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anteriorly suffused, posteriorly irregularly dentate and whitish-margined; a darker or blackish-green median band, margined on both sides by first a blackish and then a white line, both margins irregularly dentate, anterior margin concave, posterior margin projecting beneath costa, and with a strong bidentate angulation in middle; within the median band is often a clear white space on costal half, and sometimes a smaller one on inner margin; generally a black discal dot; a dentate white subterminal line, anteriorly dark-margined: cilia with basal half yellowish, apical half white, barred with blackish. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded; whitish-ochreous, sometimes slightly greenish-tinged, with an obscure row of grey spots before hindmargin; cilia as in forewings. Variable in the presence or extent of the median white markings; allied to the preceding. Christchurch, Akaroa, Mount Hutt, Dunedin, Lake Wakatipu, commonly amongst bush, from December to February, in April and June; twenty-five specimens. 40. Lar. chlorias, n. sp. Male.—30 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin hardly rounded; bright yellow; base of costa dark fuscous-purple; a curved row of three very small dark purple-fuscous spots about ¼, and another of four spots before middle, costal spots larger; a triangular purple blotch on costa before apex, reaching half across wing, anteriorly margined by a strongly sinuate bluish-black streak; a row of three dark purple-fuscous dots from apex of this to inner margin, and a subterminal row of six similar dots; cilia yellow. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded; rather paler than forewings, with two curved posterior rows of cloudy purple-fuscous dots. A very beautiful and conspicuous species. I took one fine specimen in a wooded gully near Castle Hill, at 3,100 feet, in January. 41. Lar. ægrota, Butl. (Selidosema ægrota, Butl., Cist. Ent., ii., 499.) Male, female.—26–31 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin rounded; pale brownish-grey; basal third with about eight fine dentate slightly curved dark grey striæ; a black discal dot; four similar striæ placed together beyond middle; two others more indistinct forming a subterminal line, beyond which the hindmargin is slightly darker: cilia barred with blackish and whitish. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded; slightly paler than forewings, without markings; cilia pale brownish-grey, sometimes barred. Only varying slightly in depth of colouring; the isolation of the four postmedian striæ is a good point.