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A petition of Arthur Cooper and 38 others for legislation to hcense bookmakers under the control of the Racing Conference was reported on in 1 aina ment yesterday. A question of pohcy being involved, the committee had no recommendation to make.

The road that is being constructed by the Public Works Department m the Rakaia Gorge, is nearing compJetion and it is anticipated that the woxst cutting—that round the lull between Redcliffs and Glen Rock Station will be finished in two months time.

The Levin Co-operative Dairy Company has paid out Is id per lb toi butter-fat for the June-July period as against Is 8d for the corresponding period of last year. For Ruku w nch as a cheese factory works on a diffeient principle of pavmont, the prices are Is “ Xls res/ectivoly. The following North Island factories have also declared their payments for the month of June Shannon, Is id; New Zealand Farmers’ Dairy Union Awahun, Whakaronga, Newbury, Is bd; wairanga, Itongotoa, Is fid; Tiakitahuna, Ravenwood, Manawatu Reliance, Is 3d.

The possibilities of the Kermadecs as a, suitable ground for trawling operations were referred to at Auckland on Saturday by Mr Gilbert fa, .for , managing director of Sanfords, Ltd. He stated that his company is considering: the question of sending one ot the largest trawlers to the Kermadecs as an experiment. This group of islands, being only about 600 miles from Auckland in a north-easterly direction, should be easily reached by a trawler in about two and a-half days. Inhumation. has been received that tne waters at the Kermadecs abound in fish. The difficulties, hmveven, stated Mr Sanford, is that while there are plenty of fish in the vicinity of the islands sharks are also plentiful, and would militate somewhat against successful trawling. However, it is more than likely that the experiment will be tried.

At the conclusion of Air Allan McF.l wain’s concert, broadcasted by Auckland Radio Service, from Auckland last week, the operator broadcasted a. request to listeners-in who had enjoyed the entertainment asking them to write or telegraph the station. The result of this request was remarkable, and reports poured in from all over New Zealand, and as tar South as Invercargill an excellent reception was experienced. Mr Hazeldone, of that town, telegraphed that using a loud speaker, the full programme was heard perfectly all o\ei a large I*oolll. He reported that the tone and quality were perfect. Another remarkable long-distance report came from Mr Angus, Croimvell, Otago, wffio telegraphed reporting a strong, clear reception, on a single valve receiver. The air-line distance from Auckland to Invercargill is approximately 800 miles, and to Cromwell 700 miles

Messrs Smallbone Bros.’ Garage (Burnett Street entrance), wall be open to-night for the convenience of patrons of the Boxing Tournament.— Advt.

The neatest and sweetest car you ever saw. Such is the general opinion of the English Vulcan 12. The first of these- post-war cars to find an owner in this district has arrived. It is painted a light fawn colour, and upholstered in real Morocco leather to match. The especial features of the Vulcan are- wide track 4ft. Bin.. long wheel base 9ft., large wheels 30 x with Dunlop Magnum Cord tyres. The hood folds down neatly when not in use, and the door opening curtains are’ a valuable, adjunct. Wonderfullv easy to drive and a marvel of power and reliability, the Vulcan is sure to win manv admirers in this territory. G. H. Carson invites all interested in the latest English production to call and inspect the Vulcan 12.—Advt.

Some folks have an idea that framed enlargements are expensive things But the Bunz Studio can give yon a reallv handsome enlargement, solid!'framed, from 455. The work is of the high order usually associated with the Bunz Studio, and at such a moderate price no one need forego the pleasure of haring their favourite photograph enlarged to proportions suitable for hanging. Bunz Studio address is: Burr,'tt Street (opposite Guardian). Can in and talk it ovrtr.—— Advt.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the first airplane flight across the English Channel, M Bleriot,. the famous pioneer of French flying, making the trip in 1909.

A farmer in a South Canterbury district last year put down 100 acres of wheat. He had the best crop in the district, but the net return was only £ll9. Another 100 acres of the same farm netted £223 from lamb-raising, after paying all expenses.

In connection with the unveiling of the memorial window at St. Stephen s Church on the mornmg of Sunday weeir there will be a church parade of ail Senior Cadets, Boy Scouts, Territorials, returnod soldiers, and all other available troops from this distract and the Ist Canterbury Mounted Rifles Band will be in attendance.

At the Lyttelton poultry and pigeon show last week Mr G. Bandy, of Ashburton, secured first in Black Orpington pullets, two specials, rose bowl, and club cup; second in hens, first in trio, first in selling. Mr T. Rattray, of Ashburton, in the Plymouth Rocks, got a first, special, and championship for cockerels, and first in pullets.

