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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Ashburton County Council was held at the Council Chambers, Baring tquare, today. Present Messrs W. 0. Walker (Chairman), D McLean, K. G. Wright, E. S. Cosier, J. Jsccbod, 6 W. Leadley

C3URMAN B STATEMENT The Chairman stated : The Commis misaioner of Property Tax writes to say that the sum of £240 12s, being balance on account of subsidies, will be paid to the Council’s credit. A atatement from

him, showing how this amount is arrived at, is laid on the table The Minister for Crown Lands forwards a copy of the 1 “ Gazette,” in which is contained an : Order-in-Council delegating powers to this Council in respect to the Waterton Cemetery. The Government has vested in this Council certain plantation reserves in the county. Mr Donald Potts has asked the Council if it is willing to give £L for £1 for money spent in killing keas, as he states they are becoming a serous pest in the back country. Mr Hawdon has written to the Council explaining how a fire kindled by his shepherds ran through a gum plantation of the Council's, and destroyed the trees. Mr Hawdon regrets the circumstances of the case, but assures the Council that every endeavor was made to prevent the fire from entering the plantation. The amount of rates paid to date is £1238 4s 9d. The Committee appointed by the Council to inspect Taylor’s Creek and Lyndhuret storm water channel have met and inspected the localities, and will report to-day The Upper Ashburton Road Board are of opinion that clause 13 of the Dog Registration Act, 1880, could with advantage be brought into force. The other Road Boards in the county have not yet forwarded a reply with reference to this matter. With reference to the resolution of the Council passed last meeting re unemployed, I received authority from the Minister to employ local unemployed, from 10 to 15 in number, on same terms as Christchurch men were getting -total expenditure not to exceed £IOO. With the advice of the Mayor the moat urgent cases have been dealt with. I would ask the Council to consider the advisability of i recommending Government to proclaim ■ hares as vermin within the connty.

ROUTINE The rangers' reportß and diaries ware placed on the table, also a state* meat of business transacted by the Chairman since last meeting. A letter from Mr Sperry re balance of subsidies was laid on the table. ENGINMR’s REPORT.

The Engineer’s report was read as follows : Blackford—Bedoliffe Bead : The contractor has now finished contract south of Terrible gully, including additional fords on Little rivet section, and has started work on his last contract ol formation near Cascade Glen. . Bridge, Bridle Path, Black mountain: This bridge will be finished to-morrow, and it will be necessary to build a short length of retaining wall, etc, for approaches, at a cost of about £lO. Ashburton Gorge Boad: The Stour mer con tract has been completed with the exception of some minor bits of finishing and rendering safe the gravel pita at upper end near B.S. 30988. Stream Deviation, Pudding Hill; The contractor is now at work on this diversion and will have it finished in about ten days. Flood drain, Wakanui Homestead Boad : The work authorised here is just about finished and the contractor will be ready to start the enlargement of drain passing Seaview early next week. Storm water, Oairnbrao and Lydnhurst; As instructed, I aocompained the Committee on their visit of inspection on 22nd ult, and as their report will no doubt be placed before the Council to-day, I need not refer to this matter specially at present—-It is apparent, however, in almost every district of the County, that there is a growing tendency to abstract flood drainage by fences, road formation eto, instead ol taking means to relieve it by allowing it to flew into the depressions formed by nature for the purpose. These, in different parts of their course, vary considerably m width and depth, but they are all more or less clearly defined, and are, undoubtedly, the courses along which floodwaters originally passed and should still pass. I should say that it the natural water courses are left unimpeded that not one third of the damage would oooure that now takes place during pero la ol heavy rainfal', aid the sooner some steps are taken to open them up from beginning to end, the better it will bo for the settlers, individually and collectively, Taylor’s creek: The Committee will also report on this question to-day If the Council should decide to undertake work on the terms proposed by the petitioners, I understand it is their wish that the work through each property should be let separately, as was done for Ford’s creek, previously executed. Upper Bangitata Traffic Bridge: The work of ra-deoking, so far as authorised, has now been completed, and the tarring of the 40ft spans is in progress. Part of the decking lifted will do for repairs, and part, suitable for cutting up lor fencing etc., might be sold as the Council may direct. North Ashburton Biver Bridge at Digby s: The tarring of the under structure is finished, and a few new deck planks have been laid. South Ashburton Bridge, Mount Somers:

