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On hearing this, Tupurupuru seized his hunting spear and dashed on his way. As he neared Hakakino be became wary, and treading softly, crept near to where the raiders were resting. Tu could hear that there was an argument going on. and on creeping closer, heard the leader of the party say, ‘Enough! I decree that we depart on our way home tomorrow.’ Tu, skirting the camp silently, descended to the river, then scouting the bank for any human sign, he presently saw small footprints in the sand of the riverbed. He knew they were made by his beloved Konini. Swiftly following the footprints up the bank of the river into the bush, he soon came upon Konini, lying seemingly lifeless beneath a large totara tree. In great fear, Tu rushed forward, and throwing himself beside her, placed his head upon her breast to hear if her heart was beating. To his great joy, it seemed to be beating quite strongly, but her whole body began shivering. Realising that she was suffering from cold and fatigue, he lifted her in his arms and carried her deep into the forest in a westerly direction. After tramping some distance, he decided that they were quite safe and that Konini needed warmth and food. Searching round, he came upon a large totara tree from whose branches a lot of kiekie leaves had fallen to the ground. By crumbling some dry totara bark and twirling two sticks between his hands, Tu soon had a fire going close to the tree. Taking a cooked kereru from his kit, he broke off pieces of the bird into a calabash he carried on his belt. Adding water from a nearby stream, he placed the ipu on some hot ashes to warm. Scraping the fire away from the tree, he placed some of the dry kiekie leaves where the fire had been, and lifted Konini upon the bed of leaves. Konini ceased to shiver as the warmth from the ground where the fire had been penetrated through the leaves. Konini gave a slight moan, and Tu, who was watching her closely, seized the ipu and pressed it gently to her lips, tipping it so that the warm liquid passed down her throat. Presently Konini opened her eves. Seeing Tu. she smiled and gave a deep sigh, than sank back into sleep. Now that Tu had found his loved one, he realised he would have to find a safe place for them to hide until the raiders had gone. Finally he decided to carry Konini high up on the Maungarakis to a limestone cave beneath the top of Pariwarariki. This cave was large and dry, and as Tu often used it, he always kept a good stock of dry wood there. Also, there was a small spring of good fresh water nearby, which never ran dry. In a cunningly devised sling, he kept smoked tuna and kereru. By the time he had reached the cave with his burden. Tupurupuru was completely tired and weary. He and his beloved Konini were quite safe from the raiders, and could rest and recover their strength. Early next morning, when the birds of the forest began their morning chorus. Tu was up and about preparing a meal. Treading softly, he crept to where Konini was sleeping, and as he watched her. she opened her eyes. Seeing her beloved Tu, Konini sprang to her feet crying, ‘E Tu, ko koe tena’ (Oh Tu, is it really you). I have had a terrible dream. Where are we? Where is this place? I have prayed for Tane, and all of our other gods, to send you to me.’ ‘Hush,’ said Tu, ‘you were exhausted when I found you near the Wainuioru river. Are you feeling better, my loved one? Are you hungry? Come, here is food to eat. Let us eat, and then we can bask in the sun, and admire the scenery until we recover. Then I will take you back to your parents at Kehemane. They will be fretting over you.’ There was great jubilation at Konini's home when they arrived, and Tupurupuru was feted, as was Maori custom on such an occasion. When the time came to say goodbye. Konini and her parents begged Tupurupuru to remain. Konini's parents wanted him to stay and marry their daughter. But remembering his father's great desire that his son should slay the taniwha Ngarara Huarau, Tu told Konini and her parents that he was under a vow to his father to slay the taniwha, and that marriage was tapu to him, until he had fulfilled the vow. It is satisfying to place on record that Tupurupuru did slay the taniwha, and was married to his beloved Konini. So ended one of the most well known romances of the Wairarapa.