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BE PREPARED FOR THE ELECTION fjpHOBJK. WHO A*B DULY QUALIFIED, BUT WHOSE NAMES ARB NOT ON THE BOLL, SHOULD REGISTER A.T ONCE. DIRECTIONS 1. Cut out the iubjoined form. 3. Fill in on the lines marked “A "and "B” the sane of the Electoral District lor which you claim to be enrolled. 8. Sinn your name, address, and occupation on the lines at toot, where indicated, n tb* presence of an elector whote name i* mlrtady on the roll. 4. See that such elector also signs, at tool of the attestation. 6. Fill in the blanks left for day and date on the left-hand bottom comer. 6. Deliver or post the claim to the Registration Officer. Mem.—Mr J. Ward, Burnett Street, Ashburton, is the Registration Officer Cor Wakanoi, and for Ashburton. If the envelope be narked outside “ Claim to Vote,” it will not require a pottage stamp. ? I I I I f B I s V. S' Q Q os » s a s 3 S Er Q is tel O o fed s. g E 9 a w o o K. A H > M. S H 3 ~ s a 5- gr S ?

JTtOR SOWING with Turnips to ••cor. ' a Good Crop, nothing succesds liki MATO’S BONE MANURE. Price—L? L«,L6. Agent (n town—H. ilmn. A Liberal Discount for Cash. F. T. MAYO, steed Manure Factory, Big »' barton TOWLE’S pennyroyal end steel pills fo fomalec quickly correct all Irregolerl ties end relieve the distress eg symptoms si prevalent with the sex. Boxes,l» 1-Jd am 3s 9d, of ell eh amis is. Prepared only b; K. T. Towle, ehemlst, Nottingham, Eng lend. Wholesale of eU the wholessl house®.—Beware of Imitations. 1 I! i PRINTING OF ALL KINDS INCLUDING—BUUteeds Circulars! Memorandoza Feme Agreements Lien* Conditions e I Selef Cataloguer J.T & Posters, Ae., And. every description of LEGaL AND OOMMBROIAI ! LETTER-PRESS exeeated si the shortest notice end iu the LATEST DESIGNS SPECIAL };«od most favorable terms oflered to WHOLESALE ORDERS. ASHBURTON GUARDIAN QfFIOB,

|- OW VITALITY. DR CHURCHILL’S SYRUP V or jHYPOPHOSPHIIE OP LIME 'if ia prescribed by the Faculty for the cure \ of Consumption, Chronic Cough end ' General Debility. It 'contains two of the principal Ingredients necessary for building up the hnman frame, and which are considered deficient in the above complaints, viz., Phosphorus and Lime. It cannot be too highly recommended for delicate children. Dr Churchill’s compound Syrup of Hypophosphltes is real brain food, and in eases of Muscular and Nervous Exhaustion has acquired a world-wide reputation, Bach bottle bears Dr Churchill's signature. Price, 4fr. Prepared only by SWANN, CHEMIST, 12, Rn- Castlgllone, Paris. 7 226 W/ieei 4. Private Dispensary, Palmerston Building!, Foot el Queen-street. Auckland. Established for tha Scientific and Speedy Cura of Chronic. Nervous and Special Diseases. Dr. Speer is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Hatvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in his specialty in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Lou ot Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, .Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St. Vitus’ Dance, Liver Complaint, Asthma, Catarrh, Heart Disease, Gravel, Piles, and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to dome and try the Doctor's method of cure, as it trill, it properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparations; hia treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have implanted in their systems, by improper use of calomel, iced* which produce an annual crop of disease. - To such be woatd say, come and bo healed. It matters not what your trouble* may be, come and let tha Doctor examine yonr case. 1/ it it curaiU, At will itll ftu tt ; if it it tut. At will ttll ym that; for he will not undertake a case anlesa he u confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands your case. Dr. S. cures Humours and Diseases of the Blood, and Ladies who are afflicted by any of the following complaints:—Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sack headaches, constipation and indigestion, pain in the i side and back, leuchorrea, etc., etc. 1 wish it distinctly understood that 1 do not claim to perform impossibilities, •s to have miraculous power. Alt applying to me will receive ray honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I wiu guarantee a positive cure is ovary case I undertaka, or forfeit fioo. Consultation in Ofico or by Letter, Fxxu. Charges Moderate. Examination and advice, £i. Call or address: Dr. H. 1, Spaer. Palmerston Building!, Auckland, N.Z. Office Hons: 9to is, 1 to 4, 6 to t p.m.; Sundays, so to xa. N. B. AH Medicines Decenary for o complete ho sent free Rom oboerratioa oa receipt tt

