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(From Our Own Correspondents.)

IVSETH YEN. The usual meeting of the vestry c the Metliven parocniai district was held in the parish hall on S\ ednesdaj Present: The Rev. F. A. Tcoley (intin chair/, Messrs J. Temple, P Cookson G. Cookson, A. Bremer, J. Adam: ‘ (Righbank), N. Magimus, J..R- Ual toiy, iVi. A. Stone, T. S. Ramson, am W. A. Ha den (secretary). mttei was received from the chairman of tin Diocesan Foreign Missionary Committee advising that Metliven s quota to wards missions had been estimated. ■ £45 for the current year, and oftenih to assist any parish in missionary woii by providing a speaker or lan £ true for meetings. lhe , J“ Secretary wrote on the mattei of ieligicus exercises in schools, asking tna all possible support might be given ir connection with Mr Isitts Bill. fm followisp' resolution was carried imam measly That the Religious Exercises in Schools Bill now being pro m oted by air Isitt at the request d t me-tinf-' of the Archbishop and bishops of New" Zealand and representatives oi the Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and otbei communions has our hearty suppoi t. Although the measure lias been defeated, it was decided to forward tun resolution to the Diocesan mcreta Iy, ,The secretary reported having written a letter of sympathy to Miss Crump on behalf of the vestry, expressing reg' et at her indisposition and the hope that she would soon recover her health. Miss Crump, who has been organist at All Saints’, Metliven, for some years, has been very ill for some time. - It was announced that the gross proceeds of the recent concert given by a party of artists from Ashburton amounted to £24, and this was considered very satisfactory._ The secretary was requested to write letters of - thanks to the organisers of the concert party. The vicar reported that the contract for the- installation of electiic light in all church buildings and the vicarage had been completed. An application was made for tue use of the classroom by 'the Plunket Society. It was decided to grant them the use of the room for afternoon meetings only, free of charge. An enquiry was made on behalf of the school committee as to whether the vestry would let the hall for school classes if required by the committee in connection with the proposed High School for- Metliven. It was decided to''give every encouragement to the scheme, and the mattei was left in the hands of the vicar and Wardens to meet the school committee. Mr W. Page’s offer to hold a boxing tournament some time next month in Metliven was accepted. The question of the annual flower show arrangements was discussed, and the following officers were elected: —Mr P. G. S. Cookson, secretary; Mr S. Smith, supervisor of floral department. A sub-committee consisting of Mesdames Breme*- and Pawson, the Rev. A. F. Tooley, Messrs Cookson, Bremer, and Haden was elected to draw un the schedule. The date of the show was left ever to lie-fixed by the sub-com-mittee. Mr Tooley entertained the vestry to supper after the meeting. During the evening Mr Henry Maginnis presented warrants to Scoutmaster the Rev. F. A. Tooley and AssirtantScoutmaster J. Temple, and congratulated them on the success that had attended their efforts on behalf of the i scout troop. ! On Thursday afternoon a meeting was held in All Saints’ Parish Hall of Dr. Bernardo's committee. Mrs S. .Smith, vice-president, was in the chair, and there was a good attendance of members of the committee. Tim business of the meeting was to receive the resignation of Miss Guffie, who lias been secretary for some time. Eulogistic speeches were made by Mesdames ‘Smith and Tooley as to the good work done by Miss Guffie during her term of office. The resignation was accepted with regret. It was decided to have the “box’ 5 opening towards the end of October. Miss D. Marsden was unanimously elected to the position of secretary. i

JRAKA >A. -nUMMrf Now that the football has so far progressed it is profitable to review the position so far as it affects Rakaia. It was very strongly debated at the beginning of the season as to* whether ft was advisable to attempt to run a full schedule of four teams this year. The bolder counsel prevailed, and the club undertook to put in the held 60 players each week. It was a big undertaking for the district, hut there can be no. question it was a step in the aright direction, for apart from the question of success or this year, the present team organisation will form a very solid basis on which to prepare for championship honours next. year. Last year the fourth grade brought success to Rakaia’s banner, this year the third grjde has established for itself an unassailable position. Their enthusiasm has brought .about their well-merited win.

