HQ Hornet masthead

HQ Hornet



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The HQ Hornet was a typewritten camp magazine published at the headquarters of the 8th New Zealand Infantry Brigade as part of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Pacific (2nd NZEF IP) in July 1943 from New Caledonia during World War II.

Given there is only one issue available, it is hard to ascertain much about this title. With the tagline ‘The Paper with Sting’ and noting that it was ‘published weakly – the Army and God willing’ (20 July 1943: 1) suggests it may have been short lived. This issue featured events of the week, jokes and sporting news, with the editor desiring to remain anonymous.

The 8th New Zealand Infantry Brigade would be moved from New Caledonia to Guadalcanal in September 1943 and would later be disbanded in late 1944.