Replving to a question by Mr Witty, the: Minister of Railways stated tnat excursion tickets at cheap rates are issued over the railways at suitable periods, and these provide reasonable opportunity for any persons who desire to visit the various scenic resorts or the Dominion. It is not considered that excursion tickets issued at other periods-of the year would be availed of to any considerable extent for the purpose mentioned, and they would simply result in a depletion of the Department’s revenue.

The Hon. J. G. Coates says the Government is satisfied that section 21 of the Highways Act places a statutory duty upon the hoard to allocate tyre tax and motor vehicle annual license fees as between the North and South Islands, on the basis of. the number of vehicles in use in both islands. To enable this to be done it will, of course, he necessary to have all motor vehicles registered annually, in order that the number of motor vehicles m each island may be definitely determined each year.

Mr Wilford, M.P., is asking the Government for a report from the Board of Trade on the charges of Jmseed oil cake at present being imposed upon farmers by the New Zealand Cattle Cake and Oil Company, a subsidiary- company to the Westfield I reeling Company. Mr Wilford states that this company sells linseed oil cake (known as cake nuts or meal), audit is alleged that it recently raised the price of the local product £o to £6 a ton, which made a serious levy upon the farmers of the Dominion, who have come to regard the product as an indispensable {idjunct to the cows daily ration at a time when a shortage oi bran is seriously affecting the finding of the nearest substitute.

The Waihemo, which has been trading during the past six months between Pacific Coast ports, New Zealand, and Australia, changed her articles at Lyttelton on Tuesday. The vessel’s pay sheet was one of the largest paid Bt Lyttelton for some years, and is stated to have amounted to about £3OOO, divided amongst a crew of 46 members, consisting of the master, three officers, four engineers, two greasers, 18 firemen and trimmers, 12 A.B.’s, one ordinary seaman, two cooks, two stewards., a donkev man, and a wireless operator. For the most part the firemen and seamen collected over £IOO each after deducting allowances received during the past seven months.

At a meeting of the North Canterbury Farmers’ Union in Christchurch yesterday a letter was received from the Minister of Agriculture (the Hon. W. Nosworthy) with reference to the following resolution passed at a conference of farmers’ branches: —“ That, in view of the risk of introducing disease that is incurred by allowing the importation of potatoes from Australia_, it is desirable that such importation should ho prevented, at any rate until the local price to growers readies £lO per ton.” The Minister stated that hg was given to understand that Clie qiSstion of disease in potatoes in Australia had been vorv fullv gone into, but it had been found that it would be impossible to justify the imposition of an embargo from the point of view of the prevention of the introduction of disease. One shipment of about 900 sacks, which had recently reached Auckland from Tasmania, .was closely examined,, but no exception could be taken to it_as regards any presence, of disease. The letter was received.

There were fairly large yardings of stock at the metropolitan weekly markot at Addington yesterday. Fat cattle were yarded in larger numbers than last week, but nevertheless the sale was a brightre one. and values improved by fully 15s a head. Fat sheep met with a good demand, and on the whole prices were somewhat better tban those ruling last week. A fair-sized yarding of store sheep met with keen competition, and the whole entry was cleared at satisfactory prices. The following was a brighter one, and values improved Ashburton County vendors: —Cattle—- | For Candv Bros. (Anama), 3 heifers at £6 15s to £B, steer at £6 17s 6d; S. j F Anderson (Lvndhurst), cow at £8 2s | 6d heifer at £5 ss; Ashburton client, 9 steers at £9 2s 6d to £ll ss; A. C. White (Metliven), 5 steers at £9 to £ll i2s 6d; Jno. Dowling (Methven), 9 heifers at £3 5s to £8 17s 6d. cow at £8 ss; Stockdill Bros. (Highbank)., 3 cows at £7 2s 6d to £9 ss; Jno. Cameron (Chortsey), cow at £7; V. W. Wright (Lagmhor), 8 steers at £9 los to £lO 7s 6d; C. Hale (Lyndhurst) 4 steers at £6 7s 6d to £8- 12a 6d Wethers —For J. Connolly (Rakaia), 40 at 38s 3d to 46s 4d; J. C. Lochhead (Rakaia), 29 at 3Ss 9d to 44s 3d; J. Connolly (Rakaia). 40 at 36s lid to 42s lid; Ashburton client. 66 at 37s od to 40s; T. Dunstan (Hinds), 38 at 33s to 39s 9d; A. J. Wilson (Methven), 118 at 33s lid to 39s Id; H. Lamb (Valeria), 40 at 34s 9d to 38s Id; T. J. Mulligan (Lismore). 14 at 37s Id ; Jas. Carr (Methven), 60 at 33s 4d to 355; H J Crothers (Lauriston). 45 at 32s 10d to 34s Id. Ewes—For R. D. Miller (Mothven), 62 at 30s 3d to 38s 6d; D. Crosswell (Lismore). 56 at 30s to 37s lOd; J. Campbell (Methven), 58 at 31s 10d to 36s 9d ; T. J. Mulligan (Lismore), 42 at 29s 7d to 35s lOd; J. Callaghan (Methven), 66 at 29s 7d to 35s 3d: J. Gardiner (Rakaia). 66 at 32s 6d to 345: .T. T. Wighman (Mount Somers), 30 at 32s 6d; C. Stockdill (Methven). 51 at 26s 9d to 31s Id; G. H. Morrison (Raknia). 23 at 29s 7d to 29s lOd; H. T . Whiting (Dorie). 40 at 24s 3d to 28s ; 9d; A Macdonald (Hinds), 21 at 28s Id - T.’Dunstan (Hinds), 26 at 27s 10d: ,T. C. Lochhead (Rakaia), 36 at 25s 6d to 26s 3d.

