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(From Our Own Correspondents.) METHVEN. Promoted by the Methven Bangers Company in aid of the Relief of Distress Fund, a successful and enjoyable ball was held in the Methven Town Hall on Wednesday night. Over 100 couples were present, including visitors from Ashburton and surrounding districts. Music was supplied by Terris’ Dance Band. (Ashburton), extras being played by Mrs A. Lawrence, Misses B. Beary, and Nora Owers. The duties of Master of Ceremonies were capably carried out by Mr W. B. Owers. A “Lucky Spot” waltz was won by Miss Gilbert and Mr Pawsey. An amusing interlude was the burlesque presentation of six debutantes. Members of the Rangers Company, in fancy dress, were responible for this part of the programme, and all were heartily applauded. Mr W. R. Owers, on behalf of the Rangers, thanked all who had assisted to make the function a success, especially Mr Terris, who had brought his band from Ashburton at his own expense to assist them in their effort, the amount realised being over £2l.

A north-west gale approaching the “Old Man” variety was experienced at Methven on Wednesday night. Vivid flashes of lightning lit up the back country where the conditions were very severe. Towards daylight some heavy north-west ran fell in the township, 22 points being recorded to 9 a.m. yesterday. Rain from the north-west continued with boisterous cold conditions in the back country and in the Rakaia Gorge. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Methven Lodge. M.U.1.0.0.F., was held on Wednesday evening, the N.G. (Bro. W. J. Dolan) presiding over a lai%e attendance. Invitations to the Waterton and Mayfield Lodges’ annual balls were accepted with pleasure. Bro. F. A. Anderson was .re-elected secretary for the ensuing twelve months. Three members were reported on the funds and sick pay amounting to £6 was passed for payment. Four candidates were initiated and one proposal Avas received. A letter of recommendation was granted to one sister. The Presbyterian Bible Class held its annual banquet in St. John’s Sunday School-room, Mr H. Prance presiding over a large attendance. A lengthy toast list was honoured and the remainder of the evening was spoilt in games and competitions. / BUSHSIDE. A dance in aid of the School prize fund Avas held in the Schoolroom. Dance music At as supplied by the StaA'eley Orchestra, and extras were played by Miss E. Christiansen, Miss E. Houston, and Mr F. Fagan. Mr G. L. Button Avas M.C. Miss E. Sullivan gave a recitation. Supper was mo ruled by the ladies. The first meeting for this year of the District Schools’ -Athletic Sports Committee Avas held at Bushside on Tuesday evening. There Avere present— Messrs S. T. Goldsmith, K. I. Robertson, J. Mea-rs. L. G. MoFarlane, G. Fittock, F. Cutler, W. Sharpe, and N. Hadler. Messrs Goldsmith anti Robertson Avere re-elected chairman and secretary’respectively. Mr L. G. MoFarlane Avas appointed trustee in place of Mr E. Perrin (resigned). It Avas agreed to bold the second annual sports meeting in Mr J. Burgess’ paddock, adjoining the Springburn School, on September 29. Last year’s programme Avas adopted, except that the 440 yards race lor boys under 12 Avas cut out, and 1; 50 yards race inserted. The question of children taking a post-primary course at the local schools Avas brought up, and it Avas decided that Form 111 pupils Oe admitted with the permission of the committee, and permission Avas granted in three cases. Messrs Goldsmith, Mears and Cutler Avere appointed a sub-com-mittee to draw up the order of the programme, and report to next meeting. The folloAving officials Avere appointed : —Organiser, Mrs S. T. Goldsmith ; starters, Messrs J. A. Mears and P. Sullivan; .judges. Messrs K. J. Robertson, F. Cutler, W. Sha.ppo. N. Hadler, and Misses Scott and Armstrong; records, Mr J. T. Bull- announcer. Mr L. Hicks, junior: steAvards, Messrs G. Durran, G. Fittock, W. Glasson, and L. MoFarlane, each to be responsible for bringing one assistant; postponement committee, chairman, secretary and Mr L. McFarlane. protest committee, the Revs. G B. Jardine and E. Osmers. It Avas decided to bold a ball at Mt. Somers and Misses Mears and Sharpe Avere appointed a committee to make the arrangements. MAYFIELD. A meeting of the local branch of the Ncav Zealand Red Cross Society Avas held on Wednesday afternoon, Mr D. J. MorroAV presiding. It was agreed to canvass the district for voluntary subscriptions of Is, so that funds could be forwarded to headciuarters. The monthly meeting of the Mayfield Women’s Institute Avas held in the Band Hall on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs R. Austin presiding over 35 members. Motions of sympathy Avere passed Avith Mesdames G. B. Murdoch, G. J. Murdoch and A. Miirdoch, in thenrecent bereavement. Prizes in the various sections of the spring flower show Avere offered I>v Mesdames 1). <l. Moirow, C. Dunstan, A. V. Barrett and W. K. DelloAV. An invitation to attend the Tiinvald birthday party was received. Mrs Austin reported that Mrs L. E. Williams, of Woodbury, had offered a prize for an essay on “My Impressions of Conference.” It Avas decided to start a folk dancing class and •to endeavour to send a team to the competition at Temuka in. November. The competition for the best raAV avool rug Avas Avon by Miss N. Dunstan, with Miss E. Maidens second and Miss E. Dunstan tlnrd. For the most artistic bvitway cushion filled with avool, Mrs E. Dunstan was first, Mrs J. McCormick second and Miss E. Dunstan third. The hostesses Avere Mesdames C. iDmistan, W. J. Riley, the Misses E. and N. Dunstan and W. Ellery. A terrific gale from the north-Avest raged throughout Wednesday night, but bo far uo damage has been reported . LYNDHURST. At the monthly meeting of the Lyndliurst branch of the Women’s Institute, the president, Mrs Scott, presided over a good attendance. An invitation from the Lauriston branch to attend their

