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— Expeditionary Force LIST OF OFFICERS ■.\' • ■ \ —: Appointments Gazetted ———— Appointments of officers to the Third Echelon of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force' were gazetted recently. They are effective from August 27 unless otherwise stated. Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. 'Wilder, D. 5.0.. M.C.. V.D., the officer commanding the 25th (Wellington) Battalion, has the temporary rank of colonel while holding the appointment of officer commanding the echelon. • The list is as follows :— Headquarters, N.Z. Divisional Artillery. Attached: Rev. J. W. McKenzie, Chaplain to the Forces,. 3rd Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department. . 6th Field Regiment, N.Z. Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. Weir, Royal N.Z. Artillery, commanding officer; Major C. L. Walter, second in command (temp.) ; Major J. M. Mitchell, battery commander; ! Captain (temp, major) A. T. Rawle, battery commander (temp.); Captain H. E. Gilbert. Royal N.Z. Artillery, adjutant; Captains 11. S. Wilson, H. M. Evans, S. Hardy, E. T. Kensington, W. H. Thodey. A. E? Lambourn, P. B. Levy, C. H. Sawyers, C. 11. Chapman (quartermaster), J A. Bretherton; Lieutenants E. W. F. Harrop, J. T. Stewart, G. P. Cade, S. H Dawe, H. G. O. Tansley, H. R. Boyle, D. J. Robertson. J. R. Stone, T. A. Turner, G. M. Whitaker. G. M. Shortt, G. F. J. Bayley, G. F. T Hall; 2nd Lieutenants P. Gilchrist, G. A. Robinson, J. W. Cropper, H. S. Richardson, J. C. Brown, R. 11. Crozier. A. G. Smith, E. S. Every, I. T. Y. Johnston. Attached: Lieutenant B. M. Hay, N.Z. Medical Corps, medical officer; Lieutenant H. B. Ward, N.Z. Ordnance Corps, . officer commanding 18th Light Aid Detachment. Reinforcements. N.Z. Artillery. Lieutenant A. Marbeck; 2nd Lieutenants J. G. Hodge, K. Stych, F. D. Johns, R. J. McElroy. 7th Anti-Tank Regiment, 33rd Battery. Major R. E. Sleigh; Captain R. R. Beattie; Lieutenants G. N. Richardson, D. J. Riddiford. K. A. Longmore; 2nd Lieutenant T. C. McMurtrie. 2nd N.Z. Divisional Signals. Major G. 11. Ileal. N.Z. Staff Corps; Lieutenants T. 11. Jory, A. S. D. Rose, N. W. Laugesen, L. J. Fronde, 2nd Lieutenant A. G. Hultquist. ’■ Headquarters, 6th N.Z. Infantry Brigade. Attached;. Rev. J. F. Henley, chaplain to the forces. 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department; Rev. J. S. Strang, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department: Rev. J. Mackay, chaplain to the forces. 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department; 2nd Lieutenant H. D. McManaway. I N.Z. Ordnance Corps, officer commanding j 19th Light Aid Detachment: Hon. Lieutenant A. W. E. Webb, bandmaster. 6th Infantry Anti-Tank Company. Captain J. A. D. Ritchie, E.D., offices commanding; Lieutenants S. W. Ellingham, W. J. Daniel, D. F. Coleman; 2nd Lieutenant S. F. Toogood. 24th (Auckland) Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel C. Shuttleworth, N.Z. | Staff Corps, commanding officer; Major A. ] C. W. Mantell-Harding. second in comi mand; Major F. G. Dill, E.D., company commander; Major R. V. Closey, E.D.. ; company commander; Captain S. J. Hedge, ! company commander; Captain D. G. Morrison, company commander; Captain C. D. | Brown, M.M., quartermaster; Captain W jJ. Collins. M.M., company commander; | Captains R. G. Webb, F. G. Platt; Captain H. 11. McDonald, N.Z. Staff Corps, ad- | jutant; Captains R. H. Border, C. F. Thomas. E.D.; -Lieutenant, (temp, captain) W. R. K. Morrison. N.Z. Staff Corps; Lieu- I tenants R. W. Adams,' A. E. Beyer, B. T. J. Jones. J. Conolly, T. Wallace, E. K. Tomlinson, J. Beesley, R. J. H. Seal, J. L. G. Carnachan, E. H. Halstead, M. A. ■ Young, H. J. Haigh. H. W. BrabantA S. : Nicholson, A. C. Yeoman; 2nd Lieuten- | ants E. C. Laurie. F. P. A. Chapman. K. i S. Turtill, J. A. Carroll, C. W. McLean, ! ! J. W. Reynolds. M. L. Hill, A. Edmonds, ! 