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Ngamotu 7 March 1848 Sir, the Governor listen to what I have to say. Mclean has agreed, although the land has not been surveyed. Following his agreement McLean came to me and asked me to approve of the survey of the land owned by the children of Dick Barrett. I said to him that I was prepared to let them (two) have the land if they paid for it. It is my land, they had not paid for it. He Dick Barrett had not actually bought it. He had asked me for the land on the understanding that he would pay annually. I went to him to ask him for the papers pertaining to the land and he did not give them to me. I am now of the opinion with the approval of the Europeans and the Judge that this man, Dick Barrett, should be brought before the court and apprehended. Following this discussion I again asked Dick to pay by giving me horses for my land but he would not agree. I then decided I should take the land back and lease it the European way for one year at a time. There is no one person more important than my land. Since we commenced the survey we have received a message from Poharama directed by the Europeans, that they should take the land to pay for the survey of his land. This was secretly told by Poharama to the surveyors. I heard this from one of the Europeans. I was inwardly disgusted with Poharama as his wrongful act intruded into my domain. Friend, the Governor. I do not want to be included with Poharama as he has offended against us. I am therefore insisting that you give another piece of land for us as described by McLean at the starting point of the survey. Friend, the Governor, I had already discussed with McLean two years ago when I came to live at Ngamotu following the payment by Fitzroy, and then Brown came to find out who was the owner of the land. He saw Wiremukawahowho told Brown, "You go to Moturoa to Joel he will tell you what to do" Now Brown went on his horse. Dick Barrett was alive [he had since died]. When Brown arrived at Dick Barrett's he told him to go to Joel to Manahi to Paratene as they were the ones who had the say as to what was to be done with the land, that is the land that would be used to graze the cattle belonging to Kamu Kingi. It would not be right in my opinion for Kamu Kingi's cows grazing to be charged £4 for one year, £8 for two years and £12 for three years. I then told brown that the charge should be £50 a year and the same for the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th year. When the Europeans heard about the higher price it was turned down. When a certain Maori heard of the favourable arrangement I had out forward for grazing Kamu Kingi's cattle he was somewhat disgruntled and said not to accept payment and for the land to be left for the cultivation of food for the Maori people. I was reminded of what my father told me when McLean and I went on the sailing ship Victoria. His name was Rawiri. When we reached Totaranui, he (Rawiri) listened to what I had to say and he agreed that I should give the land to McLean. I had referred this to McLean when I arrived back from Wellington. McLean did not consider what I had told him. It will be seen from this that they are arranging by with the Europeans to receive payment for my land. I am of opinion that each one should pay for his own land. If I had to pay the European I would want to pay myself. For one person to pay or receive payment for all is stealing and should be liable for imprisonment. From Joel [Hoera] Notes on Translation. 1. Ngamotu - Area around the Sugar Loafes. 2. Dick Barrett - Pakeha-Maori who fought with Taranaki Maoris against Waikato Maoris. 3. Joel - Joel almost certainly. 4. Kamu Kingi - This could be King, early European settler of Taranaki [i.e.Captain Henry King, Taranaki Magistrate]. 5. Tataranui - Near Tasman Bay, Nelson. [Trans. M.R. Jones]
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7 pages written 7 Mar 1848 by an unknown author in Ngamotu, related to Michael Rotohiko Jones, Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Whanganui, Inward letters in Maori

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 7 March 1848
Document MCLEAN-1031996
Document title 7 pages written 7 Mar 1848 by an unknown author in Ngamotu, related to Michael Rotohiko Jones, Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Whanganui
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution E Ma
Author Unknown
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1848-03-07
Decade 1840s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin MRJ
Entityid None
Format Full Text
Generictitle 7 pages written 7 Mar 1848 by an unknown author in Ngamotu, related to Michael Rotohiko Jones, Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Whanganui
Iwihapu 99282/Whanganui
Language English
Maoriorigin E Ma
Name 341623/Jones, Michael Rotohiko, 1895-1978
Origin 488051/Ngamotu
Place 488051/Ngamotu
Recipient Unknown
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Sortorder 0298-0032
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 12
Tapuhiitemcount 2 3148
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Contains letters from Maori to McLean with regard to land tenure on the west coast of the North Island; in particular, there are negotiations about prices, leasing details, letters about the creation of reserves, warnings not to purchase land from non-owners and letters setting out refusals to sell
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0672A
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters in Maori
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhipiecedescription Letter describing a failed land transaction and seeking advice from Kawana for a resolution
Tapuhipiecedisplaydate 7 Mar 1848
Tapuhipieceref MS-Papers-0032-0672A-07
Tapuhipiecesearchdate 1848
Tapuhipiecetitle Letter from Hoera (Joel) to Kawana (with translation)
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-103
Teipb 1
Teiref MS-Papers-0032-0672A-07
Year 1848

7 pages written 7 Mar 1848 by an unknown author in Ngamotu, related to Michael Rotohiko Jones, Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Whanganui Inward letters in Maori

7 pages written 7 Mar 1848 by an unknown author in Ngamotu, related to Michael Rotohiko Jones, Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Whanganui Inward letters in Maori