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ASHBUUTON TRADESMEN EACING CLUB. MEETING TO BE HELD ON THB ASHBURTON B4.OECOUR3B ON THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1887. FOR lIBT7JKT HOBBES ONLY. President— Mr W O Walker, M.H.R. Vico-Prffident— Mr J. IveFS, M H.R. JnJge— Mi- W. J. Steward. M.H.B. ■ Etewjbds: Mr L. Marfcey I Mr E. Gates Mr A. Hani ion | Mr O. J. Keate Mr R, M. Cuthbertaon. Starter — Dr Leahv. Handicapper — Mr T. Quill. Olerk of tbe Saolea — Mr J. O. Dnncnn, Olerk of tho Conrse — Mr George Soott. PROGRAMME. 1. COUNTY HURDLE RACE, a handicap of 20 bovsj Bscond horso to save his stake. H mile, over six fl : ghts of hnrdles, about 3ft Gin high. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 10s. 2. HANDICAP TIME TROT of 20 aovs ; second horso to receive £5 from the stake. Three mile3. Nomination, 10a ; acceptarc, 10a. Conditions — pull and eo 3 ASHBURTON PLATE HANDICAP of 35 BOTB ; second horse to receivn 6 sovs frcm the stake. U mile. Nomination, 20a j arcortance, 1631 4. SELLING HACK RACE of 10 sovs. No weight under lOst. -J mile. Winner to bo Eold for 16 bovb, any f urplv s to go to the f untie Nomination, 10a. 5. FLYING HANDICAP of 25 sova : Becond horse to receive £5 from stake. Nomination, ISsjaccootarco, 103. Three-quarter mile. Winner of (ha ABhburton Plate Handicap to carry 71b j.ennlty. 6. NOVEL RACE HANDICAP of 25 bovb. One mile. Nomination, 153; acceptance 10s. Winner to be sold immediately after the raee, tho whole of the proceeds to so tc the funds of the Club. 7. CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 10 eova for all beaten horses during the meeting! One mile. Nominations, 10a ; acceptance free. ' 8. HURRY SCURRY, a Sweepstakes of 10* each. Post entry any time of the day Catch weight. • RULTtS AND REGULATIONS. The definition of a district horse shall be all 'horses that have been commonly resident in the country lying between the south bank of the Selwyn and tho north bank of the Waitaki from December 81, 1886, and up to tbe date of the forthcoming meeting, and owned by a person who ha3 resided in the district above defined during tbe same period. General Rnlca of ths Ashburton TraCestmn'e ' Bacincf Club and Pacing Bules of the Canterbury Jockey Clnb Btrictly ndhored to. Five per cent, will be deducted from the grogs cf all moneys payab'e in accordance with this programme for expenses of the conrse; All disputes, claimß, an 1 objections arising out 0/ the lacing shall be decided by the Stcra'ds, or whom they may appoint, their decision in all po'nta connected with the carrying ont of this programme to be linal ; nnd entru? will only be received su> jack to these conditions. All roniinat ions and acceptances go to the fanda of tb/i Club. All entri'B and nomina'iona to be accom- ' panled by entranca fees, name and age of the hor?e, and colors of the rider and in the handa • of the Secretary, addreßßed to Whittle's Hotel, ■ not later than 9 p.m on Tuesday, the Bth day February. 1887. Weights will bo declared and ' published in octside papers on tho morning of I Friday, February 18th, 1887 ; and acceptances ( for the races to be paid to the Fecretary, as ' above, not later than 9 pm. on S turday the ( 2Gth day of Febnnry, 1887. , WALTER B. MUfrS, Secretary. ] ASHBURTON RACING CLUBT ! autumn~m:eeting. j mHURSDAY & T^RIDAY, APRIL 2lßt & 22nd, 1887* j Pre«ident— E. G. Wrighi. ( Tice-Pre?ident— John Giigg. ) Judge— Matthew Etitt. Sri wards : H. Friedlandor j Wi C Walker W. B. Donshire R. McOwen J. C. N. Grfge | Dr Leahy R. Friedlander. Treasurer— Darid Th^mns, Cleik of the Scales— T. E. Upton. Clerk of the Conrse— A. Hewßon. Handicappers— Tho Committee. Starter — Dr Leahy. FinsT Race on Each Dat to Etart at 12,30 p M. FIRST DAY. 1. DISTRICT HURDLE RACE of 20 bovb j over eix nights of hurdleß, about 3ft Gin high. Nomination, 16s; acceptance, lOa* - lfc mile. District horses only. 2. ABHBURTON AUTUMN HANDICAP of 60 aovs. Nomination, Ibov: acceptance, lfcpov. Ismile. 