The tarring of this bridge is in progress, on the completion of which the contractor will start tarring Taylor’s stream and Pudding Hill Bridges. . . . , , Plantations: The fencing repairs are in band and will shortly be completed. The filling up of plantations near Spread Eagle and Mount Hutt will be finished this month, Unemployed: The 25 unemployed from Christchurch have been at work since September 16, cutting and planting willows and making up groins for river protection, trimming and grubbing gorse fences at plantations fixing up fences etc. At present they are at work in Ashburton Forks district, and at Wakanui. Ashburton-Rangitata water supply : It will be necessary to shut off the supplies for a short time this month for the double purpose of thoroughly overhauling part of the mains (which work cannot be done with water in them) and for allowing occupiers to get the distributing races into a satisfactory condition. Tho Ol extension race through Westerfield property is being proceeded with, and the earthwork is on the point of completion. Plains water supply: This eupyly has been well maintained during the month. A few of the settlers in the lower districts are

desirous of haring the ■water shut oft for 3 or 4 days during this month to enable them to do the work of cleaning property, but, as all the drains in the upper district are in good order it may not be necessary to shut off the supply at all for this half-year, At the same time it will be necessary to request the settlers to make a special effort this month to have their races put in perfect order before the dry season sets in. Auxiliary water supplies : As this question is likely to be considered by the Council _ today, I recently inspected the Rakaia river bed near proposed point of intake and found the condition of river and banks the same as when I reported on the subject several months ago. BRIDGE BLACK MOUNTAIN, It was resolved to expend £lO on construction of retaining wall. OBSTRUCTING WATER COURSES. Mr Wright expressed his concurrence with the views of the Engineer as set forth in the paragraph in his report with reference to the obstruction of natural water courses The Chairman said he would like to see a simular resolution to the one adopted by the Upper Ashburton Koad Board on this subject passed. After a brief discussion, it was resolved that a copy of the paragraph in the Engineer’s report be forwarded to the Road Boards within the county, and that they be asked to carry its recommends tionsinto effect as far as possible. BANGITAXA TRAFFIC BRIDGE. '' It was resolved that the surplus timber at the Kangitata traffic bridge be sold, as reoommen led by the Engineer, The matter was left in thp bands qf the Engineer to arrange, ASHBURTON BAKGITATA WATER SUPPLY re qbut-

ifig off water war agreed to with reference to Ashburton-Rangitafca and Hoith Kakau water supplies

WATER SUPPLY COMMIT TEH. The Water .Supply Committee's report was read and adopted taylor's cre*k. Mr Wright read a report drawn up by himself and Mr McLean, two of the members of the Committee appointed to inspect the work done at Taylor’s creek, in reference to which Mr Taylor had made a claim on the Council. The report was as follow# :

Your Committee have to report that on Monday last they, with the Engineer, visited the locality referred to in the petition sent in by Thos. Taylor and others. That they traversed the coarse of the creek from its intersection by the Wheatstone main drain to the outlet below the Beach road. Your Committee find that the area of land that would be beneficially affected by the enlargement of Taylor’s Creek is very considerable*. The creek in question is in a locality that has participated in a very limited degree in the county expenditure upon water races, which are here three miles apart. Your Committee also find that the works executed by the county and Road Board to improve the drainage of the surrounding districts have somewhat added to the rush of water in this locality. Also that the coarse of the creek is very tortuous, and that it should be straightened, widened, and deepened in several places. The works executed by Mr Taylor during the last two years are iu-the proper direction, and as far as they go will lessen the coat of the work remaining to be done. Your Committee, therefore, recommend that Mr Taylor be allowed payment for the valuo of bis work, and that the Bogineer be authorised to invite tenders for the completion of this line of drainage.— Donald McLean, Edward G. Wbioht.

The report was adopted and it was re* solved that the work recommended be proceeded with, tenders to be called by next meeting, and that the value of the work done by Mr Taylor be assessed. IRRIGATION.

Mr Harper’s notice of motion, in the absence of that gentleman, regarding subdivision of the country for irrigation purpose was postponed till next meeting on the application of Mr Ocster. PAYMENTS.

The nsnal monthly accounts were passed for payment. ERAS. Mr Donald Potts asked if the Council would give ai amount equal to that raised by runhouldera for the distraction of Reas which were becoming a serious nuisance in the back country. The Chairman said he had received a similar letter from Mr Mere wether. He had communicated with the Government on the matter, and he able to lay the reply before the Council at next meeting, when it con’d be decided what sho a 1 be done. Atter a desultory discussion, the matter was postponed till further information be received. THS DOQ NtJISACNB.

The Upper Ashburton Road Board wrote in reply to a letter from the Conned that in the Board's opinion the I3th clause of the Dog Registration Act could with advantage be broght into force in the neighborhood of towns and villages. It was decided to forward the letter to the police. DKFECTIV3 DRAINS. Mr McQailxin, Flemington, wrote odllng the Council's attention to the state of the drain tanning through his property. It had been made about six years ago aod had not been cleared out alnce. The Engineer aaidthit Mr McQ iilkin was in error in stating that the drain had not been cleaned for six years. Being through wet swampy ground it was originally out wider than was absolutely necessary and was afterwa-ds cleaned out at the Council’s expense to a width of 4ft at bottom. The Waterloo saltiers who received the benefit of the water were liable for the maintenance of this portion, and ho would ask them to have another clearance made this month, when’ other races ate being overhauled. It was decided to forward a copy of the Engineer’s reply to Mr McQullkin, AN APPLICATION. fiSig!

