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*Leucania unipuncta, Hw. 7 specimens. North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand. Larva on grasses. Tiracola plagiata, Walk. 5 specimens. Central America, India, Malay Islands, Australia, Pacific islands. Larva on Emilia. *Heliothis armigera, Hb. 5 specimens. North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific islands, New Zealand. Larva on many vegetables and other plants. *Agrotis ypsilon, Rott. 2 specimens. North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand. Larva on many plants. Caradrina reclusa, Walk. 11 specimens. India, Malay Islands, New Guinea, Fiji. Spodoptera littoralis, Boisd. 18 specimens. Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific islands. Larva on Lantana. Eriopus Maillardi, Gn. 8 specimens. Africa, southern Asia, New Guinea, Pacific islands. Perigea capensis, Gn. 14 specimens. Africa, Asia, Australia, Pacific islands. Larva on Acanthaceœ. Plusiadæ. Hydrillodes surata, n. sp. ♂ ♀. –34 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax in ♂ dark fuscous, in ♀ ochreous-fuscous; palpi in ♂ rectangularly bent at both joints, very densely clothed with rather rough scales throughout except tip of terminal joint, especially largely towards apex of second joint, which much exceeds crown, terminal joint as long as second, in ♀ recurved, sickle-shaped, first two joints densely scaled, terminal joint ⅘ of second, with appressed scales, posteriorly with loosely projecting hairs throughout, apex pointed. Anterior legs in ♂ with hairs of coxæ forming a strong apical brush, femora short, unevenly swollen, beneath with dense rough projecting hairs longest at apex, tibiæ swollen, beneath with dense rough projecting hairs throughout, middle and posterior femora in ♂ beneath with rough projecting hairs diminishing to apex. Forewings elongate-traingular, apex rounded, termen rounded, slightly waved, somewhat oblique; dark fuscous, in ♀ suffused with light brownish-ochreous from base to second line; first and second lines in ♀ hardly paler, in ♀ pale ochreous, edged with dark fuscous, slightly waved, first almost straight, second little beyond middle, curved on upper ⅔; a dark-fuscous transverse-linear discal mark between them; subterminal line represented by an irregular series of whitish-ochreous dots connected by dark suffusion; cilia rather dark fuscous. Hindwings light fuscous, with faint darker postmedian shade; cilia whitish-fuscous.