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Business Notices. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FROM Thomas Taylor’s TEA AND GROCERY PRICE LIST. IN-SANIE, OR WINE OF HEALTH The New Prize Medal Aerated NonAlcoholic Beverage—la per bottle, 11a per dozen. Pure Assam Tea, 2a and 2s fid per lb Pore Lemon Juice (certified) imperial quarts, la 9d Assam Congou, 2s per lb White Crystal Sugar, 4d per lb —see window sample Beat Black or Mixed Tea, 2s lOd—don’t pay more Fry’s Chocolate, quite fresh- la 3d per lb Java Rice, 71b for la fid; 561 b bags, 11s 9d, 13s, or 16s Costa Rica Coffee, Is 4d per lb Straw-colored Sugar, 3£d per lb—see window sample Family Congou, Is fid per lb Highest testimonials.

Before paying a fancy price for Tea, try a pound of the above ; it has a good leaf, fine flavour, fair strength, and is guaranteed to be as pure as any sold at 3s to 4b per lb. Queensland Arrowroot, 8d per lb Morton’s Sauce, fid per bottle Carbonate of Soda, fid per lb Captain White’s Oriental Pickles, 2s 3d per bottle Tea—Strong lead-lined boxes, containing 201 b of the celebrated Assam Mixture, 40s, 465, or 60s Dried Apples, fiW'per’lb Hops, 2s per lb Ginger, Is 8d per lb China Tea (broken leaf), 14s fid per box New Season, 18s fid, 20s, to i Half-chests of 401 b, 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s Oatmeal, 3s 3d 251 b bag Indian Currie Powder, fid per .. «» ; Crosse and Blackwell’s, Is Kero a ene, 17s fid, 18s fid, and 20s per case Luncheon Biscuits, 3£d per lb Neave’s Food for Infants, Is 3d per tin Chutnee (Morton’s), 9d per bottle Mellor’s Sauce, 9d, or Is fid per bottl Irish Moss, Is 3d per bottle, Safety Matches (half size), 4d per doze. Baking Powder (loose), Is per lb Condensed Milk (Milkmaid brand), IOJd per tin Sago, 4d per lb Hemp, Rape, Canary, or Linseed, 6d per lb Best Twist Tobacco 5s per lb Venus Nailrod, 6s per lb i Aromatic bars, 6s per lb A 21b tin of best Salmon, la 6d Cleaver’s Toilet Soap, 11b bar, Is A 31b bar of excellent soap for fid

GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN AND SUBURBS, OR AT THE RAILWAY STATION. T. TAYLOR’S ONLY PLACES OF BUSINESS Are COLOMBO STREET, One door city side of Tuam street and Lower High street (Opposite the Caversham Hotel). 284 c J. F. Stratz, HIGH STREET (TRIANGLE), Cristohcjrch. PRACTICAL in Foreign and English Watches. Makes all his expenses by his hand-work, therefore he can sell cheaper than any other house in Canterbury. (Established 1877.] Rotheram’s Silver Hunting Levers, £6. £l5O REWARD, if not genuine. 20 per Cent. Cheaper than other House.

WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY With Written Guarantee, sent Carefully Packed, to all paits of New Zealand. H R fl V ;£ fl “Ij.i Hosioaa iHorads mvm ’aavKx 3hx aoa jjnkvx saaaao

J. F. STRATZ ; uirect Importer of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, and Silver Plate from England, Prance, Germany, and America. English Silver Hunting Levers, capped, from £3 10s to £lO 10s. £ s. d. American Waltham Lovers, with English cases, from ... 2 5 0 American Lever Clocks, in wood or nickel silver cases 0 9 6 Alarm Clocks (nickel silver), bell 012 6

GRACEFUL COMFORTTN G EPPS’S 0000 A. BREAKFAST. BY a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor’s bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tenpency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.— See article in the Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk Sold only in packets, labelled : JAMES EPPS AND CO., ■homoeopathic chemist, LONDON. : Also. ■ EPPS’ CHOCOLATE ESSENCE, JOB AXTKBHOON USB. 792

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 498, 11 November 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 498, 11 November 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 498, 11 November 1881, Page 4