3. FOAL STAKES of 1 bot each, with 15 aova added. For two-year-oPs bred, owned, and trained by »esidente ii the distiict defined by Rule 3. Coltß Bst 101b, fillies and geldings 83t 81b. Nomination, 103. The sweep to be paid by 0 p.m, on April 18th. Five furlongs. 4. HANDIOAPTIMETROT(in saddle) of 20 bovp.. Nomination, 103 ; acceptance, 10s. Weight not lobb than lOst. Break and turn, 3 nrlea. 5. FLYING HANDICAP of 25 sovs. Nomination, I bov ; acceptance, 10a. 3-mlle. 6. POST STAKES of 10 aovs. Entrance, 10a, to be made to tbe Secretary immediately after the Fiying Handicap is run. Catch weights. J-milOj The winnei to be sold immediately after the race for 15 fcove, any surplus to go to the funds of the Club. SECOND DAY. 1. DISTRICT WELTER HANDICAP of 20 sovp. Nomination, 10s; acceptance, 103. Minimum weight, lOit. 1$ mile. District ho^es only. 2. GRAND STAND HANDICAP of -10 bovb. Nomination, 1 eovj acceptance, 1 bov. Seven fvrlonga. 3 HANDICAP TIME TROT (in saddle) of 15 bovb. Nomination, 103 ; acceptance, ss. Weight not less than lOst. Break and turn. Tvica ronnd tin couree. District hOrscs d. HARVEST HANDICAP of 20 sova. Kominat on, 10a ; acceptance, IQ3: District horses only. 1 mile, 5. BOYEL BACE of 15 rov*. Entrance, 103, to be mado to tlie Secretary immediately after tho Harvest Handicap jb inn. Catch weights. Five furlongs. The winner to bo sold immediately after the race, the < wliola of the proceeds to go to the funds o f tho Club. 6. CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 20 bovb. Nomination, 1 eov, to bo made immediately after tho Novel Rsce jb run j acceptance free, to be notified to the Secretary within ten minutes of tho declaration of weights. 1 mile, RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The Meeting will be held under the Bulcs of Racing and Ashburton Bacing Club Rules. 2 No entry will be received except on the condition that all disputes, claims, and objections arising out of the racing Bball bo decided by the Stewards or whom thoy may appoi t ; their decision on all points connected with tho carrying ont of tlrs programme to be final. 3. A district horee 6hall mean any korse ! tbat h^B been commonly resident ilie district between t h<* rivera SBhyy^ and Opiht from January 21, 1887, an^S, up, to the date of tiho forthcoming raeqtiijig, and owned by a, rersen who has Raided in tho said district c\nrsnc t^e : 01E116, period. i> Five per cent, will bp deduetrd from the gross of all nymeya payable in accordance wUh thjia pxogr «mmo for the expenses of the : course. tt. All nominations and acceptances to go to the funds of tho Club. 6. Trotting Races. Horses must trot fairly to the satisfaction of the Bef nrce. NOMINATIONS. ] AH nominations to be accompanied by 1 f6<j, name, age, and description of horse, otd colors of rider in the hands of th.e £$oretaxy (address — Asbburton) no later »han 9 p.m. on Monday, March 2L, l£sf. "WEIGHIS. Weights Jor ths first day's handicaps will be declared' on Wednesday, April 18L 188T. Weigflta for the second day 'a l\aud leaps will be deo'ared at 9 o'cl ck on the evening of the first day's racipg. AI&BPTANGESi : 4coepta,ncqs for the first day 1b handicaps «m-(t be made to the Secretary not later than 9. p.m. on Monday, April 18, 1887, Acceptances for the second day's handicaps at 10 o'clock on the evening oi the first dart* racing. lU7 0, 0, FQQKB, Srattiiy,

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1466, 26 January 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1466, 26 January 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1466, 26 January 1887, Page 3