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be spared to go to Masterton for the time such a matter would take. About the Survey of the line from this side I do not wish to start it until I have arranged with the Natives - then as I wrote you I wish to employ Weber if he will like it. I expect he will be only too glad for I am sorry to hear his Mill is doing no good. About Wi Hapi's visit I expect Renata to come and see me in a day or two and I shall ask him about Hapi's visit. Like you I am not pleased with that letter Ropata stopped getting through this district without its being reported. I know however that there is a great deal of dissatisfaction among the natives about their lands and can quite understand their being sulky and believe they are so. With regard to communication with Ngatiporou I quite agree it is most desirable and think it can best be done by Steamer - there is no overland mail at present altho' that wd. also be of considerable service. Read and Watt have a Steamer coming for the East Coast trade and when she is ready I will see what arrangements I can make - for about £500 a year we ought to get communication kept up this side the East Cape. I do not expect however any steamer wd. for that sum trade to the Bay of Plenty as there is no connection between the places and no trade. That however is pretty well done from Auckland.