Mr A Tamer applied for a earn of £ll Oj 9d ia connect 01 with his contract On the Rakala Gorge Road After the Engineer had made n explanation, it waa resolved to inform Mr Turner that ha had been paid the fall amount of his contract money.

DESTRUCTION OF A PLANTATION. Mr 0. G. Hawdon, Weaterfield, wrote, regretting that his shepherds bad kindled a tnaaock fire which had run through a gam plaa’atioa, the property of the Council. The fire had been ignited a long way from the plantation and when the wind was blowing directly from it. The wind changed and, in spite of the efforts of the three men attending the fire, it overrun the plantation. Be regretted the circumstance, bat he was able to say that every care bad been taken and ha thought it was only a question of time when all the plantations would suffer from fire unless precautions were taken, as in the Geraldine district, by ploughing round and sowing down with clover.

The Engineer was authorised to plough a atrip one chain in width, where practicable, around each of the Council’* plantations.—The Engineer waa further instructed to report upon the damage done by the fire. ADJOURNMENT At this stage the Council adjourned for an hour.' Upon resuming the following business v.a transacted: LTKDHORST STORM WATER. The Committoa appointed to enquire into this matter submitted its report as followa ; The Committee having inspected the ground and followed the channel up _ beyond Cairnbrae, are unanimously of opinion that the storm water coarse ia question is undoubtedly the old and proper course for the storm water of that locality to be allowed to run in ; and that no obstruction should be placed across it by the erections ot fences, road formation or otherwise. The Committee thinks it advisable to call the attention of the Council to the fact that whereever such natural water courses exist it is absolutely necessary in the interest of the ratepapers that they should be kept free of all obstructions as specified above. The report was adopted. - WAIERTON OEM 6.TERY.

A letter was read from the Crown Lands Department with regard to the delegation of powers to the Council in respect of the Waterton Cemetery. It was decided that enquiry be made as to the constitution of the Present Board. SOUTH BOAD. Mr Jephson, on behalf of the Tinwald Town Board, waited on the Council and asked if the Council would undertake necessary work on the South road on that portion of its length in the Tinwald Town District. The Chairman said the Council had no power to undertake any work on the road In question it cot being under the control of the Council. Mr Jephson asked if the Town Board provided carts would some of the unemployed be available for shingling on the road. The Chairman said he would endeavor to give effect to Mr Jepbson’s request. Mr Jephson thanked the Council and withdrew. STOBM WATER. Mr W.' Strachan wrote complaining of storm water between Methven and Mit^han.

It was decided that Mr Strachan be supplied with a copy of the report of the Committee appointed to deal with the Lyndhurst storm water question.

HARKS. It wsa reao’red that Government be

asked to proc'a'm hares in this County', vermin.

BBVENUE ANP EXPENfirUEB. Mr Wright moved “ That a Committee be appointed to oocs.der the expenditure required in esoh riding and the separate rates necessary to be (track for each riding for the year 1887 in accordance with clauses 145, 146,149 and ; 50 of the Oonnties Act of 1886, the Committee to consist of Messrs Walker, Jackson, McLean and the mover ” —Mr Jackaon seconded the motion, which was carried.

AUXILIARY CHANNEL. A long discussion took place on Ur Wright’s motion, held over from last meeting, in reference to the construction of an auxiliary channel from tlie Rskala. The motion wae negatived (Car report of the discussion is held over.) Notcies of motion bearing on the same subject were given as follows : Mr Leadley gave notice of motioa for next meeting as follows “ That the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and estimates of the cost of taking m auxiliary supply of water from Wakanni creek, each supply to be made to serve as large an area of the Ashburton riding as possible, the coat of the proposed work to to be defrayed from the general oonntj revenue, Mr Cosier gave notice; of motion as

follows : “ That one or mors water races between the headworks of the Baksi*Ashburton water supply and the sea be enlarged in order to bring down a snficient supply of water to reach tha lower end of the Sooth Rakais riding, tbs cost to be paid by County revenue. Mr Wrieht gave notice of motion an Follows : “ That pending better provision being made for supplying the Seafield and Bakaia districts with water the eondi* tional water r ces enumerated in a ictsm laid on tha table at the August meeting bs closed.” The Connell then ad j ouraed.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1359, 1 October 1886, Page 2

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ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1359, 1 October 1886, Page 2

ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume V, Issue 1359, 1 October 1886, Page 2