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FURTHER ADVANCE IN PRICE OF TEA! A Full Shipment of COLOMBO -TEA, to go at Old Prices, _ white' it Lasts. We (nave just received advice from Colcmbg Tea Headquarters that there has Hiesn another advance on the price of all Teas. Buy, why worry ! Manchester Bros, can save you money, for they have been Buy fortunate enough to land a big shipment of Bliy this well-known Tea just prior to the rise Prxtsvi^ti in psice, and are giving customers the ben- ■ L>Sh;»fntfO eiu of their timely purchase. "Foresight," 1/OIOItIOO some would cali .11, others would say "Yqq. ■'lucky." So far as you are concerned, "Tea Tea Bargains" is the worcJ that sums up the situation. Now s Now COLOMBO TEA PRESENT PRICES— And **• Mfd» 2a3d- 2s6d- .And We cannot impress upon you too strong- . SaV3 !i * t!se "Nportano© of buying at these Save prices. The Teas are the best procurable, and tfte values are unapprcached anywhere..-. sfesOJtey. You can't know just hew good they are Money. unlti you test them in the teapot,'and Ist r y&ur family en|oy their choice and delicious ilavour and their rare arid stimulaiins cjciaJities. CoEontbo Tea Agents--1 | mjfr Mi ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTEREST TO I I vdL METHVEN LADIES. I P^^TomUnsoii's Great Stoek-takin!! Sale H JMWmS% l 8 NOW in Fuf! Swip2- SucSl Reckless mill ?W\ Price-cutting has not been seen before: Will \'\ Ml I N^' W COATS AND COSTUMES. Wl\ ' 11 DAINTY BLOUSES. |J J II WARM and "COMFY" UNDERWEAR. if d II hi fact, every line has been cut t e the ■^■MJtJLiI COME ALONG EAItLY, and Secure Your it f Share of these /i. B9G, BOUNTIFUL BARGAINS. H D. TQBVBLINSQNI. Railway Services. OWN YOUR OWN TRAIN. it doesn't treuble the OVERLAND Owner when the Train leaves—where it is going to— oj: when it gets there. The OVERLAND man is an independent man. He goes where he likes, —when he likes, and as fast or slow as he Hkes, and Sundays included, on a First-Class OVERLAND Ticket. Buy an OVERLAND, and forget about Railway Train Curtailment. Farmers' Garage, THE HOME OF THE MOTOR CAR.

STRANGE'S' FURWITURE In every Town of the Dominion you will hear the name of STRANGE'S coupled with ail that is Best and most Artistic in Furniture, The reason is tSTat we Siave set ? high standard to which all Furniture must attain before leaving our Factory. Then we have our own staff of cosigners, and consequently our Furniture is as original and exclusive as it is excellent in workmanship and finish, TH&B WEEK WE FEATURE CHAIRS. Every kind, from the useful Kitchen Chair to the luxurious' Armchair is included, and the same good value is noticeable in alll. KITCRTCX CHAIRS, from 8s 3d: 9s 6d KITCHEN, or BREAKFAST ROOM CHAIRS, stained oak or dark. - 10s 6&, 12s 6d. Dark Stained DINING CHAIRS, seats (~~ C^^^'c wV'vl^^ upliolstered in brown or green ■ fllfllllll M^^Mmi -Oak -DINING^HAIBs! upholstered in I Mffir£JfrZJiMsfia ' brown or green—2Bs Gd, 30s. I m WoY^k M ' Uk DI]SI? G ? OHAIR£> removable I K&J^^Klk. Comfortable'^CKEE CHAIRS, cover- t~~{!; V^^^m^mm^^ ed tapestry, stuffed flock-428 to NT ™'Sf- MISSION CEAIBB. », ' fl^B m&^M^^e^^^m bolstered m saddle bag" and tapes- _ZI"Tlli mm. try—^ Si 4'^s ' 47s 6d.. ' ' [1 ~ T ■ PW'SS^fl MORRIS CHAIRS, -'dark stained and I >1 ti#%^j^m§3 oak stained—6ss to 72s 6d. 0T I. I, 1 Oak MORRIS CHAIRS, upholstered in OL W I 11 brown moquette—£s 15s. I I W Upliolstered EASY CHAIRS, in tapes- I J try aad shadow ii&su©— £4 10s to I o - £7 15«. l|» Is IN THE £ DI9SOUNT FOR CASH OR MONTHLY ACCOUNTS. W. STRANGE & CO., Ltd. QHRISTCHURCH AND ASHBURTON.

