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Minister Meets Stormtroopers The Hon Duncan Maclntyre, Minister of Maori Affairs, earned himself the nickname of ‘Easy Rider’ when he accepted the invitation to ride on John Richardson's motorcycle when he attended the Stormtroopers' ‘Love Affair’ on the Otara Reserve. In response to the appeal to raise funds to keep Queen Victoria School open, the boys had organised a pop festival, which they ran successfully, and earned the admiration and respect of many Aucklanders. Some of the troopers are pictured with pupils from ‘Queen Vic.’. Speaking of the Stormtroopers later, the Minister said, ‘In actual fact they are a type of service club. They could equally well have called themselves the Tigers or the Rotarians or the Jaycees. But they are seeking an identity. They are seeking pride; they are seeking an ability to help people—their own people—their community, and they all have, deep down, a desire to be able to identify themselves. And to get this, many are going back to their marae and their Maoritanga.’ N.Z. Herald and N.P.S. photos