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Turkish Baths. what is the Turkish batM. In one Benso it is tho laying down of half the troubloß of exlatence; It is a regeneration Into nowllfo - a thorough inspiration and re-lnvlgora-tion. It brlnga eaae to tho body, and calm to the Bplrlt; it rovivca tho weary; cheers the sorrowful I pours balm around tho pain rooked irnli: Clatoß and comforts tho heaviest heart j givoa a man. In on- word, a now lease of his youth. This what the Turkish Bath Is: To botho or not to batho, that la the queatlon, Whether 'tis wiaor in man to anller Tho aches and pangs of disordered nature, Or to tako baths against a sea of troubles And by so doing end theml To sirip-to sweat— . No moro ; and, by a roast we say wo end Tho headaoho and a thousand natural Ills 1 hat flesh la heir to—'tis a consummation Devoutly to bo wished. To atrip to aweat— . To sweat. I nnd be Bhampoood; ajo. there B iho rub: And In the heat such evils may remove. Wo nocd not fhnillo off this moral coll. But Baye our lives, "l'isthls experience^ That tilakbs sb rahnjr take tho TURKISH BATHS: _ .: A For who woull baar tho whips and slings of Tho consumptive's cough, tho fat man's obesity. . Tho puugs of dyspepsia or Brights dIBiBBO, Tho toitnrlnga ot a-sthnia, or tho woes j Thatiilcohol upon tho lnebtlato brings, Whin he himself might hia deliverance tako With a baro bedy? Who would rheumatism \ hoar, , , „. And grunt and groan Undor a weary »«, But that an lguorouco of rURKISI J DA.IMS, Thdso ro-(llsoovcrea pleasures llito Which Wise travellers return, doth Btill prevail. And make ua tamely 1-oar those ills we »avo, llccdletßof roiiudios that wo know not or. __ Thun ignorance oft makes wrotohes of us all. And thus tho native huo of health and Ib sicklied o'er with tlio pallor of di»f a«o. But thus, I ween, it shall not bo with me; Tho good I know of, and olt have tried, I wlffembraco. Syk.s, in thy dressing-rooms Hast thou a place for me I ' Painters, Qlaziers, Ssc PAI'ERHANGINGS AND OIL STOKE, PahN-L- Risk (opposite Council Ofllce). It. DAVIK3 bega to Inform tho publlo generally that ho has Opened tho above premises with o Choico Selection ot Paparhaoglngs, 8c Im, Paint, Oils, Turpontlno, French Polish, Colours, Window Gliua, &0., and respeotfully solicits a sharo of publlo patronage—R. Davlos, Parnell Riao TjlX ' INGLEWOOD' & 'ADAMANT.' 623 Packages PAPERHANGINGQ APE R HANGINGS, BCKIMB AND UfSSIANS QILT MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS (Silvered, Plato, Sheet, and Ornamental), PICTURES, ' ' Artists' Materials, White Lead, Zino White, OUs, Vorn labes, Patent Silicate and Carson's Antl-corroalve Paint, Brnshoa. Colour a. Glue, Glass, Paper, Tacka. Gold Leaf, and all Trado Sundries, C PnoTOQßAPiiEits' Glass and Glass Shades N.B.—Notwithstanding tho extra duty on PAPERHANGINGS, wo are still offering the largest and beat selected stock in tho Colony at i the soino Low Paicas as heretofore. W. PHILLIFJ'S & SON, OIL A D COLOUR MERCHANTB, 96 Se 97, .UEEN-STKKKT, AUCKLAND, And at Pollen-Btroet. Shortland-Btroet "XTEW PAPERHANGINGS 1. K>B IKS. Largo and Small Buyers of Paperhanglngs will do well to coll at HOLLAND ft BUTLER'S Pal\-cntiANCiiNCis, oil, Colour, Se Glass Wakkiioubk, . 