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2 specimens; 9 others taken. There are three examples of the same species in the British Museum from the Solomon Islands; it will probably be found widely distributed in the Pacific islands. The species is nearly allied to the common Indian and Australian H. lentalis, Gn., but larger, and certainly distinct by the structural characters of palpi and legs. Hypenodes costæstrigalis, Stph. (exsularis, Meyr.). 2 specimens. Europe, Australia, New Zealand. A closely allied form occurs in the Hawaiian Islands. Hypena gonospilais, Walk. 13 specimens. Java, Pacific islands. Thermesia rubricans, Boisd. 2 specimens. Africa, southern Asia, Pacific islands. *Plusia chalcites, Esp. 4 specimens. North and South America, southern Europe, Africa, southern Asia, Australia, Pacific islands. Larva on various plants. *Achæa melicerte, Drury. 1 specimen. Africa, Asia, Australia, Pacific islands. New Zealand. Hydriomenidæ. Phrissogonus laticostatus, Walk. 1 ♂, 1 ♀. Australia. Phrissogonus denotatus, Walk. 3 specimens. Australia, New Zealand. Larva on Brachyglottis repanda. *Chloroclystis indicataria, Walk. 1 specimen. New Zealand. Hydriomena officiosa, n. sp. ♀. 25 mm. Head and thorax brownish mixed with pale ochreous, face with moderate tuft, thorax with two dark-grey bars. Palpi moderate, dark fuscous, base of second and third joints whitish. Forewings triangular, termen almost straight, slightly waved, rather oblique; brownish, irrorated with blackish and whitish, with almost straight, somewhat waved, darkfuscous striæ; edge of basal patch slightly whitish-margined, angulated near costa; edges of median band somewhat black-marked, whitish-margined, posterior above middle with a slight distinctly black-marked sinuation, followed by a small patch of undefined pale-ochreous suffusion; discal dot linear, blackish; subterminal line waved, slender, whitish. Hindwings with termen rounded, waved; grey, towards dorsum with dark-fuscous and whitish striæ. 1 specimen; 5 others taken. Nearest to the New Zealand H. deltoidata but easily distinguished by the smaller size and grey hindwings. *Euchœca rubropunctaria, Dbld. 1 specimen, in very poor condition. Australia, New Zealand. Larva on Haloragis alata.