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Medical. by Dr. Grant, and am now quite well, being able tr> hear as well as ever I did. Airmen Parkinson, Farmer, (Jpotiki. Mangero, Onehunga, Auckland, August 26, 1880. For thirty-five years I have been suffering with diseased eyes. Since August 5 I have been under Dr. Grant’s care, and am rapidly recovering. —J. Nicuolls. Symonds street, Auckland, August 27, 1880. I have been deaf for eighteen years (since I was four years old) the drums of both years having ulcerated away. lam still improving under Dr. Grant’s care, and can hear much better now, sometimes very well.— Margaret Sanderson. ! Auckland Lunatic Asylum, Whan; Aug. 28, 1880. This is to certify that I have been under Dr. Grant’s care for hardness of hearing from.the 13th instant, and find I am so far improved as to hear the ticking of a watch, , which I could not dc before I put myself under his treatment. lam over sixty years old. —John King. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. We can conscientiously recommed those suffering from deafness or other ailments that Dr. Grant has made a special study of, to pay him a visit, when, if curable patients, they may certainly expect relief. An instance came under our notico on Thursday, in the case of a man named Charles Swanson, who had been very deaf for three years, but, after ten days’ treatment, can now hear perfectly even the lowest whisper. The cure is a rather remarkable one, as he had been under Die care, of many medical .men, but has received no benefit whatever from tbeir treatment —New Zealander,Dec. 27, 1879. Mr. Earnest D'Egville Michau called at our office yesterday, and stated that he had been blind with the right eye all his lifetime. Hearing about Dr. Grant, the oculist, who is now on a visit to this city, he determined to give him a trial. He had only been under Dr. Grant s treatment ten or eleven days when he found that he could see large objects at some distance. Mr. Michau states that he had been under the treatment of some of the best medical men at homo, but had not received the least benefit. We are at all times chary of accepting details of “ Wonderful cures;” but the young man who called at our office appeared to be telling the truth, and was exceedingly grateful to Dr. Gant for the relief which he has already, experienced.—Veto Zealand Times, Dec. 25, 1879. Dr. Qrant,has recently effected, a very remarkable cure in the case of Mrs. D. Evans, of Kumara, who has been under his treatment for deafness since Feb. 14, last. Mrs. Evans has been deaf in both ears for a very long period—no less than, thirty years—her affliction having been caused by a fever, from which she suffered severely. Since that time she has been almost .totally deaf, for she could only hear the the loudest sounds. Since she has been under Dr. Grant’s treatment her hearing has gradually improved, so that now she can hear plainly conversation in an ordinary tone of voice. . She will return in a few days to Kumara perfectly well, and in possession Of the full faculty' of • which she has been so long deprived; West Coast Times, March 10,1880. • One of -the employees in the Public Works office here has sent ris the follow-: ing testimonial to the skill of Dr. Grant. He says : —“I wish to let you know that Dr. Grant has greatly improved the hearing of one of my ears, the membrane of which was injured some six years ago. I may add that two surgeons, whom I con- j suited a short time ago, considered the case incurable.” Dr. Grant has also been very successful in several difficult cases of disease of the eye. —Hokitika Times, March 23, 1880. There are amongst Dr. Grant’s successful eye cases at Hokitika, a young lady, at J. Jack’s, Esq., the Mayor, cured, by operation, of squinting; and Mrs. Wavent, operation for artificial pupil. : Dr. Grant-is also SPECIALIST in the DISEASES of WOMEN and CHILDREN. 428 TEEDMAN’S SOOTHING POWDERS 1 FOR . . CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. The value of this well-known Family Medicine.has been largely tested in all parts of the world, and by all grades of society, for upwards of FIFTY YEARS. Its well-earned extensive sale has induced SPURIOUS IMITATIONS, some of which in OUTWARD APPEARANCE so closely resemble the original as to have deceived many purchasers. The proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give a special caution against the use of SUCH IMITATIONS. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, : without Which' none ‘ are genuine : Ist—ln every case the words JOHN STEEDMAN, CHEMIST, WALWORTH, SURREY, are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. 2nd—Each Single. Powder has directions for the dose,' and the words, John Steedman, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, printed thereon. 3rd —The name, Steedman, is always spell with two EE’s. 4th —The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser and Co., Auckland. 83 'CfJfibfts-Mra. WINSLOW? f As this » » question is frequently asked, we shall simply say thatsheis a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untireingly devoted her time and talents as a female physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort and practical knowledge obtained in a lifetime as nurse and physician, she has compounded a SOOTHING SYRUP for Children.: It operates like magic, giving rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renouned as a benefactor of her race. . Children certainly do rise up and bless her. Especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are, daily sold and used here. We think Mrs Winslow has immortalised her name by this invaluable article, and we, sincerely believe that thousands of children Have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, .and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits and unite in calling her blessed. No mother. lias discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion,- until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Winslow’s -Soothing. Syrup. Try it mothers, try it how. —‘ Ladies’ Visitor, New York City. ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—Are you broken in your rest by a sick child, suffering with the pain of cutting teeth ? Go at , piffle to -the chemist and get a, bottle of Mrs. fepOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless’; , it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the chiltUfrbm : pain, and the little cherub awakes “ as bright as a button. ” • It has been in use in America, and is highly recommended by It is ' very : pleasant to take ; it sooths this child ;it softens the gums, allays all pairi, - relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and ■ is the best known remedy for dysentry arid diarrhoea; whether arising from j eething or other causes. Bo sure and , ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, ] and see that “Curtis and Perkins, New ( York and London,” is on the outside j wrapper. No mother should bo without ( it. Sold by all medicine dealers, at Is. : It ijd.—Depot, 493, Oxford street. 1

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 243, 15 January 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 243, 15 January 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 243, 15 January 1881, Page 4