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COOKING FISH The most common fault in fish cookery is over-cooking. The Fishery Council of New York gives this one basic rule: “Fish is cooked to develop flavour, not to make it tender.” No amount of cooking will ever make fish more tender than it is when it comes from the water. Over-cooking only robs fish of its delicious juices and makes its texture dry and flabby.

BAKING Baking is one of the most satisfactory ways of cooking fish. The preparation is easy and the flavour is retained. The fish can be prepared by either brushing all over with melted fat and sprinkling with salt and pepper or by dipping, each piece of fish in milk and then into dry breadcrumbs. Small fish are usually served whole, larger ones could be cut into steaks or split and the backbone removed. Place the fish in a shallow greased baking dish and bake it uncovered in a moderate oven at 350°F. for 30 minutes. It is cooked when the flesh leaves the bone when tested with a fork; time varies with the size and thickness of the fish. Serve it suitably garnished. Lemon slices, either plain or lightly dipped in minced parsley, are often used and give additional tartness to baked fish. Water cress or parsley, slices of tomatoes, sliced cucumber are all good garnishes.

HOW TO SAUTE FISH Another favourite way of cooking trout and other fish is to sauté them, that is cook in shallow fat. Prepare the fish by dipping them in milk and coarse oatmeal or in egg and breadcrumbs. When the fat is hot with the blue smoke rising, add the fish and fry until nicely browned on one side. Turn, using a spatula or 2 knives so as not to break the surface, brown the other side a drain on soft paper.

GRILLING Grilling or broiling is another method which keeps all the juices and flavour in the fish. Small fish can be broiled whole; large ones should be cut into steaks or split and the backbone removed. Brush the fish well with melted fat and sprinkle with salt and pepper and lemon juice. Place the fish on a greased pan or rack and broil 5 minutes on each side. Do not have too high a temperature and have the fish about 2 inches from the heat. Brush frequently with melted fat during the cooking period. Serve with plenty of lemon and plain boiled potato. A cucumber salad makes an interesting accompaniment.

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