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Furious Riding. —Thursday the Mayor and Mr. Cox.fined a man named Skilling 10s. for furious riding. The Old Men’s Home. —The Colonial Secretary has authorised the addition of two rooms to the Old Men’s Home: on condition that the cost does not exceed the estimate of L 95. Postal. —Yesterday w.s advertised as a holiday for the’ postal department, but through the courtesy of ourlocal postmaster little inconvenience was suffered, the mails being distributed on arrival as usual. Borough Reserves. —The borough reserves were submitted to auction on Thursday by Mr. Bullock, for Messrs. Edraiston Brcs. and Gundry, but only one was sold, a section with cottage, at an annual rent of Ll 5 a year for the first seven years, with a progressive increase of 50 per cent, for the next and following seven years. The Akaroa reserves were also offered, but were withdrawn. Wanted a Good Sixpennyworth.— A man named C. Brown was on Thursday sent for 24 hours to gaol for pocketing the tumbler in which his drink was served by the Somerset barman. He had two of the hotel tumblers in his possession when* apprehsnded. Mr. Branson pled Brown’s case before the Mayor and Mr. Cox, who took a lenient view of the offence, at the instance of Mr. Shearman. Freak of Nature.— Yesterday morning a cow belonging to Mr, George Kidd, blacksmith, Ashburton, gave birth to a most extraordinary calf. Beyond two short stumps, a few inches in length, it had no hind legs, and there was nothing on the stumps that could raise even the suspicion of a hoof, the ends being completely covered by hair. When found the calf -was dead, and Mr. Kidd is not sure whether it had been killed accidentally by its dam, or had been stillborn. Cricket. —There was a fair muster of cricketers on the Domain ground yesterday afternoon, and a scratch match was played between sides chosen by Messrs. Amos and Marsh. After an enjoyable game victory rested with the team selected by the former gentleman, but the cricket displayed was of a mediocre order, the only features we commend being the fielding of Messrs. Ey ton and Hoskins. Several members of the Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club wore also also on the ground, and some interesting games were played. Martial Law. —One of the officers of the New Zealand Army found himself in rather an ignominious plight at Rakaia yesterday morning. We are informed that the gentleman, inflated we presume by hia military consequence, insisted upon smoking in an unreserved first-class carriage to the annoyance of his protesting fellow-passengers. After he had been quietly remonstrated with, yet still persisted in his ungentlemanly behaviour, the guard of the train was appealed to, and as this official failed to prevail upon the offender to abandon hia “ weed,” the officer-was forcibly ejected from the train at Rakaia and left behind by his travelling subordinates. Later in the day a crest fallen red-coat reached Ashburton by the aid of Mr. Lake’s buggy. A Wandering Milch Cow.— “ A bull in a china shop ” is a very untoward event, and we daresay Mr. Birtwcll yesterday believed.that a cow was a very unpleasant visitor. Two boys were driving a milker along East street, when the perverse animal refused to take the turning they wished her—viz., down Tancred street. One of the boys got ahead of the cow to hint as delicately as possible to her cream-giving ladyship the direction she was desired to take, but she failed to understand the cow language the boy spoke, and mistook Mr. Birtwell’s shop for the proper opening, and went in. After some trouble in turning, to the danger of the counter and the good things upon it, she was got out, and a little more persuasion got her into Tancred street. She didn’t do any danger fortunately. Bee-keeping.— We learn that it is the intention of Dr. Irvine, of Christchurch, to deliver a lecture in Ashburton on the Ist of April on the very interesting subject of bee-keeping. Dr. Irvine’s reputation as an apiarian, and the pains lie has taken to bring the value of bees before the community, both as sources of profit and amusement, are well known, and Ashburton bee-keepers, and all who like to hear an interesting lecture ought to attend. We believe he will explain and exhibit the new bar hive of which so much has recently been said in Christchurch. The past season has been particularly prolific in clover in this district, and the returns of honey are very large. Doubtless Dr. Irvine’s lecture will have the effect of raising an extraordinary crop of hives in Ashburton, for bee-keep-ing is a’pursuit that may be followed both by peer and peasant, by the humblest cottage gix’l and by the most refined lady of the land, and the labor of attending the bees is a source of enjoyment to all who engage in it.

Ouu National “ Defenders. ” — When die special train arrived from the south yesterday at 10 o’clock, a crowd of some fifty or more volunteers charged the shop of Mr. Furness, fruiterer and tobacconist, and while Mrs. Furness, who was the only person behind the counter, was serving the nearest of them with fruit, the citizen soldiers helped themselves to all her stock of cigars, tobacco, fancy pipes, matches, and everything consumable within reach, both from the tobacco shelves, and the fruit and confectionary counter. They stole all the lemonade and gingerbeer bottles, leaving only two—and these empty—they emptied the fruit boxes outside the counter, but carefully passed by the onions ; and they robbed some six tins of biscuits of their contents, besides making off with a large supply of confectionery. As they nuhed off before either paying or giving Mrs. Furness any promise to do so, there will probably be more heard of the matter, as Sergeant Pratt has been made acquainted with the facta of the case.

