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WANTED, a tidy Nursegirl.—Apply this office. .-■■ i ANTED, a respectable Lad to act as Messenger.—W. Flood, Auckland Club. FOUND, a pair of Spectacles in a case. Owner apply this office. WANTED, a good Cook at Moyle's Palace Dining, Supper, j and Oyster Saloon, Queen-street. WANTED, a good General Servant, with references.—Mrs.- MacCormick, Park Road, opposite the Hospital. ANTED, a Laundress for new Oxford Shirts; must be used to work for the wholesale trade.—Apply 31, Shortland-street. WANTED, a respectable person without encumbrance, as Housekeeper.— Apply at once at this office. __ WANTED, Cook and Laundress, gentleman's family; Married Couples (Waikato, Kaipara, and Wairoa): Man to garden, Governess, Man to plough and milk, 32 Females for hotels and private families town and country, tidy Nursegirls, Boys to milk.—Hannaford's Registry, Queen-street. WANTED, Two Carpenters.—Apply Auckland Club, Shortland-street, tomorrow, 8 a.m. sharp. TO LET, a Blacksmith's Shop.—Apply to Mrs Lawless, Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Symonds-street. A UCKLAND NAVAL BRIGADE. Snecial Meeting TO-MORROW EVENING, at Drill-shed, at 7 o'clock sharp. E. LeROY, Captain Naval Brigade.FOR SALE, one 74-inch Centre Screw Cutting Lathe, 9 feet bed, change wheels, good size saddle and slide rest, overhead motion. —Apply K.g., Stab Ofllce. . _ TAKEN or Stolen, on Thursday, 28th instant, from Mr. E. Gibbon's stable, a nearly new Saddle.—los. reward, and a further reward on conviction if stolen. STOLEN or Strayed,. from Onehunga, on the night of Thursday, 28th March, a Bay Horse, white star on forehead, a.litt'e white on one hind J eg, .-wither closely cut for, collar.—2os. reward if strayed, £5. reward on conviction if stolen.—John Brierly, Bus 3 Propri-tor, Commercial Hotel, Onehunga. - - ■ A UCKLAND RAILWAYS. Owing to a bad place in the Swamp, the LINE between Hamilton and Ohaupo CANNOT BIS OPENED on Monday, Ist April, as previously advertised, nor until further notice. By order. C. B. B. HANKEY,, , Acting General Manager.. March,3o, 1878. ___ ONE POUND REWARD—Lost, a Red Irish Setter Bitch.—Anyone returning her to S. Morrin will receive the above, reward. I MISS ROBERTSHAW, The Retreat, Parnell.—The Second Quarter for the present Year commences Monday, April 2nd. ATERLOO QUADRANT. — Mrs. Norman's School.—The'2nd Quarter of the year will commence on Wednesiay, the 3rd instant. WANTED! WANTED !—Wanted to Sell (very cheag), 120 boxes of very fine Raisins, only _d lb; only 13s per box of 451bs. Be in time. Preserved Milk, 6d tin.—H. Watts, General Dealer, Pitt-street. ANTED, a good General Servant where a Nursemaid is kept.—Mrs S. Jackson, Remuera. A | R C HIT E C T~URAL Draughtsman _____ wanted. Good salary and permanent engagement to one thoroughly efficient.. None other need apply. -Send specimens with qualifications to Mr. Grosholz, Architect, Wellington. WANTED, for a Country Hotel, a respectable young woman who is a good laundress; wages, 14s per week.—Apply at the Aurora Hotel, Victoria-street. __________ WANTED, a Boy for the Butchering.— Apply Rayner, Victoria-street. W 7"ANTED, a respectable young girl as TT General Servant: one who can sleep at home preferred.—Mrs. Cashel, Exonia House, Hobson-street. WANTED, two respectable Boarders in a quiet family. Terms moderate.—For address apply at this office. WANTED, Cook or General Servant; three other servants kept.—Apply at Bona Vista, Eden Crescent. WANTED, 200 yards of Pitchers delivered On Vincent-street.—Apply to Thomas Jones, Vincent-street. . WANTED to Let, one or two Furnished Rooms, with use of piano; a lady preferred^— PoraddressapplyattM WANTED, a four or five-roomed Cottage-, between Mercer and Auckland; rent must be moderate.—Address John Brown, care of Mr. Thorne, Cutler. Grey-street, Auckland. ' WANTED, 2,000 ft. Glass for Vinery purposes.—Price, &c, by. letter to F., Webb's Music Saloon, Wellesley-street. WANTED, by two young Men, partial Board and Residence; City East preferred.