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Guerrilla Gazette



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The Guerrilla Gazette was the unofficial organ of the 1st Commando Fiji Guerrillas produced by the New Zealand contingent during World War II. According to Larsen, the First Commando Fiji Guerrillas consisted of 39 New Zealand personnel and 135 Fijian volunteers (87).

A typewritten publication, the only issue currently available is from May 1944. However, it was said to have been published ‘every six weeks—depending on how busy the editor happened to be’ (Larsen: 69) and a special Christmas souvenir issue was published in December 1942 from Suva, Fiji.

Larsen states ‘the paper was designed as a link between the isolated platoons and the editorial policy was non-political, non-religious, and, in parts, nonsensical’ (Larsen: 69). According to the one available issue, the Gazette’s purpose was to ‘record – in lighter vein – some of the memorable incidents that have happened since our return to this Paradise in the Pacific’ (May 1944: 2) noting that many of the boys had been sent home to New Zealand on leave to find that ‘there is no place like home and are reluctant to return here’ (May 1944: 2).

While it is not clear what became of the Guerrilla Gazette, the First Commando Fiji Guerrillas were disbanded on 27th May 1944 due to three quarters of the New Zealanders failing medical examinations after returning to New Zealand on leave.


Larsen, Colin R. Pacific Commandos: New Zealanders and Fijians in Action. A History of Southern Independent Commando and First Commando Fiji Guerrillas. The Third New Zealand Division Histories. Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, 1946.