11. T. Thompson. D. C. Bailey. Attached: Captain'll. B. Lange, N.Z. | Medical Corps, medical, officer. Reinforcements, 18th - (Auckland) Battalion and 21st (Auckland) Battalion. Lieutenant B. McG. Laird; 2nd Lieuten- ■ ants J. Tverman, J. C. Cullwick, R. Davies, 1 A. M. B. Lenton. 25th Wellington) Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Wilder, D. 5.0., M. V.D., Commanding officer (temp, ; colonel as from August 28, 1940, while holding the appointment of officer com- ' manding, 3rd Echelon) ; Major S. M. Sat- | terthwaite, NZ. Staff Corp?, second in I command; Major C. D. A. George, company I commander Major C. J. Williams, com* pany commander: Captain J. . D. Arm-1 strong, N.Z. Staff Corps, adjutant; Captain H. F. Smith, company commander; Captain A. J. R. Hastie, company com-1 mander; Captains H. G. Burton, F. R. .Mcßride, S. W. Josland, W. H. Roberts,

11. .1. Dalzell, I’. L. Bennett. M.C. (quartermaster), .1. C. Porter; Lieutenants R Morrison, B. 11. Wakelin, S. M. Porter W. L. Rutherford. M. .1. Mason. N. Bancks’ W. A. ON. Canavan. W. J. Heslop, 11. (;' Witters, (1. A. Possin, G. Colledge. R. M McLeay; C W. Sealy; 2nd Lieutenants II H . Hollow. G. .1. B. Morris, .1. P. Tredrav A W. Clark, I. I). Reid, 11. Macaskill. c G. Rands, A. 11. Armour, M. Handyside W. M. (.'larry; S. L. G. Smythe, R. G.'stevens. Attached: Captain L. 11. Cordery' XZ. Medical Corps, medical officer. Reinforcements, 19th (Wellington) Battalion and 22nd (Wellington) •‘Battalion. Lieutenants 11. M. Blacklock. R. p. r McGlashan. W. J. Ilerlihy; 2nd Lieutenants K. C. M. CoekerHl,..! M. Swinburn, A.' 11. Benge. . 26th (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel J. It. Page, Royal N.Z. Artillery, commanding officer: Major J. M. Samson, second in command; Major F. J. Brook, eoiripany commander; Major N. A. Rattray, company commander; Captain H. G. McQuade, company commander; Captain F. W. Huggins, company commander: Captains T. Milliken; J. W. MeKergow (quartermaster). J. Downs, E. F. Walden. F. W. Wilson, O. J. Hutchison; Lieutenant (temp, captain) W. C. T. Foley, N.Z. Staff Corps, adjutant; Lieutenants G. C. Weston,' C. I). F. Bowie, L. G. Smith. R. M. Young, J. .1. I). Sinclair, A. Mead, W. M. Tolerton. T. L. Danks, H. J. H. Ilorrell. F. G. B. Evenden, F. N. Ollivier, A. W. Wesney ; 2nd Lieutenants H. H. Deans. R. Bethell. J. E. Matheson, C. W. J. Pierson, .1. P. Cook, C. Gatenby, W. C. Ryder, W. I). Westenra. P. 11. Wood. W. T. Xidd, F. C. Preston, L. I). M. Edie, I. A Bird 11. H. Davies. Attached: Captain W. W. Little, N.Z. Medical Corps, medical officer. Reinforcements, 20th (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion and 23rd (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion. ■ Lieutenant (temp, captain) E. R. Chesterman: Lieutenants L. Roberts. C. L. Stubbs, F. O’Rorke: 2nd Lieutenants A. S. .Galbraith. C. G. A. Sams. N.Z. Army Service Corps. Captain J. Veitch, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Ammunition Company; Lieutenant A. H. Boyce, 6th Field Ambulance, X.Z. Medical Corps; 2nd- Lieutenant I). J. Henshaw, 2nd X. Divisional Supply Column; .2nd Lieutenant J. I). Fenton, 2nd N.Z. DivisionalAmmunition Company ; 2nd Lieutenant G. R. Surginor, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Supply Column. Headquarters, 2nd New Zealand- Expeditionary Force Base. Captain (temp, major)’ H. E. Crosse, M. administrative apd conducting officer, 14th and 15th Forestry Companies, N.Z.E.; Lieutenant J. G. W ; Crawford, N.Z Dental Corps; Lieutenant C. K. Horne. N.Z. Dental .Corps; Lieutenant R. D. Spencer, N. Dental Corps: G. N. L. Watson, Y.M.C.A.: R. W. Blair, Church Army; 11. •I. Steptoe. Y.M.C.A.; ,1. D. Hunter, •Y.M.C.A.; 11. V. Shove, Y.M.C.A. (overseas). Attached: X. R. Palmer, Broadcasting Unit; D. Laurensen, Broadcasting Unit; N. B. Johnston, Broadcasting Unit. Railway Operating Group, 1 N.Z. Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Sage, M.M., commanding officer, Headquarters, N.Z. Railway Operating Group, N.Z. Engineers; Major F. W. Aicken, Officer Commanding 16th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; Major J. A. .lull. Headquarters. N.Z. Railway Operating Group, N.Z. Engineers; Major G. T. Poole, Officer Commanding 17th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; Captain I). A. Clarke. 17th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; Captain J. N. .Nicholson, Adjutant, Headquarters. N.Z. Railway Operating . Group, N.Z. Engineers: Captain R. O. Pearse, 16th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers: 2nd Lieutenant C. H. B. Bishop, 16th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd lieutenant A. T. McMurtrie, 17th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. 'Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant J. M. B. Lockett, 16th N. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant 11. J. 11. Water-, house, 17th N.Z. Railway Operating Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant G. ■L. Hayman, 16th N.Z. Railway Operating Company. N.Z. Engineers: 2nd Lieutenant J. C. Chapman, 17th N.Z. Railway Operating Company. N.Z. Engineers. 13th Railway Construction Company, N.Z. Engineers. Major R. L. Smith, officer commanding: Captain A. G. Park; Lieutenants G. K. Armstrong, L. C. E. Malt, F. K. Roberts, I A. A. Treloar. 19th Army Troops Company, N.Z. Engineers. Major C. Langbien, officer commanding; I Captain I. N. Anderson; Lieutenant F. W. O. Jones; 2nd Lieutenants D. M. Paterson. I C. N. Page, R. I. Collins, L. C. Smart. 14th and, 15th N.Z. Forestry Companies, N.Z. Engineers. Captain .H. E. Crosse, M.C., Headquarters. 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force Base, is appointed administrative and conductI ing officer, 14th and 15th (.N.Z.) .Forestry Companies. N.Z. -Engineers, and is granted the temporary rank of major, while holding such appointment; Captain Q. Jones, Officer Commanding 14th N.Z. Forestry Company. N.Z. Engineers; Captain C. Biggs, Officer Commanding 15th N.Z. Forestry Companv, N.Z. Engineers; Lieutenant C. McManus. M.M., 15th N.Z. Forestry Company, N.Z. Engineers: Lieutenant E. S. Tuck, 15th N.Z. Forestry Company, N.Z. Engineers: Lieutenant W. Austin, 14th N.Z Forestry Company. N.Z. Engineers; 2nd. Lieutenant I. D. Gough. 15th N.Z. Forestry Company. N.Z. Engineers: 2nd Lieutenant I W. King, 14th N.Z. Forestry Company. IN Z. Engineers: 2nd Lieutenant A. L. ; Poole, 15th N.Z. Forestry Company. N.Z. 1 Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant B. J. ( limo. 14th N Z Forestry Company. N.Z. Engineers, I 2nd Lieutenant K. 0. Tunnicliffe, 15th N.Z. ■ ■

Forestry Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant .J. B. Valentine, 14th N.Z. Forestry Company, N.Z. Engineers. Attached: Lieutenant I). C. L. Clav NZ | -Medical -Corps; Rev. F. 11. Buck, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department. N.Z. Medical Corps. . Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. Spencer, E.D. (temp, colonel while holding appointment I ot officer commanding No. 2 N.Z General I Hospital) ; Lieutenant-Colonel W. H B ’ Bull, E.D., Officer Commanding 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps: Major .1 L. R Plimmer, Second in Command, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps; Major A. L. de B. Noakes, Registrar, No 2 N.Z. General Hospital; .Major D. Pottinger M.C. (temp, lieutenant-colonel while homing appointment of officer commanding ■.Medical Division of No. 2• N Z General Hospital): Major P. A. Ardagh,' D.S O ,M.C. (temp, lieutenant-colonel while holding appointment of officer commanding Surgical Division of No. 2 N Z General Hospital): Captain (temp. Major) G. F. V. Anson. No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (anaesthetist) : Captain S. L. Wilson, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (surgeon); Captain W W. Little. Medical Officer. . 