Sunday School Tea Meeting. —Good Friday was a red letter day in the history of the Ashburton Primitive Methodists. At 1 p. m. the Sunday school children met in the church from whence they walked in procession, headedbyßev. A. J. Smith, to a field (kindly lent by Mr. Andrews, senr.) where several hours were spent in all kinds of youthful sports. Mr. Smith and Miss Watkins had collected a large number of pretty and useful toys, and nuts, biscuits, lollies, and apples, for which Ihe children ran races, etc. At 4 o’clock the children met in the Town Hall and enjoyed a very hearty repast free, the caterer being Mr. Thomas Taylor, baker, Ashburton. The tables wore then cleared, after which between one and two hundred sat down to a very excellent tea. The tables were gracefully presided over by Mesdames James, Stokes, Dally, Jowsey, Puddicombe, Tresize, Pilkington, Taylor, Tilley, Watts and others. After tea an enthusiastic public meeting was held. Mr. Hodder ably presided, and the report read by Mr. Smith was of a very encouraging nature, showing a steady increase both in numbers and finances. The choir and children rendered with good effect a number of Sankey’s hymns, Miss Hardley efficiently presiding at the harmonium, speeches were delivered by Messas. Bevan and Hall and a splendid selection of recitations were given in a very creditable manner by the children. The usual votes of thanks terminated this interesting and profitable meeting which we opine was a success in every respect. En Route for the Review. —Good Friday is usually a slow, day in Ashburton; but yesterday, it, was made quite lively by the passage of a number Volunteer trains through it en route to the Easter encampment. At halLpast ten the first special from the far south arrived; It consisted of 16 or 18 carriages well filled with Volunteers, many of whom had been on the train from midnight previously. The train remained at the station until the ordinary from the north and the Express had passed, and it then proceeded to Christchurch. A detachment of Volunteers from Temuka arrived about an hour afterwards, but l ad to wait until the express from the south arrived. It also brought a crowd of Volunteers, and when it hid loaded up with passengers from Ashburton, amongst whom was a contingent of 14 or 15 of our own Rifles, it formed quite a largo train. At half-past seven another special from the south arrived. It was made up of 17, carriages, and was perhaps the heaviest laden of all the trains that passed. All the day long Volunteers of one sort or another were moving about the township, and crowds of Ashburton people iwere on the station at the arrival of each train. The intensity of the colonial thirst was shown in a most marked degree during: the day, and for ability to inclose beer.commend us to the knot of red-coats, whose lot it was to kill three hours in Ashburton yesterday. We now and again fancied that the day’s proceedings were very nearly being enlivened with a fight or two, but fortunately the drink inbibed didn’t appear to be of that kind, and the little affairs burst up without any heels getting into the air—at least, not from knockdown blows. One poor disconsolate soldier was what the Scotchmen would call “greetin’ foil,” but wo were.unable to discover the cause of his grief. At raidday a train-load of cadets passed south, en route to the review that was to come off at Waimate.

O amaru Stone. —The Qaniaru ''tone Company is able, after two, years’ existence, to declare a dividend of 10 per cent. Oamaeu Wheat.,; —A landowner, in Oamaru has refused is. per; bushel for a parcel of wheat amounting to 30,000 bushels, The Victorian Harvest. —So prolific is the Victorian harvest that 1,200 tenders have been received by the police department for forage. Lost in London. —Last year 19 children and no fewer than 121 adults disappeared in London, and have remained unaccounted for. Donation. — Mr. Henry Somerville has given a donation of LI,OOO to the Presbyterian Church, a portion to be devoted to the Assembly Scholarships Fund. The Poor Esquimaux. —Many of the Esquimaux are starving. The Americans cannot catch sufficient whales and have taken to killing the walrus, on which the Esquimaux depend for support. An Effect of “ Pinafore. —The Admiralty have rescinded the regulation which forbade the residence of women on board ship—doubtless an effect of the continual performance of “ Pinafore.” A Pilgrimage. —A pilgrimage from England is being organised on a large scale, to assist at the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Noah’s Remains. —The village of Muallaka, near Baalbec, is celebrated as containing the mortal remains of Noah, whose tomb is shown to the credulous stranger. Its dimensions are 104 feet long by 10 broad. The World’s Gold.— The total production for the world of gold and silver for the 373 years from 1493 to 1879 is estimated by an eminent. German authority at L 1,494,537,102 of silver and L 1,128,830,249 of gold. . . Painful Accident. A man named Johnston was rivetting a tank at the Christchurch Gasworks on Tuesday, when a chip flew and struck-him in the eye, which has resulted in the injured organ having to be removed. Tongaribo, —We hear from, Taupo that Tongariro la in a state' of volcanic eruption, emitting vast volumes of smoke, and showing a lurid glare at night. It is now nearly eleven years since Tongoriro was in a state of extreme eruptian. Cheap Mutton, —There can be no complaint about the price of mutton in Napier just at present. Excellent legs of mutton, ranging from Gibs, to 81bs. each, are delivered at the door for lOd. a Jog, and kidneys can be bought at 6d per dozen. Horses in Great Britain.— Horses increased in Great Britain from 301,000 in 1870 to 448,000 at the present time, and yet they are much higher in price now than then, and were it not for the disastrous season there, the advance would be still greater. The Best of the Two.— A statue of Eve is talked of in San Francisco, according to the “ News Letter,” which gives the following report of a woman’s meeting on the subject : — £I They praised up Eve and run down Adam awfully. Adam was mean. He told tales on Eve about that apple. Eve didn’t tell on Adam ; she was true as steel. When the dreadful day came, and the deputy sheriff ejected them from their homestead, Eve didn’t stand there blubbering, but set to work at once and made Adam an ulster of fig leaves and herself a new petticoat. She deserves and must have a statue.” Apathetic Wesleyans. —This is how the “NewZealandWesleyan ’’dresaesdown its fellow churchmen, and does a bit of touting as well : —‘ ‘lf it were possible to secure a return of the quantity and quality of the literature that constitutes the mental pabulum of the New Zealand Methodists, I have an idea that I would reveal some curious and interesting facts. One curious fact would he that there is even yet a large number of New Zealand Methodists who are so far neglectful of their privileges as not to take in the “New Zealand Wesleyan,” and another curious fact would be that a great many who do take in the “ Wesleyan” are, as far as they are concerned, leaving the printer to whistle for his money,”