Mr Witty, M.P., has been informed that express traius cannot atop at Rol-_ leston Junction. The requirements oflocal traffic are provided for as liberally as possible by local Drain services.

Mr Hugh Mitchell, sharebroker and’ accountant, secretary of the Otagcf branch of the Farmers’ Union, committed suicide this morning in Dunedin '• by hanging in the cellar of his residence. He was aged 51, and had’ appeared worried lately and sleepless.

There is every indication of an early ' spring, according to a visitor to the back-country. In the Rakaia Gorgethe kowhai is already in blossom, ad<# there are numerous other signs; tnafc the more pleasant season is close at hand.

Voting for the election ofi two representatives of parents and guardians on the Ashburton High School Board. of Governors closed to-day. The voting papers will l>e held for a week, according to the regulations, and the result will be known next Thursday.

The keas, the pest of the sheepfarmers in the back-country, apparently adopted a new way of killing sheep, states Mr C. Branigan,. Ashburton District Stock Inspector, who has just returnod from a tour of the Lack-country runs extending to the glaciers. Hitherto the keas attacked the sheep in the small of tha back and. devoured the fat round tha kidneys. There is evidence now that they have commenced to attack tha shoulders.

Original members of some of, the teams picked to contest the South. Island championship in progress here have fallen victims to the prevailing influenza epidemic, with the result that some districts have not their best representation. M. McKinna, heavyweight ; R. Hewitt, feather-weight • and V. Parker, welter-weight, all of Timaru, had to drop out. A. Argyle, the Ashburton light-weight, could not pass tha doctor, also on account of influenza, and several others have been affected.. G« Terris, the Ashburton bantam-weight* of which much was expected, was overweight in the class for which he entered* and he had to take the role of an onlooker. ■ . i

There was a large attendance in tha Hinds Hall on Wednesday evening, when a concert in aid of Methodist! Church funds was held. The Rev. R* J. Liddell occupied the chair. The following contributed items: —Songs* Misses Hopwood, P. and E. Liddell,- M, Lill, Chapman, Hocking, Mrs Roffey, and Mr W Hopwood; recitations, Misses E. Liddell and E. Harries; pianoforte duets, Misses O. and A. Me* Kenzie and Miss A. Frampton and W„ MpKeage; cornet solo, Mr R. Frew t ’cello 'solo, Miss H. Lill. A vote of thanks to the perlormers and helpers and Misses Chapman and H. Lill foB conveying the performers was carried by acclamation. After a dainty suppeß a pleasant evening broke up.

The semi-finals and finals of the South Island Amateur Boxing Association will be decided in the Theatre Royal tonight, commencing at 8 o’clock. Therg will bo several new men on the programme, including L. McDonald, Dunedin, welter-weight (the New Zealand champion light-weight of last year); R. Pasco, of Grcymouth, light-weight; A* McCormick, Ashburton, New Zealand champion heavy-weight; J. Gibson, Ashburton, and J. Swinerd, Oamaru, light heavy-weights; W. A. McPhail, Ashburton,' and L. O’Neill, Greymouth, middle-weights; W. Moulin, Ashburton, feather-weight; and J. Leckie, Dunedin, fly-weight. This afternoon the visiting boxers . Und officials were motored to the Longbeach Estate, where they saw much to interest then*: on what has been stated to be one of the few really model farms of the world. . ;

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIV, Issue 9877, 26 July 1923, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIV, Issue 9877, 26 July 1923, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIV, Issue 9877, 26 July 1923, Page 4