up wards.—Uallenstein Bros. & Co., New Zealand Clothing Factory, Queen-street, Auckland; and at Albert-street, Thames. W~ ANTED, Kverybody to Remember Somerfleld's and Leek's Great Cheap Salo will soon close, and with it the opportunity of getting astonishing bargains in drapery and olothlng. ANTED KNOWN—AIes and Stout, best Dunedln and Nelson brands bottled by Bindon and Co.: olbo, Wines and Spirits, tlrst. quality; Ales and Stoat, 10s per doz. (quarts); 6s par doz. (pints).—Bindon & Co., High-street and Vulcan Lano. ANTED you all to know, that you Old Forks, Spoonß, and Cruets can ho Ronovatcd Equal to Now, at Singleton's, Victoria Btrcot. WANTED, Everybody to Know that the best Oil that can be used on Kauri Timber is Kauri Gum Oil. Vory suitable for flrst coat ot paint, and warranted to preservo tho wood. Can bo had at 3s por gal'on. Peoplo that want to Paint their Houses or Pigs had better try it, as it never rubs off. Splondid Oil for Finishing at 3s 8d per gallon -Atkinson and Co., Paint, Oil, and Varnish Works, Freeman's Bay, Auckland. ANTED, North Shore Excursionists to call at Mrs Foster's Luncheon Rooms (Two doors from the Flagstaff Hotel), whore they can bo accommodated with To* and Coffee at any hour. Every attention paid to the comfort of Visitors. Chops and Steaks. Strawborrles during the season. Apartments tc Let. Private Board and Renidence. Terms moderate. Picnlo Parties sut>"l>od at twelve hours notice V\T A N TE 1) KNOWN. To all in Want of Monky.—L, H Neumegen is prepared to advance the same on personal or any other security, repayable by Weekly instalments.—Note the address: 165, Queenstroot. opposite tho Savings' Bank. W/-ANTED KNOWW, that E. Carr V » -ud Son have to hand Building Timber in Kauri and Whito Pino, Shinglos, Houso Blocks, Palings, Posts. Rails, and Firewood in their Yard, Custom-house-street West, opposite end of Hobson-street N.B.—The increasing demand for White Pino has induced them to arrange for a constant supply. WANTED KNOWN, that D. Goldie is prepared to sell Ml kinds of Building and other Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Felloes, Iron-Barkand Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, Palings and Shingles, at his Yards, Lower Albert-street, near Dock, at the lowest cash prices. The timber, being under cover, is betiw than that purchased elsewhere. WANTEI>.— Wanted to Sell: 12 case Salt Cod-fish, only 6d lb; Pieton Blooters, 10 for 6d; Candles, 9d lb; Jams, 6d and 7d; Harper Twelvetrees' Washing Powder, {Cd dozen; Light Blue, 9d lb; Lemon Peel, Is 61 lb; Salmon, Od; Salad Oil, 8d ; Castor Oil, 7d ; Wino Glasses, 5s dozen; Tumblers, ss; Water Bottles, Is 3d ; Jugs, 4s set; Plates, 2Jd to 5d : Peanuts, 121bs for 3s; Mandarins, id dozen: Oranges, la and Is 3d dozen; White and Gold Cups and Saucers, fluted, 11b dozen; lot of Large Pictures, Is each, 3 for 2s 6d; Note-paper. 5 auires for lOd; Glass Butter Dishes, 2s and 2s lid Yellow Pie Dishes, from 8d to Is 6d; Toilet Sets, 11s 6d: Chambers, 2s 6d ; China Dolls' Heads, from 9d to is; China Dolls, id to 13s; Whybrow Popular Kelish, 7d bottle; Epsom Salts, id dozen packets; Tacks, 2d packet, Is 0d dozen; Iron Spoons, Id each, 7 for 6d; Tin Plates, only 3d; Large Tart Tins, 1 for 6d. 9 for Is: Preserved Ginger. 3s 6d jar; Thick Wire Nails, lilbs for 3s, 163 per 1121bs; Canary Pipes, Id each; Kits, 61 to Is each: Brown Teapots, Is 3d to 2s 6d; CMon Boot Laces, 3d per dozen; Spirits of Ammonia, 6d per bottlo; Canterbury Potatoes Jsper bag o£ 1} cwt. in each.—H. WATT 3 top of Grey and Pitt streets. WANTED KNOWN.—The Boss Puzzle has three games combined in one boxprice Is; Ladies'.and Gents'iFashionable Scarves, from Is; the Ladies' Indispensable, from is 6rt ; Pocket Knives and Button Hooks, from 6d; Elegant Carver Setß, in case .from 12s to 100a; Bibles, from Is 9d; Pass and Pocket Books, iromld; Gold-plated Albert Chains (warranted to stand acid), from 5s 6d; K.F. and S.. from Is ; Filigree Silver Jewellery; the Artist's Colour Box, Is 61 Blotting Pads; Gold, Silver, Jet, Pearl Fancy Solitares, Studs and Lockets, from 6d ; I.etter-copjing and Manifold Order Books ; Harmonicums. Is; Concertinas; Bread Knives, Is 3d Gents' White Linen Shirts Table Knives, from 6s 6i pr dozen; Wftx Dolls, Is; Nickel Pencils and Pens; Tumblers and Wines, cut glass, from 9d each. Porcelain Flowers'and Vases, Playing Cards, Letter Balances, Potosi Silver Forks and Spoons, Waltham and Geneva Watches, F»ench and American Clocks and Alarms ; and a Host of Useful and Ornamental Goods too numerous to mention, at prices Buited to this time of depression, at C. W. GOODSON S STORE, 111, Qaeen-stroot, London Ofllce, 58, St/Mftry Am

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3219, 13 November 1880, Page 3