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Medical. T7OK COUGHS, BKONCMITIS, I\i FLUENZA, COLDS, &c. ROWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED. JDOWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED. JpOWELL’S BALSAM of^jpSEED. mHE Oldest and Most Effectual COUGH 1 REMEDY. Extraordinary testimonials. HER MAJESTY S GUN BOAT NETLEY. Wick, Scotland. Dear Sir,— Having had a most distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was recommended by his LORDSHIP the EARL of CAITHNESS to try your most invaluable Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you, with the first dose, I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties; and the first small bottle completely cured me, therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it to the million. Signed, W. LINZELL, H.M.G.B. NETLEY. pOWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED. Due de Montabob writes “ Chateau de Montabor, Aveyron. Sir, —Having suffered for some time from an obstinate cough, accompanied with fever, continuous head-aches, and sleepless nights, I resolved after having vainly tried several other medicines, to have recourse to your BALSAM of ANISEED. I cannot resist, sir, the desire of making you acquainted with the really marvelous results which I derived from it. From the first dose I felt great relief, the bad symptoms grew feebler, the irritation of the throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which had nearly left me. The third dose delivered me completely, and I am now completely restored to health. Receive, sir, with the expression of my gratitude the assurance of my distinguished sentiments. DUC DE MONTABOR.” F'OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. For coughs, bronchitis, inFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. ?OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. POWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED. “ Sir,—l have for a long time suffered from a severe cough and tried all manner of remedies. Dr. Liberecht advised POWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED ; it cured me after a few days. You are at liberty to use this letter in hopes that others may benefit by it.— I am, Sir, Yours. &c., ALBERT COUNT POTOCKI.” pOWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED ILL LOOSEN the PHLEGM immediately.—The Dean of Westminster’s Verger writes : “I was advised to try the Balsam of AnLeed; I did, and have found great relief. It is most comforting in allaying irritation and giving strength to the voice.” Lionel Brough, Esq., the eminent actor, writes : I think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and sister artistes.” T' RULY an wvtr - XPECTORaNT.—UIIett, of Bury, Hunts., Palmer & 1 Son, Ramsay :—“ Having been in the habit o using Powell’s Balsam of Aniseed for a great ’ number of years, I have great pleasure in bear- * ing testimony to its incomparable effects as ah expectorant. I always find a single dose gives ( immediate relief, and a small bottle effects a - perfect cure.” P‘ OWELL’S BALSAM of ANISEED.— The effects of one teaspoonful taken in a little water before going to bed is extraordinary. No family should be without it in the winter. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors . throughout the World, is i '/>d. and 2s 3d per [ per bottle; a great saving in taking family bottles, ns each. Established over 50 years. I Prepared only by THOMAS POWELL, Blackfriars Road, London. i ASK for POWELL’S BALSAM of > XA ANISEED . QOLD by all CHEMISTS and STOREO KEEPERS. Observe the Trade Mark, “Lion, Net, and Mouse.” > Wholesale Agents in the Australian and [ New Zealand Colonies -Elliot Brothers; Eyers & Solomon ; Felton, Grimwalde, I & Co. ; P. and S. Falk, Faulding & Co. , , Rocke, Tompsit, & Co. ; Rosenthall & [ Co.; Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. ; S. s Hoffenung & Co.; Hemmons, Laws, & Co. ; Berkley, Taylor, & Co. ; and all 1 other wholesale houses. Proprietor— Thomas ! Powell, Blackfriars Road London. KEATINGS COUGH LOZENGES, COUGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ACCUMULATION OF PHLEGM. : Composed of the purest articles. These I Lozenges contain no opium nor any deleterious t drug, therefore the most delicate can take , them with perfect confidence. Their beneficial p effect is speedy and certain. This old unfailing family remedy is daily recommended by I the most eminent Physicians. (In use nearly 60 years). MEDICAL TESTIMONY. July 25th, 1877. 32, Cold Harbour Lane, 1 London. Sir, —Your Lozenges are excellent, and their beneficial effect most reliable; I strongly recommend them in cases of cough and asthma. You are at liberty to state this as my opinion, formed from many years experience. J. Bringloe, M.R.C.S.L., L.S.A., L.M, Mr. T. Keating, Indian Medical Service. Dear Sir, —Having tried your Lozenges in India, I have much pleasure in testifying to their beneficial effects in cases of incipient consumption, asthma and bronchial affections. I have prescribed them largely, with the best results. W. B. G, , Apothecary. H.M.S. KEATINGS COUGH LOZENGES are sold by all Chemists, in tins of various sizes, each having the words, “Keatings’s Cough Lozenges ” engrrven on the government stamp. KEATING’S WORM TABLETS, A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, Doth in appearance and tasta, furnishing a most agreeable method of administering the only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for childien. Sold in tins by all Chemists. Proprietor, THOS. K.EATING, London, Export Chemist and Druggist. GRATEFUL—COMFORTIF G. TIBBS’S BREAKFAST COCOA. by a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application ol .he fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by tne judicious use of such articles of diet, that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us, ready to attack wherever there h UMk, point. We may escape many a keeping ourselves well fortified and a properly nourished frame. ” — 7%? Ctzii Service Gazette. ’ SOLD ONLY IN PACKETS LABELLED JAMES EBBS AND"CO Homoepathic Chemists, London,

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 105, 27 May 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 105, 27 May 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 105, 27 May 1880, Page 4