A USTRALIAN MERCANTILE £\. UNION INSURANCE The oNtk Company in Oanteebdet WHICH DID NOT RAISE BATES 83$ MS cent on Couhtey Risks, We aec vow, as we hate been fob THE FAST TB&EE TEAKS, ACCEPTING BISKS FEB CENT. OFF TABIFF. W. B. MOSS, Agent ro> Ashburton District. September 22, 1885. 9 615 J, EaUantyne & Co. DUNSTABLE HOUSE, THIS Old Established firm have now erected Very Large and Commodious Premises, suitable for carrying on a First-olass DRAPERY & CLOTHING BUSINESS, The comfort and oonTonlenoe of easterner? hare been carefully stndied, and the Warehouse, which is spacious, lofty, and well-lighted, is generally acknowledged to be the best of ita kind In New Zealand. J.B. & CO. are in a position to place before the pablio goods bought on the most advantageous terms from the manufacturers, and thus secure to all the beat valne for money—quality and pru. being the reliable teat for cheapness. NEW AUTUMN aTwINTER GOODS Are now shown In all the departments. Millinery, Mantle, and Dressmaking in First-olass Styles. A Large Stock of MEN’S AJSO BOY’S CLOIHINO Now on hand, so well and favourably known for Excellence of Quality, Fit, and Workmanship. Our Own Manufaotnre. A HAT AND~OAP FACTORY On the premises. Any style made to order. One Shilling off every Pound Cash . | Discount. 1 | DUNSTABLE HOUSE, V ! Established 1864. 4 491 :-sr

Mutual life association of AUSTRALASIA. Established j. Head Office for this Island : [l6B, Hereford street. Christchurch. Directors: Hon William Reeves, M.L.C., Chairman Henry Richard Webb, Esq., J.P. William Henry Symes, Esq., M.D. Bankers : The Bank of ISew Zealand. Solicitors : Messrs Harper and Co. Its POLICIES are indefeasible from date of issue, and non forfeit ble while surrender value lasts. CLAIMS are paid IMMEDIATELY on oroof ot death and title of claimants. BONUSES become vested additions when policies have been ONE YEAR in force. Quinquennial Reports, Tables of Rates, and full information on all points of interest to intending assurants will be supplied on application to Mr Carl FRICKHOFFER, at the Commercial Hotel, Ashburton. Or from MR ALFRED HARRISON. Local Agent. By order, GEORGE GILL, Secretary. Cbriitefctjyeh, 32nd 0 178

f J. Meech HAVING determined to RELINQUISH BUSINESS, In following up his late Auction cate with a CLEARANCE SACRIFICE ALL GOODS AT AUCTION PRICES . *«*: The Public can, therefore, VISIT HIS WAREHOUSE! AHD SELECT ANY ARTICLE TREMENDOUSLY* REDUCED PRICE during the next few weeks ; and mind you don’t forget It t Crockery, Ironmongery, Kitchen Requisites, and Genuine Furniture, —MUST ALL BE DISPOSED OFFOE SALE. Splendid Hearse Mourning Coup ; Plumes Velvet Palls Hone Covers Eta Etc. 0 I E A PI In tke n-esntlme, lUNIJIAIS will conducted from L 6 upwards J MEECH BAST & xANCRED STREETS

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1360, 2 October 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1360, 2 October 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1360, 2 October 1886, Page 4