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LOVE for the AFFLICTED Photography by Charles Hale Nurse trainee Tima Watene from Hastings works in the Waikato Hospital in the ward where children with infectious diseases are treated. Some people feel at home in hospitals and some do not. Some like one young crippled girl who has been in the Waikato Hospital from birth, have to feel at home in their ward; they have no other home. For the nurses, hospital life is quite unlike any other job outside; to begin with, the tempo is different: without interruption things have to be done and done quickly according to a very strict timetable; then, it has its own peculiar excitement. The work is done deftly and rhythmically and nurses derive a definite pleasure out of being master of their apparently so harrowing situation; and then the people you make so comfortable usually feel good about you so you can feel good about things in general. Te Ao Hou found very quickly there was no opportunity for interviewing the nurses in the