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P Sewing Machines^ ; t■■£ j I Not for ah age, but tor all time DINGER'S qEWING ,Ty/TACHINES. SALES 187S,'7Itf Four VTeAits') SALES 1879 219,852 | n«arly 'j. 431,107 , MACHINES. ( DOUBLED 11 J MACHINES LAKGEST SALE in the WOKLD LARGEST MANUFACTORIES IN THE WORLD I ..J* ''■'}■' '-Aslil.^S- ■■■..■■.;„,■.».'.. -'."N_jji - , M.. ■; J^ I---.1 v! \'i -1 11*1 "I -■ - ■ _-' ' *''~-. :,-'. '■: s'' ",. '\ ■'.%( oi •■"'■ utl :!'i..!- ci .;^!>', In "■■', 'Mi A PATKNT TRIPLE 'ACTION BALANCE WHKEL, and muy havo, when require** n tho few Patent Cocoon Shuttle (to-- , ttoad of the Bobbin' Shuttle), ' " NEW FAMILY MACHINE loh Polished Wntnrlt Table. wlthJJraworß, Btand, and .Treadle, Pride 7. „ £a 17 0 ACCESSORIES CiIVENWITH EAClil lf i '-MACHINE. ' -'; ";:, , lFellor v n 1 Ex. Check Sprjpg 1 Setllommors Se Folder I 6 Shuttle Bobbins 1 T .ok-marJa, | » I. •■ £18 NeoOlea r '. 1 Qullter „' 1 Scrowdrlver,,.! : . 1 Braider __ JUBotUe of Oil 1 Straight Guide 1 Oiler 1 Screw for Straight Uuldo 1 Book Inatrcetlon 1 Extra NcodJo-ptate'-1- <-<*J n - Other AcccssoricsJCoc speolal classes of work Bro supplied at a small extra charge, i Prico Lis tent poet free. •'' "- ■ '*" ',T' SKWINO At kcBIN jfs for al.'.clauoa of work/ lilted to work by hftnd, foot, or stoam power, ■ Tho Sowing, Muclimen wade by. the Sinner Manufacturing Company ara acknowledged hy rnmtKon bonSent to bo by far JJip oeßt Sewing Machines that morhttnloal taifSmftr hfti been able to produce. Although the Bin /or Bo^tihfe Mnohlnea ore. comparatively; lato in- tha flold, yot tbe yexlr*o.di_ary demand /or. them dori-g. tho past fewyeara—aa indicated, by. tho successiveaiinnal sales—hsaoMlgedthia onterpriaing company to increase their Factories to an oxtont that bcciiib almost Inoredlblo,: The largest of their Factor .a la at Elizabeth, New Je'Bey. Here, the main bufldlrghn- 1100 feet froiitagei; forging Hhops, TOO tool; Fouridry,Boo feet by 100 foet; Cabinet Shop. 300 foet rPhcklng Shops.'JOafoet: 'J'lio main .buJldiuK- h-t four floors; the Oahlnct and Packing Shopa have each three floors. " '•'- ™ ■' Entire works employs 3,500 men. >'■•- • •'"' Tho yard contains Um'lua railroad tracks. - Thero nrd'also Fnctorl- a at, or,noar. tlio City of Oloano w, and tbe dimensions of Uiosa Worka may ho imagined, when we say that 8.900 hand here, as at the American worka. find ossßtaat employment, Tbo turn-out'of Machines alone Is 10,000 every week, or, at tho tato ol 300.0U) (half n million) for the current Tear. The various pariaiind new acceworlcß. needles, Oil, Sec, Sco , required tor the n .KW.two Sewing Machines, which arc In uso all over tho worldtliose demand special attention and much labour. A Staff of Skilled Mechanics and Sewing Machine (Export* 18 always employed for tlio solo purpose of making evory possible Mechanic .1 Improvement on tho Machines and accessories. Tho Mechanical principle on which Singer's Machines are built can hardly be Improved, and as a proof of this ll need only bo said that it is about the only Machine imitatora have endeavoured to copy, and only In America, but alao in Oreat Britain and - the Continent iof Europe Tho legal proceedingsagalftafKlbiball and Morton, Newton Wilson and Co., and Fristoraml Rossman. aro well-known. The oase against Nowton Wilson wns carried beforo the Houao of Lords. Tho Singer Co, wop. ~. . 