26th (Canter-bury-Otago) Battalion; Captain H. B Lange, Medical Officer, 24th (Auckland) Battalion; Captain B. C. Rennie, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. .Medical Corps: Captain A. A. Lovell, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps; Captain L. H. Cordery, Medical Officer, 25th (Wellington) Battalion: Captain J. E.- Caughey, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (physician); Captain D. D. McKenzie. No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (surgeon) ; Captain W. M. Porteous, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (physician); Captain H. L. Bowell, No. 2 N.Z. General’ Hospital (radiologist) ; Captain L. Douglas, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (medical officer); Captain G. R. Kingston, No. N.Z. General Hospital (surgeon): Captain 11. W. Fitzgerald, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (orthopaedist) ; Captain J. Lannon. No. 2 NZ General Hospital (surgeon): Captain J. B. Austin, No. 2’N.Z. General Hospital (quartermaster) : Lieutenant B. M. Hav, Medical Officer, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps; Lieutenant W. R. Carswell. 6th Field Ambulance. N.Z. Medical Corps; Lieutenant .1. M. Staveley, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps; Lieutenant D. A. Ballantyne, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps; Lieutenant A. G. Gilchrist, 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps: Lieutenant A. W. Sutherland, 6th Field Ambulance. N.Z. Medical Corps; Lieutenant D. C. L. Clay. Medical Officer, 14th and 15th Forestry ’ Companies: Lieutenant .1 M. Watt, No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital, Medical Officer: Lieutenant M. R. Fitchett. No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital (bacteriologist.) : Lieutenant I. .1. -Wilson, 6th Field Ambulance. N.Z. Medical Corps (quartermaster). ’ 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z. Medical Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. B. Bull, E.D., officer commanding; Major J. L. R. Plimmer. second in command; Captain B. C. Rennie, company commander;. Captain A. A. Lovell, company commander: Lieutenants W. R. Carswell, J. M. Staveley, D. A. Ballantyne, A. W. Sutherland. A. G. Gilchrist, I. .1. Wilson (quartermaster). Attached: Lieutenant A. H. Boyce, N.Z. Army Service Corps ; ■ Rev. F. O. Dawson, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department; Lieutenant C. C. Cook, N.Z., Dental Corps. No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital. Lieutenant-Colonel (temp, colonel) F. M. Spencer, E.D.. officer commanding; Major A. L. de B. Noakes, registrar; Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) •D. Pottinger. M.C., officer commanding Medical Division; Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) P. A. Ardagh. D. 5.0., M.C., officer commanding Surgical Division; Captain (temp. Major) G. F. V.: Anson, anaesthetist; Captain S. L. Wilson! surgeon; Captain J. E. Caughey, physician; Captain D. D. McKenzie, surgepn; Captain W. M. Porteous, physician;,Captain H. L. Bowell, radiologist Captain L. Douglas, medical officer; Captain G. R. Kingston, surgeon; Captain H W. Fitzgerald, othopaedist; Captain J. Lannon, surgeon; Captain J. B. Austin, quartermaster; Lieutenant J. M. Watt, medical officer; Lieutenant M. R. Fitchett, bacteriologist. Attached: Captain B. M. Dallas, N.Z. Dental Corps; Rev. F. G. Brown, chaplain to. the forces, 3rd Class, N.Z. Chap