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back but as you say he will come in in time. I had not pressed them since I saw they were hanging back I know enough of them now to be aware that does no good. What about the Wairarapa end of the Bush I have written officially that some one will have to attend the Native Land Court and watch the proceedings. I do not know who you have to send but the case will require management and tact. The Rangitane are the applicants to put the land through (there are 200,000 acres and much of it very good) and they name an old Chief of theirs called Nekira as the principal owner - he lives somewhere in the Bush between Manawatu and Wairarapa - Of these Rangitane, Pete and Hoani Maihana are the two to depend on and the great object shd. be to pass the whole through in one Block not have it subdivided. I cannot learn much about the ownership of any Wairarapa Natives, although I expect they do come in there, and may give trouble, as they seen in a sulky state, if any of them are interested it will be old Ritimona. Please take care the matter is properly attended to as any mess of it wd. seriously interfere with our Railway plans. Locke cannot