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Central tooth rectangular, the length more than twice the breadth; the reflexed portion triangular, slightly sinuated on the sides, about half the length of the base and with a moderate point. Inner laterals like the central tooth, but more deeply sinuated on the inner side; outer laterals bicuspid, the inner cusp larger and with a long point, the outer cusp with a small point. Inner marginals with a long acute point, and a small one inside it; outer marginals with the base as long as broad, and a single long point. The cutting points increase in size as far as the middle of the marginals and then decrease. Hab. Southland (G. M. Thomson). Helix kivi, Gray. Pl. ix., fig. A, and pl. xi., fig. I. Jaw composed of about 50 separate overlapping plates, the length of which is four or five times the breadth, the inner edge of one plate lying in front of the outer edge of the one next it; all the plates transversely striated. Central plate with a length of three times its breadth, the lower margin emarginate. Dentition, 28–1–28. Laterals about 15. Central tooth rectangular, the length twice the breadth, the reflexed portion not reaching half-way and slightly constricted at the sides, with a broad cutting point. Laterals with the reflexed portion sinuated on the inner margin, and an additional small point on the outer side. Inner marginals with a broad blunt double cutting point, with several small acute ones outside it; outer marginals with 3 or 4 acute points. Hab. Auckland (Cheeseman). Helix granum, Pfeiffer. Pl. ix., fig. L. Animal elongated, the foot narrow, projecting behind the shell; mantle subcentral, rather anterior, included; eye-peduncles long, rather clavate; tentacles moderate. Colour white, finely speckled with dark grey above, in front of the shell, and on the head, eye-peduncles, and tentacles; edges and sole of the foot often with white streaks. Jaw like that of P. pilula. Dentition, 27–1–27. Laterals about 14. Central tooth wedge-shaped, broader behind; the reflexed portion short with a small cusp on each side. Laterals like the central tooth, but the reflexed portion oblique, inclined inwards. Marginals with a broad base and numerous points, of which one near the inner side is longer than the rest. Hab. Eyreton, N. Canterbury (C. Chilton). Paryphanta phlogophora, Pfeiffer. Pl. ix., fig. Z, and pl. xi., fig. P. Animal with the mantle subcentral, slightly reflected over the peristome of the shell, the margin entire; eye-peduncles moderate, thick, the tentacles short; tail depressed, rounded, with a mucous gland. Colour slate grey, the sole and sides of the foot orange.