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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive. April 4th. District President, Mrs. Mountjoy, presided over a good attendance, extending s| rcial welcome to two \ iMtors front Australia, Mcsdaincs Hallebune of Melbourne, and Cook, cf Geeßing Union, both of ‘whom s|>oke on their work “ over there." Volunteers fur " Poppy Day street api>cal were found. Mr*. Mount jov re} tor ted on the " Pioneer Exhibition, and on the farewell function to the Lady Mayoress, Mrs. J. A. C. Allum, on the eve of her departure for England. Mrs. H. Kasper reported receiving a letter from Mrs. Mumis of Seattle with interesting new*. Mrs. Mountjov appointed delegate to N.Z.A. Conference. Meeting closed wit’ afternoon tea in honour of our guests and .. <o in farewell t > Miss E. tiray, who has been a visitor from England for some months and is now returning. Remuera. March 28th. Devotions led bv the President and members engaged m prayer. Pledge. Temperance Kact given by Miss (Jane. Speaker, Mrs. Clifford. Closing prayer. Onehunga. March 10th. President m the chair. Geod attendance. Various retorts ol meetings attended given, and arrangements for future work considered. Mrs. Mountjoy s

rr|M)rt on the Dominion Convention was very pleasing, but, as time did tint allow of a full ie|N>rt, it was agreed to have the conclusion at a Home meeting to Ik- held shortly. One new member initiated. Auckland. April 12th. Mesdames Hallebune and Conk, visitor* from Australia, were present, and Mrs. Long, President, asked these ladies to conduct our meeting as their meetings in Australia were conducted. Mrs. Cook led Devotion*, and Mrs. Hallebune acted as President. Each sjioke on their work at home, and Mrs. Hallebune on the work in general, making helpful suggestions as to making our work more effective. It was thrilling to hear of her clever and most successful work in securing n-w members. We hoi* to benefit by the inspiring afternoon, ami hope for a renewing of our own enthusiasm. Kohi-St. Helier*. March 17th. At the home of Mrs. Phillips. Chair taken by Mrs. Kasper, who warmlv welcomed those present. Devotions led by Mrs. Phillips and Mr 4. Kasper. A >olo was contributed by Miss Yates. Mrs. Kas|*er sjioke on “ I he Highlights of Dominion Convention,” and also <>n the new Licensing Legislation and the Referendum results. Mrs. Kas|*r made a plea for new members. Tea ind benediction. Ponftonby. March 1/tli. Mrs. R. A, Joiner, President, nt the chair, welcomed Grey Lynn l iiioii members. Devotions led by Mrs. Christopher, and a Tenitwrance talk bv Miss Kunciinan. Members agreed to assist trading Table at District Convention. Shaker. Mr . I’russnig, who reported concisely and comprehensively on Dominion ((invention. Titirangi. March 15th. Mrs. Hiett presided and led Devotions, speaking on the influence of prayer. Visitors were welcomed. Letter of congratulation to Ik* sent to Mi»s McLay, on becoming Dominion President. Temperance Fact Convention re)>ort given by Mrs. Whitburn. Meeting closed with prayer followed by tea. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive. Held at Hamilton, March 30th. Miss A. M. McLav, District President, in the chair. Six Unions represented. Miss McLay led Devotions. Hearts on organising work in the district showed an increase in interest in the Hamilton district. Rei«>rt of small meeting held at < (invention at Timaru considered. Fuller arrangements made for District Convention in September at Cambridge. Plans of work carefully discussed, and effort stimulated in regard to the “ FiveYear Plan," instituted by the Dominion President. Luncheon and afternoon tea were kindly | rovided and served by the Hamilton Union member-. Te Kuiti (Maori). Owing to the death of a member of the family of one of the members, meeting was jiostponrd for one week. Devotions hd by Mis. Kukutai. President, Mrs. Aupoitri Joseph, took the chair and welcomed all present; a good number of members and visitors. Mrs. Joseph rejmrted on the Dominion Convention, and much pleasure and interest were caused. I he oldest member, Mrs. Parehui.a Hetri, was so thrilled by the story told that she asked twrmission to s|**ak a few words, and thanked the President for the hard work she had done to bring such a good report home. Temjierance Fact givrn by Mrs. Hone. Mrs. Ewan. Secretary, read the minutes, and Mrs. Maruiugi Joseph took charge of the Sales fable. President closed with prayer. Tauranga. April sth. Verv good attendance. Mrs. Christian presiding. Reports given of pre-Poll work. £24 handed to N.Z. Alliance as the result of Jumble Sale and donations. Excellent report of Dominion Convention, prepared by Mrs. Ygrk and read by the President was greatly enjoyed. Two new members cordially welcomed ami initiated. Successful “ firing and Buy.*’ Trni|»eranre poxologv and Benediction. Hamilton. April 7th. Good attendance. President. Mrs. Moore, in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. (I. Robinson, who also spoke on the Life of St. Paul. Sales Table resulted in £ 1/7/10. Two new members, one by transfer. Afternoon tea. Closing prayer. TARANAKI DISTRICT* New Plvmouth. March 29th. Devotions led bv Miss Paterson; Mrs. Tuffney reading the Seamen** version of the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Stewart retorted on the C.R. party arrangements, and the event, which had been enjoyed bv all. President rejiorted on District Convention held at llawera. Mrs. Wells and Mrs.