lains Department; Rev. K. J. Watson, ' chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department; Rev. C. E. Willis, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, N.Z. Chaplains Department. N.Z. Army Nursing Service. Sisters (temp, charge sister) D. F. Gatenby. E. M. Sutherland. L. E. Anderson, W. C. Harvey, P. E. Borlase, M. B. Proffitt, J. R. Okev. N. E. O’Callaghan, E. Barker. E. M. C. Noble, D. J. Bull (masseuse). Staff nurses: M. D. Buckingham, E. M. Lingard. M. McGuire, L. M. Bairstow, E M. Thodey, A. M. Gawn, M. E. White, L .1. Preston. T. M. McMillan, G. Z. Henderson, P. S. Dewar, A. J. Sinclair, M. G. Drew, I. M. Deal, M. .I. Cessford. A. J. Pitcaithly, I. M. E. Campbell, V. E. Wallace, I. G. Olorenshaw, M. Lethbridge, J. K. Tyler, ■M. E. Reader, M. J. Turnbull, A. Faulkner. F. J. Walters. I. M. N. Sorenson. M. H. Belk. M. M. Prince, A. T. Warring, H. A. Livingston, R. P. L. Fannin, F. ClaytonGreene. M. Larsen. M. ,1. McKenzie, J. A. Holloway. L. R. Barlow. E. S. Poole, E. A Wilson, A. Vallance. M. Chamberlain. G. A. Guscot. E. A. Worsp (masseuse). N.Z. Dental Corps. Major J. A. S. MacKenzie, officer commanding 2nd N.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section, N.Z.D.C. ; Captain I). A. GreenGlade, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section: Captain B. M. Dallas. Attached 2nd N.Z. General Hospital; Captain C. C. Cook, Attached 6th Field Ambulance: Lieutenant J. G. W. .Crawford, Headquarters, 2nd N.Z.E.F, Base: Lieutenant C. K. Horne, Headquarters, 2nd N.Z.E.F. Base: Lieutenant W. FI. Struthers, "2nd N.Z. Divi-

sional Mobile Dental Section; Lieutenant P. Noakes, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section; Lieutenant J. Le B. Warren, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section; Lieutenant J. T. Dodgshun, 2nd X.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section; Lieutenant R. D. Spencer, Headquarters, 2nd N.Z.E.F.- Base; Lieutenant A. L. H. Barsdell, 2nd N.Z.. Divisional Mobile Dental Section. 2nd N.Z. Divisional Mobile Dental Section. Major J. A. S. MacKenzie, officer commanding; Captain D. A. Greenslade; Lieutenants W. H. Struthers, P. Noakes, J. Le B. Warren, J. T. Dodgshun, A. L. H. Barsdell. N.Z. Arm Pay Corps. Lieutenant (temp, captain) L. G. Turner, assistant paymaster, N.Z. Base Pay Office; Lieutenant H. McL. Richards, assistant paymaster, N.Z. Base Pay Office. N.Z. Chaplains Department. • Rev. J. W. McKenzie. chaplain to the forces. '3rd Class, attached Headquarters, N.Z. Divisional Artillery: Rev. F. G. Brown, chaplain to the forces, 3rd Class, attached No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital; Rev. F. H. Buck, chaplain to the forces, 4th class, attached 14 th N.Z. Forestry Company Rev. F. O. Dawson, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, attached 6th Field Ambulance, N.Z.' Medical Corps; Rev. J. F. Henley, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, attached Headquarters, 6th N.Z. Infantry Brigade: Rev. ,J. S. Strang, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, attached Headquarters, 6th N.Z. Infantry Brigade; Rev. K. .T. Watson, chaplain to the forces, 4th Class, attached No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital; Rev. C. E. Willis, chaplain to the forces, 4th class, attached No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital! Rev. J. Mackay, chaplain to the forces, 4th Glass, attached Headquarters, 6th N.Z. Infantry Brigade.

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Camp News (Northern Command), Volume 1, Issue 21, 20 September 1940, Page 4

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THIRD ECHELON Camp News (Northern Command), Volume 1, Issue 21, 20 September 1940, Page 4

THIRD ECHELON Camp News (Northern Command), Volume 1, Issue 21, 20 September 1940, Page 4