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ASHBURTON TO OHRISTOHUROH. Trains leave a.m. p.m. p.m &BHBym:ox every day at 7.20 3.40 6.55 Arriving at Ohwstohoboh ewry <toy at 10.30 7-0 8.60 The 7,20 stops at all stations up to Burriham only to take up or set down passengers, sod beyond Burnham stops at wayßide stations only to allow passengers to alight. The 3.40 stops at all stations between Aehburton and Ohristohurobi The 6.55 (express) stops at Bakaia to take up and set down passengers, and at Dun* Bandel, Bolleston and Hornby only when there are passengers to set down. In addition to the foregoing a goods train with passenger carriage attaohed, Leaves 1 Mondays, \ Wedn'days, I only at 11 a.m. and I Fridays ) Arriving at t Mondays, \ Oh. Ob. on Wedn'days, only at 2.25 p»m and ' ... [ Fridays j -, "' This train stops at all stations. OHRISTOHUROH TO A9HBURTON Trains leave a.m. a.m. p.m; Ghbistohtjboh every day at 8 11 4.15 Arriving at p.m. Abhbubtoh every day at 10.45 12.48 7.80 The 8 o'clock train stops at all stations. The 11 o'olook (express) stops at Rakaia only The 4.15 o'olook stops at all stations south of Burnham, and at other stations to take up passengers for south of Holies on. ASHBURTON TO TIMABU Trains leave a.m. p.m. Abhbubtoh every day at 10.55 12.53 I Tueßdayß, \ Thursdays, p.m. and on-j and - 3.45 Saturdays Arriving at p.m, Timabtj every day at 2.6 2.40 I Tuesdays, \ Thursdays, p.m. and on- and 7 Saturdays, \ only j The 10.55 train stops at all stations. The 12.53 train (expreßs) stops atTemuka (and Orari if required) only The 4.40 train (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays) stops at all stations. TIMABU TO ASHBURTON Trains leave a.m. p.m. Timabu— <nwv day at 7.25 6.* Tuesdays, \ Thursdays, a.m. and on- and at 11.65 Saturdays ■ \ only. J Arriving at a.m. rr. Ashbdbtoh— every day at 10.86 6.60 1 Tuesdays, ' Thursdays, p.m. and at 8.20 Saturdays . only ) The 7.25 train stops at all stations. The 5.5 train" (express) Btops at Temjka (and Orari if required) only. Tbe 11.55 train (Tuesday*, Thursdays, and Saturdays) stops at all stations. ASHBURTON TO MOUNT SOMERB Trains leave Mondays ) ( Tuesdays, and Fridays ( J Wednesdays, f 1 Thursdays ) ( Saturdays " p.m. p«m, AsHBVBTORat7.4O 4.25 Arriving at Mot Bomxbb at 9.1 5 6,0 Galling at all stations. Trains leave Mount Boians— every day at 6.10 a.m. Arriving at Ashbtjbton— every day at 9.45 a.m.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2165, 5 July 1889, Page 3

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THE HEW RAILWAY TIMETABLE. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2165, 5 July 1889, Page 3

THE HEW RAILWAY TIMETABLE. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2165, 5 July 1889, Page 3