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As to Henare Potae I do not think there is any thing in what you have heard. Henare's main grievance is his people's claim for services in the old campaign. What about those old Claims on the East coast. Is the £2,000 voted available to satisfy them. I see Wellington is begging again for Colonial funds to pay her Provincial way with. I hope you will not give it, depend upon it it will be a strong point against you next session if you do. What excuse can possibly he given for not having brought the case before the Assembly. If Emigration goes on at present rate from Auckland you will have Her coming begging again soon, for money to pay her way with. You see if I am not right in my calculations as to tendency of Public feeling on this colonial and Provincial question. I feel certain that next Session will see my views adopted and the powers of Prov: Govt. defined and their Legislative powers limited. Either that or one Province in each Island. I am sure it is coming to one or the other and I wish the first rather than the last, altho I am not prepared to say the last is not the most likely. One thing I am certain of the Colony will not continue to tax for the wants of the Provincial Governments