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WHISPERS OF THE FUTURE (Everywhere Signs of Union) As I pass through my fair country As I travel down through my land, My wonderful land, Country of the green fields and hedges, Country of magnificent mountains and swift-flowing rivers, Country of amazing variety, With its fertile pastures and deep-chasmed rivers, Its scintillating climate, I hear whispers of the future—how it will be in the days to come. As I continually pass throughout my land, West coast and east coast, mountain range to mountain range, River to river, North Island and South Island, And the beautiful small island in the far south, More and more I hear them—whispers of tomorrow. The rumours growing stronger mount into a roaring in my ears, In the waves washing upon the shore I hear it. In the swaying grass. In the murmuring of the wind in the trees. In the distant roar of the surf. In the crashing of the waves above me down close to the water's edge Alone, walking the long lonely stretch of beach. In the land dazzling in sunlight. Everywhere I see and hear it now. Union! Union! Union! Of a complete integration of two peoples. One culture fusing with the other. Neither taking priority, but both important. And surer, surer am I of the destiny of my country. The future of New Zealand. A new race arises before my eyes. One interwoven upon the other. Brown man and white, And oh, what a fine race I see, As the days, months and years roll away, More and more am I assured Everywhere are there signs of this union. White man mingling with brown. Brown man with white. Children returning from school, Brown and white child natural and unconcerned, Playing, And the products of the integration, The olive-skinned child with the beautiful brown eyes still. Workmen along the roads. In factories, offices and pubs. In all walks of life, from the humblest to the most elevated positions. Along the streets. At gatherings. Everywhere where people come together en masse. Friends linked arm in arm. Dependent upon the other. Everywhere is this union confirmed. In our small towns. In our largest cities. In isolated settlements. In photographs in newspapers. Articles. Two peoples existing side by side. Both heritages interweaving. Each (as has already been proven) Prepared to give his life for the other. Rowley Habib