THE' Special Construction and} Splendid Quality! of Clincher "Dreadnought" Motor Cycle Tyres ensure red/eel vibration/ and longest service. Prices at any Garage.— Hayward Bros, and Co;, Ltd., Christchurch/ Wholesale Distributors. NUitSERY Hair Lotion.~A necessity in every home where th w children go to school. Keeps the head clean of parasites and the scalp Halthy. 1b a bottle-—Bonnington's Pharmacy. /"iARDEN HOSE thnt does not VJT burst or crack in The North British Rubber Co.'s—famed for its long aeryice. SoW by all dealers. INFANT Cough Remedy,—Especially Prepared for Babies and Young Children. Simple, Rafe, and always effecuvev Is a Bottle.—Bonnington s l*uarmacy.

The New Motfcl excels in point of Quality of Equipment and Beauty of Design and Finish any previous Model. It does more than that —it sets a new standard in the Car World. Nothing hitherto gave such extreme riding comfort as this New "DODGE." Were you gliding on air—you then could experience the "DOOGE" transit comfort. It is an extremely powerful car of wonderful economy, ioo. An aristocrat among cars, yet a popular car, on account of its great dependability and low up-keep. Make a Call to see it—it's quite worth your while. Hupp. & Dodge Agency, F. WEAR, Burnett Street. Theme 220.

"Mother needed not experience to be kind.''—Stanus. H J7ist came to her nat^irally. That's wuy there is always on the homo shelf a big bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver, ready for Tommy'B little sneezes and* sniffles—Nauire's " signs that a cold is approaching. And sneezes and sniffles are prett-v frequent at this time of the. year. The weather <s so changeable tliat it behoves nil mothert) to have Bax tor's hand.r. iJs 6d par !.arye bottJ*» All Cliemists 'Ui<J Suavs

GET FIT AND KEEP FIT. Tlie secret of good health Jtos in looking after yourself !internally. A glass of Stevens' Healh Salt taken every morning upon rsing will make you fit and keep you] fit. It quickly relievos indigestion, puses up t-tSo liver, and banishes colstipafcion. Stevens' Health Salt is j popular effervescent fruit saline tlit is made in Now Zealand. It cost far loss than imported salts and is jar fresher. Try it. Chemists and st«es. 3s 6d a bottle. ' ,; 5

LECTURES IN CAMP. Coughing and clearing of throat* at lectures aiid entertainments could be readily avoided if the eutferers would but remember that tha Canteens stock "Fiuenzol," the most soothing and healing of all gargles, and pleasant to tak«.