1 Tho action against Krister lto-amnn'(a German Arm), occupied iho Superior.Courts Bovfintsfin days last year. The decision was altogether In favour of tho singer Company. -^ Since, thai trial no Sewing Machlno Manufacturers or Dealers are permuted to use the name " -Uoger" f in connection with tho style, make or salo of anyMachino except thosn ot the Singer Manufacturing Company a.UWN MAKE. I Aa thoro are either It ranches or Agencies in nearly every .town, iv the civilised world, alt who desire to have the Best SCWIng Machine' "and tho (Ilea-est, canea .lyo htainaOKNUINE SIN OKI;, uccmipunied with a Written or Printed Guarsnteo signed by.tho authorised tt'ient. : \., ■.., ", I i .'..Ti I lißjM-L'tJc. Tho Unparalleled Si-ccess of thiß Leviathan .Buainosa ran only bo attributed to the|Uniform 'excellence of ah tho Company's manufacture. 'as ,vvell _u> uj.tho most approved mochanlcal principles on which uU trigger's Mao-inea ore built. ■ \nn .notwithstanding the ywvv Great RbnucriON iwTntCF' . tho Company continuca to give Wonderfully l-'asr Turing to'Purchaserßon tho Biro or Dofcr*Cd Payment System. (I'o be conliuuud.) ', y jß^A.§ c oi^ oj f/IjPjjw aa f tr FORT STRICT, AUCKLAND. -W Gotree Meronante ~ J^ROWN, BAaJRETT t CO.'S AUCKLAND BTBAji. COFFEE AND SPIOEiMXLLS," I y^ COFFEES. U IS NOT SUFFICIENTLY-KNOWN -THAT GOOD COifFEE la the best Btimhh-tUx_ ' both for Winter ajid Summer. .' .."-' To obtain what you really want, ask for onr Best Brands, the KXCELSIOR or STANDARD, which have sustained their good names over Ten Years, and have -very much Increased In demand—a sure proof o their being consumed and appreciated in all households throughout and even oufrof onr province. ta. Wholesale only at onr Mins and Agents «. Retail at all Grocery Establishments la Town and Oonntry, 1 SS . ' 'Jur beat Jbo Kxce's Brand,greeolabel) qualities.' MeO stanaord „ tod VEverypkge 3-C^ Lion „ Pink „ I with our SJjj ssast-a,,, i,J fig-lWi At . s.Y. (VAt. KTOO-'J 2-2- ... i~m -~:,;, •• ', ■'- ■ fe s; ;;: ,' '"..J, .\.. : . v- .-■ ■•.,';■■,-.. S S S '■!.!)■ ■"■>■: " -us .> \ orti'- loweat felgAnchot ,; »ucer ~ ( quaUUee. 3£_ Crown „ yollow „ [without on* _»4B J signature. feSB ;:■ I Y.i sz.n >■ '--!f :' SM'-s '-' I OnrPKPPKRS and.'SPlOKHweguaranteeof Bost Quality, and free of adulteration. '.', BROWN. BARRETT &CO. Elllctt-streo . ■ ::'■: s.s Tulv ISth 1879., ~,., ..aLone'V. .~; ; „ ay.aiKHn ;»;_; •^,"; -y ,!";''";y ; Money to Lend on. .Mortgage ot. Freehold Securities.—George Fraser, Pablio Accountant, Investing and Estate Agent, W. 8. Grahame'a Bond, Fort-street, and,- No. 6, South British Insurance Buildings, cornor of Queen and Short-land-street, -~ . t.i-- , ■'■ .v- .--■■; ■'■■;-.i-.-.: ._,'-■ ■■•■•- MONEY TO LE^B On MORTGAGE of First-class Freehold Securities; 'Al**lC WM. COLKMAN, . A . , .•_ Solicitor, --.■■■ Corner oil Queen and Shortland-atfeets. MONEY XO LMl_l_r m ,arge or small sums at a moderate rate of lnterest.Jaokson and Rossoll. Solicitors.' : ■•'■■'- MONEY TO 'LEND, in large or small Bums^atLUSual latea-ai intorest, .— " CONNELL Se COOPER, I Solicitors, Tuloan Lane. ONI-Y TO LEND, on Mortgage.— F .Ring. Agent. Shbrtland-Btreet ■ . ..,., UCKLAND PERMANENT CO-OPERATITE BUILDING ''AStli INVESTMENT SOCIETY. . ' Office :— 93, LOANS granted npon approved; Bconrltlea o Freehold Or Leasehold Properties n Bums ol £20 to £6,000, principal and intorest being repayable in instalments, at the following rates for eTcry £100 borrowed:— . . , Repayments extend-p-.-nrr",; To'al amount Ing over fer weeK. jaepjyuj,^ ~™ a. d. . £s. . ... i years _Ai "i. 12 6 130 00' 6years.. .. .. 9 ! 1139 1' Syears - 7-6 156 7 6 10 years ■■ .. .'. 6' 31 162 16 8 Interest allowed on Deposits:—Fixed fori: months, 5 per cent, por annum; withdrawable at? days' notice, t per e-cb per annum. ,

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4