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Duke and Duchess of York. (National Publicity Studios.) 1927—DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK: Permanent monument of the visit to Rotorua of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York, later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, is the Arawa War Memorial, unveiled by the Royal visitors. Arriving by train on Saturday, February 26, 1927, the Royal Party was welcomed by the Rt. Hon. J. Gordon Coates, who had with him his colleague, Sir Maui Pomare. There was again a grand demonstration of Maori dancing at Arawa Park, chief marshal this time being Dr Peter Buck. On the Sunday night, the Duke and Duchess attended divine service at the beautifully carved Maori church at Ohinemutu. The service was conducted by the Rev. F. A. Bennett in the Maori language. The collects for the Royal Family were repeated in English. Canoe poi. (National Publicity Studios.)