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1934—DUKE OF GLOUCESTER: Another grand display of Maori dancing took place when His Royal Highness, Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, visited Rotorua on December 22, 1934, during his New Zealand tour. On this occasion the loyal demonstration was organised by Sir Apirana Ngata, H. H. Balneavis and Tai Mitchell. The loyal address was read by the Rt. Rev. F. A. Bennett, by then Bishop of Aotearoa, who also conducted a divine service for the Royal visitor at the Ohinemutu church. Although this gathering was somewhat smaller than those on previous Royal visits, there were still 2,000 Maoris fed and accommodated in and around Rotorua on this occasion. Duke of Gloucester with Guides Rangi and Bella. (Weekly News.) Duke meets Sir Apirana Ngata and Mita Taupopoki, paramount chief of Arawa tribe, in Rotorua. (Auckland Star.)