*i j I i *' ■ in ' i i vSSFSu-xts- c &$- ;; F«s tur" r eSn.7eA ms E , en JH]»» iLAt™i ! v!!!!^..^ *»» o £$»"£?&£ fir*-. |w s^srisi^ deshe. ■ nsht through. a t the prices will open your eyes in ajazement. Successive busy days spur nC "Q" also sUndt for "«ulltt" for w n*w> i««A" also stands for an -Acceptable" B "F" also stands for ■nags" of our us on to greater efforts. The secondveek of this great sale will be no ex- I Jj™ «*GSSJ rtMtta? l"wmi*' X i<Y" also stands fO c "Y^etoens," in Sa%aln!nWomen"s warm Natural | Nation, ception to this rule. We're going to demonstrate our prowess I ? n ?i n iT Saxe> Cree? Na\rv Red I Grey, Navy, Saxe, Grey^ Black, wovSJvMtsVSS. as *«• 2s ed a doz. for peace Demons- as \ a i ue . g ivers, and this remarklbhcombination of Values and Prices | usually'^liV ' Nayy 'Red- I »* «"«*. usually 3sjd. to clear, is iid. ._,l"|" should be a strong magnet in dr'awjg-you to Asbburton's Brightest and 8 to clear 3s nd. I w| „, ",, *M YA n»pr™Twm-nnen|s^ vT maß"Tt' —■■■■ Q us | es {- papery Store. : j ■ ~—*m """"""P^^"^"' 11 B T „ ■ '■» • + i iri 4. „„„!<• H P Excelled xiW^ls "Genuino Goodness" which gives |MM Vox "Keenness," in buying our stock fgkffl Stands for "Nothing/ that scares us a | EXttk "Returns," when goods are not right, mM § Stands for "Wealth," of good goods. v m +;^ th. lltv is always up- fjOur Patrons a satisfied feeling that | Iff Whether Drapery, Boots, Clothing, <j W*R bit, I V For. just satisfaction you rierer ne«d lfif Mado for all sorts of people in all sorts "held livcvs- " '■" I"^ '■Frocks- j■™ We feel quite assured'this Sale is a hit Jlm ' fight. . / , If of moods. o» <.icn ctandr for "Black 1s id Rib- i I "G" also stands for "Glacie Derby | "X" also stands for "Knitted Hose,] 8 "N" also stands for "Notable Bargain" I b "R" also stands for ■'Ripple Cloths," s "W" also stands for "Women's Patent i?Jri 9 Mne»fpr hard wear worth I Shoes/ for Ladies, good qualities, I all wool, in brown heather shade I in Blouse Lengths for Winter; I best quality, wide double-width, in S I Bar Shoes, low heels. SfurtSr ' S latest styles. I Usually 4S 9d. ! I dark grounds, usually 4s 11 d. I all Colours. Usually 4«6d I •««. B « c^ B , NOW 2 PAIRS FOR2Siid. j NOW 18S 6d PAIR, f | NOW 2S ltd PAIB | ... TO CLEAR, 1s 11d BLOUSE Lgth j | TO GO AT gS lid, j \ TO CLEAR, 15S 6d Pair. .'""""" TT*" v ' n in ' r _j_i n . h . right ■ ■ an and man. »■■ to retain. ~ b • goods through. " * .uvt" . ■ stands for "Cord Velveteens" , "H f als. "He-tUche. , TL" "Ladles" Blac . "0" . "S» also rtands^ | 'X- s^nds^ -^Exclusive 27 inches .rfdvin Brown and Grey. I -H^^W;^ Ladies, worth W^^at 1?^ absurd of Hush, Silk, etc. Worth 4s 6d to ette^ in jjrong tw.H weave, u.ual ejs and Ready-to-wear Straws. _|_^ GOING AT 2S 6d YARD. | ■ NOW 6 FOR Is. j | 7^d Pail^ | TO CLEAR 2s lid. | NOW 11^ yard. \ UiUtHy 151 6d It fc^ By coping to "Barrett s to secure a | when quality's high and prices low. > d] b f -P" also stands for "Puiamas" fnr i" And beg of their mothers to bring . 1"r also stands for an immense Bar- I .. M -. also Lds for "Men's Smart! ? "^ 'SneletteS: I <T" gjM^frong 'aSPftS: I I lhem aomo moro • "°%z tt^Mr.'-sr' 56 SSr*" 8Mdquais worth 8S 6d * NOW . M Sa '«r ■•*- A-at^rßr' | tifiH YARO. II NOW 2S 3<i- ' ROM 21S t0 27S 6d' * NOW 6S 9d. § g& j|^ CLEAR pA|R _ _ „,. UL * p^y GASH - ANI PAY LESS AT 7771 T7T ' ~ —^ 1 Els for "Economy," our highest aim, Bls "Tustico," to one and to all. ; . ■I Is for useful things—what you require »I 8 for "Zenith" of Values right here. By which we expect to retein our good .1 Yo« a got a square deal whenever you . . -^|| p^ WB^ ■■»■■ }f\ tj Useless low priced things, might well / You won't find a single price ticket name. ■ " caJI- I " UIUUL I I be priced higher. Ab that's dear. I "F" also stands for '■Emphatic Bar- I "J" also stands for "J off re Serges," W% I ■ ' I >ci M |- I I c^^| I "u>' a|f° stands for "Unbleached . I'Z" also stands for "Zephyr Crepes" <£?• in^^crewdsonvs sTrong cafico, I cream grounds with black stripe. | | tt \J , |Xl| 111 Li I I \J I Roller Towelling. Usually is fid. I in pretty stripe and floral efworth 2s 3d. I -ortn *» 11(! »art- I NQW iall * VAnrj I **«s; usually Is 9d. YOURS FOR IS 4jd YARD. » C Q,NG AT IS lid Yard. qM g^ J I^i YARD. | [ NOW 11jd YARD.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9651, 7 July 1919, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9651, 7 July 1919, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9651, 7 July 1919, Page 2