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30 September 1850 Friend, McLean, Listen. The Pakeha you sent me to escort have injured their feet. I looked after them for two weeks to heal them but they did not recover. They said to me that they were in great trouble and [asked] if they could get on a boat. I said, 'All right', and I said, 'I will go and see to a boat for you.' I went off, on the Monday I left from Wanganui and when I got to Te Ihupuku I slept there. In the morning I went on and reached the mouth of the Waitotara, where I found the Pakeha lamenting over their possessions which had been stolen, plundered at Waitotara. Those Pakeha came from Port Nicholson and were ignorant of the route. I said to them, 'Where did you come from?' They said, 'From Port Nicholson, we were going to Taranaki when our clothes were stolen.' Well in the end I felt sorry for those Pakeha so upset on the road, four of them. I said to them, 'Let's go.' When we got to Whenuakura, the people there demanded payment. The Pakeha said, 'We have nothing.' I paid so that those Pakeha could cross over. We arrived at Patea on that same day. Friend, McLean, the people of Waitotara and Whenuakura behaved very badly towards the Pakeha. If I had not paid for the river [crossings], those Pakeha would have been in real trouble. The people of those rivers thought that only I should have their consideration. I said to them, 'If you detain my Pakeha then I also will stay here.' Young man, who would have the courage I had in asking them to ferry over my Pakeha? I paid 12 shillings for those Pakeha; they had nothing. That is all. From me, from Tamati, written at Waiheke
30 Hepe[te]ma 1850 E hoa, e Te Makarini, Kia rongo mai koe. Ko nga Pakeha e tukua mai ai e koe kia arahina mai e ahau, kua mate i nga waewae. E rua nga wiki e tiaki ana au kia ora ake, a, kihai hoki i ora ake. Ka mea mai ratou ki au, e nui ana to ratou mate me na runga ratou i te kaipuke. Ka mea atu au, 'E pai ana.' Ka mea atu au, 'Kai a au e haere kia kite au i te kaipuke mo koutou.' Ka haere ai au, no te Mane ka haere mai au i Wanganui. Ka tae mai au ki Te Ihupuku, ka moe. I te ata ka haere mai au, ka tae mai au ki te ngutu o Waitotara, ka rokohina mai e au nga Pakeha e tangi ana ki o ratou mea, kua oti te muru e te tahae, i murua ki Waitotara. E haere mai aua Pakeha i Poneke, he Pakeha kuare ki te huarahi. Ka mea atu ahau, 'I haere mai koutou i hea?' Ka mea mai ratou, 'I Poneke, e haere ana matou ki Taranaki. Ko o matou kakahu kua murua.' Heoti ka aroha au ki aua Pakeha e tangi ana i te huarahi, tokowha. Ka mea atu au, 'Me haere tatou.' Ka tae mai matou ki Whenuakura, ka tonoa he utu e nga tangata o reira. Ka mea atu nga Pakeha, 'Kaore o matou rawa.' Naku i utu i whiti mai ai aua Pakeha. Ka tae mai matou ki Patea, ko taua ta[?] ra ano. E hoa, e Te Makarini, ka nui te kino o nga tangata o Waitotara o Whenuakura ki nga Pakeha. Mei kore i kore au i utu i nga awa penei, kua mate aua Pakeha. I whakaaro nga tangata o aua awa, ko ahau anake me aroha e ratou. Ka mea atu au, 'Ki te mea ka purutia e koutou aku Pakeha, ina me noho hoki ahau.' E tama, ko wai hoki taku maia ki te tono i a ratou kia whakawhitia aku Pakeha? Ko 12 aku hereni i utua ai e au aua Pakeha. Ko aua Pakeha he rawakore. Heoti ano. Naku, na Tamati, i tuhituhia ki Waiheke
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Bibliographic details

3 pages written 30 Sep 1850 by an unknown author in Waiheke Island to Sir Donald McLean, related to Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Wanganui, Whanganui, Inward letters in Maori

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 14 September 1850
Document MCLEAN-1030470
Document title 3 pages written 30 Sep 1850 by an unknown author in Waiheke Island to Sir Donald McLean, related to Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Wanganui, Whanganui
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution E Ma
Author Unknown
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1850-09-14
Decade 1850s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin E Ma
Entityid None
Format Full Text
Generictitle 3 pages written 30 Sep 1850 by an unknown author in Waiheke Island to Sir Donald McLean, related to Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Wanganui, Whanganui
Iwihapu 99282/Whanganui
Language English
Maoriorigin E Ma
Name 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Origin 95704/Waiheke Island
Place 69537/Wanganui
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Sortorder 0234-0037
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 14
Tapuhiitemcount 2 3148
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Contains letters from Maori to McLean with regard to land tenure; in particular, there are offers to sell, refusals to sell, discussions about the protocols of sales to be observed, letters stressing the need to buy from the right owners, and attempts to resolve micro-disputes, and statements of boundaries and interests; there are also some letters sending greetings and news to McLean
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0674D
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters in Maori
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 2 Inward letters (Maori)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhipiecedescription Letter written from Waiheke
Tapuhipiecedisplaydate 30 Sep 1850
Tapuhipieceref MS-Papers-0032-0674D-14
Tapuhipiecesearchdate 1850
Tapuhipiecetitle Letter from Tamati to McLean
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-104
Teipb 1
Teiref MS-Papers-0032-0674D-14
Year 1850

3 pages written 30 Sep 1850 by an unknown author in Waiheke Island to Sir Donald McLean, related to Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Wanganui, Whanganui Inward letters in Maori

3 pages written 30 Sep 1850 by an unknown author in Waiheke Island to Sir Donald McLean, related to Kawana Hunia Te Hakeke, Wanganui, Whanganui Inward letters in Maori