MOUNT SOMERS. ft.. A successful dance was held in the Memorial Hall in aid of the Library Building Fund. Music was supplied by Mrs Wood, Miss Wood, Mr L. Hood and Mr T. Oarnck. Mr 1. Moody acted as MX*. The lucky spot waltz was won by Miss Campbell and partner. The Mon’a Club held a euchre evening on Monday, when a very enpoyable evening was spent. Miss, McDonald won the ladies’ prize and Mr N. Beckley the men’s, consolation prizes being won by Mrs L. Hood and Mr b. Stevens. It- is understood the Education Board has accepted an offer for the purchase of the old schoolhouse, and lias authorised the erection of a new dwelling. Shooting on the Mount Someis range on Tuesday the best scores were:—G, Bland 34-31 E, Giflcms 33-33, J. Corn© 33-31, A. Gifkms digs P. H. Jones 32-31, Hood 31, Jj ’G. Hood 30. In the shoot-off for the trophy presented by Messrs Giaham Wilson and Smellie, Mi . G Bland won with 34, runner-up being Messrs J. Corrie and K. Hix.


The fortnightly meeting of the Pride ©f Wnkanui Lodge, No. ol x l.U.vx.i.,

/.as held in the schoolroom on Tuesday evening. Mr McLean presided over a very large attendance of 1110moers. A vote of sympathy was passed to the relatives of the late Mrs Hill, senr., (a charter member), who had passed away at Borton’s, Oamaru. The following officers were elected:—G'.T. Mr N. Corbett; V.T., Mrs J. Wilson; Chaplain, Mrs Kirk; treasurer, Mr A. Doak; secretary, Mrs Regg; F.S., Mr Thompson; marshal, Mi- "p. Morrison; guard, Mr J. But-t-rick. For the next meeting m a month’s time the harmony is to be a mayoral election. Seven candidates were nominated. Mr N. Corbett gave an interesting paper on prohibition, and was accorded a vote of thanks. A spelling competition was conducted by Misses J. Shepherd and T. Wilson. _ Mr Butterick presented the prizes to tho winners, Miss E. Wilson being first, Mr N. Corbett second, and Mr A. Amos third.

DORIE. At the weekly shoot- of the Done Miniature Rifle Club the prize was a . trophy given by Miss Harrison Ihe . following tied with total scores of 3o: (i. Hyland 35 (1), R. Turnbull 33 (3), S. Gardiner 29 O'), W. Baines 30 v o), 3 Baker 34 (1), E. Sprott o2 (v), D. McMillan 34 (2), M. Kingsbury 31 (1). On the second shoot-off D. McMillan won; W. Banks being second. S. H-J----land registered 14 consecutive bulls, -which is the highest number for wie season. n Never has the Ardanune Hall at Dorio been seen to better advantage than it was on Wednesday night when the bachelors of Doric held their annual ball. The scheme of decorations, carried, out by the bachelors themselves, in orange- and green, were most effective. Greenery was employed on the walls, while streamers of the two colours were used overhead. Round the lamps hung festoons harmonising with the colour scheme. The stage was transformed into a model orange grove, with oranges appearing here and there, and comfortable scats for the nondancers. Visitors came in large numbers from Christchurch, Ashburton, Rakaia, Chertsey, Pendarves, and the Mead. The floor had been well prepared, and was in first-class order. The best of music was supplied by Mrs Mitchell’s orchestra from Ashburton, and extras were played by Misses Richards, K. McMillan, B. Stewart, and V. Fox. Mr M. F. Kingsbury made an efficient M.C., who saw that the dances followed each other in quick succession without undue- delay. There were three novelty dances—a streamer waltz, flirtation waltz, and a lone-hand waltz. The prizes in the latter wero won by Mr and Mrs Stanlake, of Rakaia. ’The bachelors were thorough in the work that was required, and this was seen nowhere better than in the supper-room, which was decorated with greenery, and the tables with rose-ninl: japonica in tall crystal vases. The sitdown supper had been prepared from Christchurch, and the bachelors waited on their guests. During an interval Mr Jas. Lainbie, on behalf of the guests, thanked the bachelors for the very enjoyable evening provided. He recognised that it was only by an immense amount of work that the function had been organised so successfully. Mr M. Kingsbury the secretary of the committee, replied on behalf of the bachelors. The gathering broke un in the early hours with the singing of “ Auld Lang Syne.”

