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37. Lar. cataphracta, n. sp. Female.—29–31 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin slightly rounded; pale greyish-ochreous; markings white, black-margined, sometimes obsolete on costa; a basal patch and two curved slender fasciæ towards base, their margins dentate; a variable central fascia, sometimes rather broad and even throughout, but generally with margins approximated or confluent below middle, margins hardly dentate; a cloudy fuscous parallel line beyond this; a rather narrow fascia at ⅔, shortly angulated in middle and towards costa, margins entire; beyond this a cloudy fuscous parallel line; a dentate white subterminal line; a short cloudy white oblique subapical streak, beneath blackish-margined: cilia whitish, sometimes barred with dark fuscous. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded; extremely pale greyish-ochreous; cilia as in forewings. Variable in the form of the central fascia, and in the distinctness of the bars of the cilia, which are sometimes wholly absent. I have not seen the male, but the species is so apparently allied to the following, that there can be little doubt of its position. Arthur's Pass (3,000 feet), Lake Guyon, and Lake Wakatipu (4,000 feet), amongst grass, from December to March; seven specimens. 38. Lar. clarata, Walk. (Larentia clarata, Walk., 1197, Butl. Cat., pl. iii., 14; Cidaria pyramaria, Gn., E.M.M., v., 93.) Male, female.—28–35 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin rounded; light brownish-ochreous; markings white, margined by dentate blackish lines, sometimes obsolete on costa; a small basal patch; two narrow curved fasciæ towards base; a moderate median fascia, contracted or often obsolete in middle by coalescence of its margins, containing a strongly-marked black discal dot; a narrow irregular fascia beyond middle, sinuate beneath costa, rather strongly angulated in middle; a sinuate dentate blackish stria rather before this, and a second beyond it; a well-marked subterminal line; cilia white, barred with dark fuscous. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded; ochreous-yellow; cilia as in forewings. Variable only in the form of the central fascia; always easily separable from the preceding by the yellow hindwings and more dentate markings. Castle Hill (2,500 feet), Mount Hutt, and Dunedin, in open grassy places, in December and January; thirty specimens. 39. Lar. beata, Butl. (Cidaria beata, Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 397, pl. xliii., 6.) Male, female.—22–28 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin rounded; olive-green, irregularly mixed with whitish-yellowish, tending to form transverse striæ; a narrow strongly-curved blackish-green fascia near base,