18 & 30. VICTORIA-STKKET, AUCKLAND, Where may be Inspected ono of the largest and bcst-solcctod Stocks of Paperhadgtogs in New Zealand, From Id por piece to tho most costly. GILT & STAINED PICTURE-FRAME MOULDING In Groat Variety. PitrrußK-FitAMiso in all its munoum. At loweat possible rates. Oils, Colours, Gloss. Varnishes, Brush* aro, Scrim. Glass Shades, Wax Flower Making Materials Sec, .c HOLLAND & BUTLER, Oil and Class Merchants. TJINCOUKAGE iX>OAL INDUSTRY. ATKINSON Se CO., Paint Oil and Varnish Maker**, Beg to Inform tho Publlo of Auckland that thoy oan obtain a SUPERIOR AllXifl) PAINT, ready for uso, at a prioe hitherto unknown in Auckland; any abode for Houso Painting at 7s Bd por gallon; done up in handy form in 1 gallon Tina with handles; halfgallon and quart--. Alao a Superior Oak Varnish, 10a per gallon ; Carriage Varnish, lis: a really Good Paint oil, 3a Od per gallon; Suparlor Paint Oil. 4a Gd por gallon. ' Estimates given for all kinds of Painting. All Ordkbs Punctually Attended to. ATKINSON & CO., RECLAMATION, FREEMAN'S BAY (NIXT KBLt.V'S FOUNDK-) AUOKLAND. m h i st l E rroTEL AND WINE AND SPIRIT STOKE. Above Theatric Royal. IV QUE BN-STRKET, AUCKLAND. M. GALLAGHER [Late Thames and Cosmopolitan Hotels], PROPRIETOR. THISTLE HOTEL, QUEEN-STRKET, AUCKLAND. SELECT BELLIARD SALCON, containing one of Bennett'j Prize Tables, the faatoat and beat tableß in Naw Zealand; and Alcock a Inhibition Table that took first prize at the Great Exhibition of 1802, the handsomest tablo in the Colonies. The rooms aro lofty and well lighted, and the marking most carefully attended to. J KARRIGAN. im EX X V HOTEL, NORTHCOTE, W} LATE BTOKEB' [POINT, J. MAXWELL, PBOPBIKTOB. Accommodation for Travellers. Saddle IHorsoe * on Hire j_, TERMINUS HOTEL, NORTH HELENSVILLE. F. Clabk Staff begs to inform Travollere and others that the New Railway Station la now opon for traffic, and that the steamers for Wairoa, Poit Albert, and Pabl, new lie at tho New Wharf; also that the Pott ond Telegraph Offices are situate within fifty yards of the The' Hotel Is commodious, and no effort will be spared to conduce to tho comfort of Its PftGood Stabling. Wines and Spirits (the best procurable in the market). F. CLARK STAFF, Proprietor. S.TEAMEKS POR THE NORTHERN WAIROA OTAMATEA. . ' Ana all Stations in tho Kaipara Dlstrlot, Start from the Wharf at WALKER'S KAIPARA HOTEL, Railway Station, Holonavillo. Poa cngors for Northern Wairoa or Otamatea, leav I ) Auckland, per City of Cork, at 3 o'clock Mondays, and tor Northern Wairoa or Port Albert, per Cltv of Cork, at 3 o'clock on Wednesdays, will find first-clasa accommodation, and every guidance, at the above HotoL A large and well appointed addition has heen mado to the Hotel. New and well-ventilated Single and Double Bed-rooms. Private and wcll-f urnlshed Sitting-rooms up stairs and down. First and second-class Dining-rooms. The Billiard-room is now, and fitted with one of Hopkins's and Stevens's best^Tablee, witb every requisite for the game. Ales, Wines, Spirits, Waters, andJCordlals, of best quality only. SADDLE HORSEB. STABLING OXOB A T H to Roth's Publlo Hot, Cold, and Shower Bath a, Victoria - Btreet East. Charge, ONE SHILLING. Open all week days from 7 a-m. to 9 p m., and Sunday Mornings from 8 till 10 a.m. The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, lesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, soap, tec Select bath-rooms (private) tor Ladios every day. at all hoars, with female attendance, One 3hh.tnq. Please note the addrew:—Victoria; jtreet East, abovo the Greyhound HoteUM

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3197, 20 October 1880, Page 4