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reaching the posterior margin, the cutting point projecting beyond it. Marginals broader than long; the inner with three cutting points; the three outer very broad, with two small points at the inner corner. Hab. Rangitira Bush, Temuka (C. Chilton). The shell is hairy, but the hairs rub off when the animal is dead. Helix zealandiæ, Gray. Pl. x., fig. E. Jaw arcuate, flatly ribbed, the ribs indenting the concave margin. Dentition, 35–1–35; varying from 27 to 40. Laterals about 9; varying from 8 to 10. Central tooth rectangular, the length more than twice the breadth; the reflexed portion half the length of the base, slightly constricted and with a moderate point. The inner laterals like the central tooth, but broader and with the outer lobe more marked and notched, the notch getting gradually less outwards. Inner marginals with a long base and a short reflexed portion bearing a long oblique cutting point on the inner edge and a small cusp on the outer; outer marginals irregular, the breadth and length about equal, with a long oblique cutting point. The laterals pass gradually into the marginals, and the cutting point is longest in the middle of the marginals. Hab. Auckland (T. F. Cheeseman). Helix antipoda, Hombron and Jacquinot. Pl. x., fig. F. Animal with the foot narrow, produced behind the shell; a caudal papilla and a mucous gland below it. Mantle subcentral, slightly reflected over the peristome of the shell. Colour pale grey, the anterior portion darker; peduncles and a line down each side of the head dark blue-black; mantle pale grey with dead white spots. Jaw like that of zealandiæ. Dentition, 35–1–85; varying from 31 to 36. Laterals about 12. Central tooth rectangular, its length more than twice its breadth; the reflexed portion about half as long as the base, slightly constricted at about a third of its length, the point moderate. The first five or six laterals like the central tooth; the others oblique, with a large cutting point on the inner edge of the reflexed portion, and a small exterior cusp. Marginals with a small irregular base, and a long oblique cutting point, increasing in length to about the middle of the marginals and then decreasing. Hab. Greymouth (R. Helms). The shell varies very much in colour, sometimes being painted with alternating oblique narrow bands of yellowish white and rufous, sometimes almost entirely rufous, or pale brown. Thalassia (?) propinqua, Hutton. Pl. x., fig. G, and pl. xi., fig. V. Jaw arcuate, not tapering, with about 22 flat ribs, which slightly indent the concave margin. Dentition, 31–1–31. Laterals 12.