Humorous Printers. —They say in America that all their humorists have been compositors Artemus , Ward, Orpheus 0. Kerr, Nasby, Mark Twain, Josh Billings, Mrs. Partington, Bret Harte, Joe Harris, Bridges Smith, Si Hawkins, Charlie Willingham, Cousin Annie Barnes, Alex. Stephens, John T. Martin, John Shivers, Henry H. Tuckey, Even Howell, E. Y. Clarke—all of them have set minion on daily papers. Peaches and Pumpkins on one Tree. —The “ Bay of Plenty Times ” is responsible for the statement that in Mr. Joe Kingsley’s garden at the Quarter Acres there is a tree bearing peaches and pumpkins together. The tree was raised by Mr. Kingsley himself, and the only way he can account for its extraordinary bearing qualities is that when sowing the seed he-put a peach stone and a pumpkin seed together, and they got mixed. Luther’s Wedding Ring. Luther’s wedding ring is on exhibition at the jeweller’s, Herr Rothe, at Dusseldorf. The ring, which bears the inscription, “ Dr. Martino Lutheto, Catherina von Bora, IS June, 1525,” is a work of considerable arc. On it is represented the Passion of Our Lord, the cross, and the body of Jesus forming the middle, surrounded by all the chief tools of the carpenter’s craft, a small ruby sparkling recalling the holy blood. Peculiar Mortality among Fish.— An Auckland paper of the 9th says:— News from the East Coast informs us that the fish are still being killed in some mysterious way in large numbers, and that the, beaches are strewed with dead fish of all kinds. We are informed that dead fish are also found five miles up the creeks and rivers. There are man}' arguments against this mortality being caused by some vomiting forth of sulphurous stuff near the coast, but no other theory appears to be better, or as good. A Murrain in the Mauritius. —A serious epidemic is raging among cattle in the Mauritius. Since the first appearance of this plague in May last, no less than 21,355 cattle have been lost. This is the official number given, and it is believed there are many thousand deaths which have not been brought to official notice. The cattle are dying off at the rate of 3500 a month. The epidemic has also attacked the deer of this island. During December no less than 384 deer are officially certified to have died from the disease. Of course there are many more which have perished in the forest unknown to the rangers. Large shipments of mules from South America, and horses from Western Australia, have been made to meet the deficiency in draught animals, and large numbers of cattle continue to arrive weekly by steamer from Madagascar. Te Whixi.—The Auckland “ Herald’s” special correspondent “at the front” has the following to say regarding the Maori prophet’s oratory :—“ Standing on the raised-platform, with blanket worn togafashion round him, outstretched arm, graceful gesture, and a pose of body firm yet animated, he appeared the very beau ideal of a natural orator. Without rant, without declamation, without anything ayproaching to * high faintin’,’ Te Whiti’s words flowed evenly and uninterruptedly. Even one utterly ignorant of the language could tell when he appealed, when he upbraided, when he spoke scornfully of his enemies, when he prophesied hopefully of the future. The inflexion of his voice and the play of his features were in themselves eloquent. He didn’t put his hands in his pockets—by the way he had none—he didn’t stroke his moustache, he didn’t play wild havoc with the letter H, he didn’t scratch his head, or hawk, or expectorate ; and when he finished his speech he didn’t flop down on his seat, glare fiercely about him, and then rush off to Bellamy’s. Te Whiti is not civilised enough for that ; his education remains to be finished when he is elevated to a seat in the Parliament of New Zealand. It is only there that those delicate finishing touches can be acquired which make the polished rhetorician. Te Whiti has much to learn. ”

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 79, 27 March 1880, Page 2

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Untitled Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 79, 27 March 1880, Page 2

Untitled Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 79, 27 March 1880, Page 2