MEWLANDS, An enjoyable faitey dress hall v.uvheld in the NeWla.nds schoolroom on Tuesday evening. The room had been prettily decorated with red and black streamers and greenery, and the floor was in excellent order. The music was provided by Mr W. Rankin, and Mr P. Lysaght made a capable MX. The prizes for the best fancy dresses -.vent to Miss Margaret Lysaght as “Leap Year’s Refusal, 1888.” aM- to Mr P. Lysaght as the “‘Sentimental Bloke.” The prizes were presented by Mr B. C. Donnelly. During the evening vocal items were given by Miss K. Dwyer, bliss W. Kermeen, and extras were played by Mr W. Whalley (Bromore).

CHERTSEY. At the Miniature Rifle CTssb last week the ho tty button was won by V-. Cain with a score of 34 off th# rifle. x\t the weekly shoot on Tuesday might the hotty button was won by O.- McSweeney w r ith a score of 3o on the rifle For a trophy presented by Messrs J. Orr and Co. (Ashburton), the following tied with a. score of 35: M Sproti 31 (5). P. McCann 30 (/), and R. Fleet 27 (8) As tne hour was late, it was decided to shoot-off for this trophy next night, when there will be another trophy presented Mr Robilliard (Ashburton), which will be shot for over three nights.

MT. SOMERS—SPRINGBURN. The sixth annual festival of the Mt. Somers and Springburn Musical and Elocutionary competitions will be held in the Mount Somers Memorial Hall on October 24th and 25th next. This little country district has run a most successful festival during the past five yeais, and the standard of talent has been very high as compared with the big metropolitan centres. Last year s entries ivere received from all over the county and from as far away as Christchurch. Mr W. Farquhar Young, of Christchurch, who acted in the position of judge last year, has again accepted that position for the forthcoming competitions. The syllabus of events is very concise. The test pieces in the vocal and instrumental sections are exceptionally rood, and in the elocutionary section selections from Kipling, Masefield, Stevenson, besides the eustoroaij Shakespearean items will ho on the syllabus. „ , 'Mr J. T. Bull, of Mount Somers, has all the arrangements well in hand and the book of words will bo issued shortly.


The bachelors of Alford Forest held their first annual ball in the school on Wednesday night, .There Wa s a very large attendance, including 'imS from all parts of the ®str.ct ami also from Methven and Ashburton. The hall was tastefully decorated with

streamers of green and gold and Japanese lanterns greenery, and mistletoe. During the evening a number of novelty dances were held including Cinderella waltz, flower waltz, and ex-

cuse-me waltz. The music was supplied by Mr L. Allred, _of Metliven, and was one of the main factors in making the dance such a success. Extras were played by Messrs Chapman Bros. The duties of secretary were undertaken by Mr Jack Chapman, while Mr C. King carried out the duties of M.C. in a very efficient manner. Taken ail in all, tho first bachelors’ ball at Alford Forest was a great success, and tlie next will be eagerly looked forward to.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLV, Issue 10168, 25 July 1924, Page 6

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COUNTY CENTRES Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLV, Issue 10168, 25 July 1924, Page 6

COUNTY CENTRES Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLV, Issue 10168, 25 July 1924, Page 6