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As this is jubilee year it tends to make on look back and think of the flight of time, and m this way I am reminded that I am one of the veterans m »he sale of your valuable and and successful medicine. I have sold it m England and many parts of Scotland. Well do I remember the first circular you sent out some nine or ten years ag». You had come to England from America to introduce Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and I was struck by a paragraph m which you used these words : — 11 Being a stranger m a strange land, I do not wish the people to feel that I want to take the least advantage over them. I feel thai * have a remedy that will cure disease, and I have so much confidence m it that I authorise my agents to refund the money if people should ay that they ha»e not benefitted ts use." Two old gentlemen, whose names they would not like me to give you, had been martyrs to Indigestion for many years. They had tri<*d all kinds of medicine without relief. One of them was so bad he could not bear a glass of ale. Both were advised to use the Syrup and both recovered, and were as hale and hearty as men m the prime of life. A remarkable case is that of a house painter named Jcfferies, who lived at Pcnshurst, m Kent. His business obliged him to expose himself a great deal to wind and vcajther, and he was seized wi h rheumatism, and his joints soon swelled up with dropsy, and were very stiff and painful. Nothing that the doctors could do seemed to reach the seat of the trouble. It so crippled him that he could do hardly any work, and tor the whole of the winter of 1878 and '79, he had to give up and takt to hisbed. He had been afflicted m this sorry way for three years, and was getting worn out and discouraged. Besides, he had •pent over £13 for what he called " doctor's stuff " without tha least benefit. In the Spring he heard of what Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup has done for others and bought a as 6-1 bottle of me. In a few days he sent me word he was much better— before he had finished the bottle. He then sent to me for a4s 6d bottle, and as I was going that way I carried it down to him myself. On getting to his house what was my astonishment and surprise to find him weeding an onion bed. I could hardly believe my own eyes, and said :— "You ought not to be out here, man, itp be the death of you, after having being lai all winter with rheumatism and dropsy. 1 ' His reply was: "There is no danger, The weather is fine, and Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup has done for me m a few days what the octors could not do m three years. I think shall get well now." He kept on with the syruj), and m three weeks he was at work again, and has had no return of the trouble for now nearly ten years, Any medicine that can do this should be known all over the world. Yours faithfully, (Signed) Rupert Graham. Of Graham <fe Son. Holloway House, Sunbury, Middlesex, June 25th, 1887 The aboye wonderful cure of Rheumatism Krai the result of the wonderful power ot Mother Scjgcl's Curative Synfl? to clci'nsc the blood of the poise nous humours that arise rom Indigestion nd Dyspepsia. Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup is or sale by all chemists and medicine vendors, fand by the proprietor% A. J. White, Limi d, 35, Farringdon Road. London. England, te (3)

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2147, 13 June 1889, Page 3

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FROM A VETERAN. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2147, 13 June 1889, Page 3

FROM A VETERAN. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2147, 13 June 1889, Page 3