—Address, stating terms, " Home," Star office. ■. ' WANTED, a Carpenter at once.—G. H. Leaning, Builder, Ponsonby Road. W~~ ANTED to LET, a furnished eightroomed House, 25s per week; or four Furnished Rooms, where there are no lodger or children, 12s per week.—Apply at the Cheap Furniture Mart, Victoria-atreet East. WANTED, one or two respectable Boarders, 16s per week, at last house but one Alten Road. WANTED, by a young Man, Situation in a General Store; town or country. Has had 10 years experience.—Apply by letter 1.X.L., Star office. . •- __• WANTED. —A married lady residing in. the country (house beautifully situated facing the sea), wishes to receive in her family two or three Little Girls as boarders, to be educated with her own daughter.—For terms, &c, apply BW. Star Office. WANTED, Tenders for Parapet Walling and Post and Rail Fencing on the Mount Eden Road.—Apply for particulars toß.^Udy, Mount Eden. WHY should not my customers live a' long while, make their hair grow, and send their babies to sleep, as well as get rich 1 I help them to get rich, for the money sensible people save through buying off me is enormous; and as regards the first part of my statement, I have Hollo way's Pills and Ointment at ls 2d a box; Cockle's Pills, ls 3d a box; Cloriline, ls 3d a bottle; Weston's Wizard Oil, to make the hair grow, 2s; Barry's Tricopherous, for the same purpose, ls 6a, which I will let you know about another time; Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, 18 3d, to send the darlingß to sleep when they are in pain ; two superior Galvanio Batteries, 6,2 each; Ladies' Bows, 4d; grand lot of superior ditto, ls each; good Elastic, ls quarter-gross;' Pretty Bootees, 6d a pair; Puff Boxes, with puff, 9d, such beauties at ls 6d; they lock like solid silver, but lam not quite sure that they are; superior Hemmed Lawn Handkerchiefs, id ; Gents* ditto, 6d; large Looking Glasses, _d, not those kind that make you look horrible; Linen Buttons, 9d a gross; Hair Pins, different sizes, 8d alb.; Tailor's Thimbles, 9d a dozen; Crochet Hooks. 4d a doz.; Glycerine or Windsor Soap, 7 for la; large tins Baking Powder, 6d; lot of other Bargains, which I will tell you of next time.—W. H. Dampier. Victoria-street, corner of Hobsonstreet; | '■ • :;; - "■■■■; •- WANTED, everybody to keep the money in the country, and Purchase the Wangarei Kamo Coal. Try a small quantity before you get your winter supply. The best local Coal in the Province. All orders left at tho Yard, Fort Britoinart, or at Mr. G. Neal's, corner of Nelson and Wellesley-streets, will be promptly attended to.—__. Barr, agent WANTED -to SELL, .40 dozen Cut Josephine Ladles' Kid Gloves, winter colours, sizes 6, 6}, 6_, 6f; also, alqtof Fancy Ribbons, new pattern, 6d per yard; 100 yards New Wincey at 6d per yard, worth 9d.—W. Eyre, Enneskillen House, Victoria-street. O~LET, Merton Cottage, St. Stephen's Road, Parnell.—For particulars apply on the premises. LOST, on Saturday afternoon, two Keys. The finder will be rewarded ©n leaving the same at this qfflce. ■' . __j OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS|! OYSTER SUPPERS atCity Buffet. ___ WANTED, good Tailoresses V also a strong Boy to learn the Tailoring.—S. Coombes, 92, Queen-street. rfSkfe^ TT. O R WAIT AR A. yLi2____ J- ' ' "• "^^^R* The p.s. HAURAKI Will leave Onehunga for Waitara (weather and I other circumstances permitting) on WEBNESi DAY, 3rd instant, at. 8 a.m. - For freight or passage apply to J. MYNOTT, Darby-street; Or Capt. OAKES. on board. Parcels left at. Darby-street Store will be forwarded. . __ _ ■ ■ • ■■: - ■ . <»_Lj3»_ 'TT^ENILWORTH,' from J*§e£B^i _ -tV- LYTTELTON. discharge _^^_____^- inSat Railway Wharf. ■E-BBHmM Consignees are requested to present Bills of Lading and Pay Freight. _ Office: Opposite Gas-works, » Ist April, 1878.

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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2502, 1 April 1878, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2502, 1 April 1878, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2502, 1 April 1878, Page 3