Nissan Nonsense masthead

Nissan Nonsense



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Nissan Nonsense was a typewritten camp magazine ‘incorporating the Gomen Gossip, Koumac Kronicle, Guadalcanal Gazette and Vella Lavella Views’ (01 April 1944: 1) published by the 30th Battalion’s carrier platoon from Nissan Island between April and May 1944 during World War II.

Published at the same time at HQ Highlights, personnel were ‘invited to contribute to this magazine, HQ Highlights, or both’ (01 April 1944: 1).

Featuring humorous stories, gossip, and cartoons by 30th Battalion artist J W (Jim) Yearbury, the differences between Nissan Nonsense and HQ Highlights are difficult to determine.

Nissan Nonsense published its last issue on the 20 May 1944 along with HQ Highlights. The 30th Battalion were then shipped off to New Caledonia publishing the title Nautical Nonsense on the way and continuing their long publication history with the title Bonjour in June 1944.