birthday party was accepted. Tea. was served "by the hostesses, Mesdames Gadd, Henderson, Luav and Limbrick and Miss Lrav. The second birthday party of the Lyndliurst Women’s Institute, which took the form of a social evening, was held in the hall. Representatives were present from the Methven, Lauriston, and Barr Hill Women’s Institutes. The programme consisted of the folloAving: Folk dancing by the school children; tAvo playettes, the performers being Mesdames Cook, D. Chambers, W. Chambers, O. Symes, S. H. Anderson, L. C. tinier,son, McQuilkin and Aitken and-Misses Gilliam, Callaghan, Cretney and Law. Competitions Avere won as' folio avs : Children’s bun-eating, Master Norman Capon ; surprise packet for men, Mr. Roy "Drummond; candle lighting, Mr Ray Williams. The birthday cake, which Avas made, and iced by Mrs P. Prcbble, was cut by Mrs I’. Scott, the candles being lighted by Mrs A. C. Gadd. Mrs Cooksley (Methven) and Miss M. Hampton (Lauriston) Avished the branch “many happy birthdays.” Mrs Cooksley presented the prizes for the most points in the competitions held during the year :—Demon,stations, xMiss Law; cooking, Mrs F. Scott; amusement, Mrs 0. W. Symes. A cake competition Avas Avon, by Miss Mabel McDowell. Music for the dancing as supplied by Mrs Moylan (Ashburton), extras being played by Mr George Petrie. Mr A. C. Gadd Avas master of ceremonies. At a meeting of residents, held recently, it AA'as decided to give a fareAvell social on August 17 to Miss W. Tallott, Avho has resigned her position as assistant mistress, after nine years’ service, to take uo another position at the Sefton School. HINDS. The monthly meeting of St. Luke’s Mothers’ Union Avas held in the vicarage on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs B. Tayler presiding 0A T er a good attendance. A discussion as to arrangements to link up Avith members from Coldstream anxious to join. The Rev. B. Tayler gave an address on the first tAvo papers of the Creed. Community singing, Avliieh folloAved, Avas enjoyed by all, being led by Mr Tayler. Tea Avas served by the hostesses, Mrs Middleniass and Mrs Hampton. RAKAIA. The monthly meeting of the Rakaia branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union Avas held in St. Andrew’s Schoolroom on Thursday afternoon, Mrs Boag presiding. Motions of sympathy Avith Mrs Boag in the death of her brother and Avith Mrs Hollis in her illness Avere passed. Mrs Allan and Mrs Saunders Avere appointed delegates to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union convention to be held in September at Timaru. The speaker Avas Mrs Cooke, avlio gave an interesting address on Fay Inchfawn. It Avas decided to ask Mrs Rlohinson, president of- the South Canterbury executive, to give an address at the September meeting. SPRINGBURN. The monthly meeting of the Springburn School Committee Avas held on Monday evening. There AA'ere present: Messrs L. G. MoFarlane (chairman), E. Aldridge, B. Flynn and A. G. Langl'idge. It Avas decided to apply to the Board for a ne/ floor in the big room of the school. It Avas reported that unemployed Avould be Avorking at the school grounds next Aveek. Final arrangements Avere made for the school concert and dance.. Following several springlike days heavy northwest rain, amounting to 67 points, fell yesterday, giving the land another good soaking.' WAKANUI. The annual meeting of subscribers to the Wakamii Public Library Avas held in the school on Wednesday evening, the president (Mr C. J. West) presiding over a fair attendance. The bal-ance-sheet showed a substantial credit. It Avas decided to buy new books. Officers Avere elected as folloAv :—President, Mr C. J. West; secretary and treasurer, Mrs E. Begg;' librarian, Mr W. •Hendrie; trustees, Messrs J. Leddv, W. Hendrie, M. McDoAvell and Mrs Begg. A vote of thanks Avas accorded the president secretary, and librarian. The fortnightly meeting of the Wakaimi Good Templar Lodge Avas held in the hall on Tuesday evening. In the absence of the C.T., Pro. A. Begg, P.C.T., presided over a fair attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Gg.di.yane and family in their bereavement'. Bro. Begg reported having attended the banquet of the Star of East Lodge. Ashburton. For harmony a hockey match Avas played, Sister Eden’s team being the Avinners.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 53, Issue 257, 11 August 1933, Page 8

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COUNTY CENTRES Ashburton Guardian, Volume 53, Issue 257, 11 August 1933, Page 8

COUNTY CENTRES Ashburton Guardian, Volume 53, Issue 257, 11 August 1933, Page 8