Kxley were wtlcontcJ back. UtmK r >milatory letter to Mis* ( . M. McLay, anti her reply read. Mrs. Brown reported on Dominion Convention, l’rayer of thanks lor result of Liquor Ketcremtuin i'oll ottered by President. tl aw era. February 22ud. Mrs. Hayward, President, in the chair. Devotions led by Captain McNabh (S.A.). Arrangements made iu connection with Voting Day. Fine address by Captain Mc.Nabb, in keeping with trances Willard Day. t ea and Bet.ed'-:tion. MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North. ApnL Devotions taken b\ Mrs. J. F. Jack. Ciucsts of honour were .Mtsdaines 1. K. Hodder, E. Carter, J. li. Willson, league and Melfin; who on account ul advanced yeai long service, and great interest in the work, were each presented with a bouquet; the President stating her pleasure at being able to express the esteem and atlection by these floral tributes, items were recitations by Mrs. Shearman, songs byMrs. H. K. Fitch, and a reading by Mrs. East. Mrs. Hodder and Mrs. Boniface both sj*oke on “How to grow old gracefully’’; Mrs. Hodder saying that a necessary quality was humility, shown in taking a back seat “cheerfully '; Mrs. llomface quoting the practical references to old age in Ecclesiastes, and saying that to make old age gracious, a necessary virtue was love, love to God and to one’s fellows. Levin. March loth. Chair taken by President who led Devotions. Laical visitors and one from Hawera welcomed. Ret»urt of Convention by Mrs. Trotman. Sales i’abie for General bunds. lea Hostesses, Mesdames Plaster and Burnham. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings. March. Mrs. A. M. Smith welcomed members and visitors. Devotion* Jed by Mrs. Thorj>e. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Palmer. Four food parcels to Britain rcjxvrteil. Sixty copies “ \.l\ Supplement ’’ ordered monthly lor distribution among Maori children attending a Mormon Sunday School. Convention report read, lea and Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT District Executive. Attendance only fair. President, Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg, in the chair; and led Devotions, sjieaknig on the call of Jeremiah. Discussion on District work. Union Kcpirts were of great interest. In the cxl*ected absence of Mrs. Gngg, President, who leaves for England shortly, Mrs. Brewer, Vice-President, will act; witn .Mis- Kirk, as Vice-President. The resignation of Mrs. Reed, District Secretary, was accepted and Mrs. Sired was elected as Recording Secretary, and Miss Kirk as Corresponding Secretary. Tentative plans made regarding the visit of Mrs. Forrester-l’aton. Noontide Devotions were led by Miss Kirk. Mrs. Gngg was given good wishes for her journey. She ho|»es to make contact with Unions in the States and in England. Meeting closed with Benediction. Brooklyn. March -"Mh. Mrs. Sawden presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood, on “ Lift thine eyes unto the hills.” A tribute from the chair was paid to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson. Temperance Fact by Mrs. (tillings. Mrs. White brought greetings from the Christchurch and Opawa Unions. Mrs. Brewer, Dominion Convention delegate, gave a full and racy account of its doings. She said it was the best Convention she had attended, and, to judge from her rc|iort, it certainly was. Headquarters was discussed. Sigil Prayer and Benediction. Wellington Central. March loth. President, Mrs. Sired, in the chair. Devotions led byMrs. Dawe. Good attendance, and thiee visitors from Dunedin welcomed. Mrs. Cullen gave a good rej»ort on Convei*ion and was thanked by Mrs. Sired. Birthday i»sies presented by Mrs. James. Mr.-. Perkins welcomed after a long illness. Mrs. Davidson read two letters from England acknowledging cakei sent by our Union to W.C.T.U. members, in which great jov at being thus remembered was expressed. Mrs. Sired sj>oke in glowing terms of the work of Mr. Milner. A letter of appreciation tc be sent to him Mrs. Parrant appointed treasurer pro tern for Mrs. Reed who had been ill. Benediction closed an interesting meeting. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Springlands. March 16th. (kxid j-ft iidance. Mrs. Underhill presided and led Devotions in which a Prayer and Thanksgiving ses. ion was held, with reference to the success of the Referendum Poll. Roll (all responded to with very good verses. A very line book,

entitled “ Our fani- us women,“ a gift from Mr. 1.. A. White of Nelson, was on the table for anyone to use. The President had conveyed thanks to the donor. Mrs. McDougall, Convention delegate, presented the L.M.K. Banner won for the Union by Mrs. Leslie. She then gave a very interesting rejiort of the Convention, together with her own am - previous, for which she was accorded a vote of thanks. Blenheim. March sth. Good attendance, Mrs, N. Forbes presiding. Six a|H>k>gies. Mrs. Blick led Devotions. Mrs. Blick gave some inspiring thoughts on the healing of the man sick of the palsy. Temjieraiice Fact, Mrs. Lane, letter to be sent to member in hospital. Mrs. C. A. Webster, Convention delegate, gave an interesting rei»ort, also reading the letter from the Mayor of limaru, received by each delegate. .Members notified of “Women's Day of Prayer,” being held on April 28th. Mrs. Blick closed with prayer. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch. March 9th. Congratulations and greeting, sent to our senior member, Mrs. E. B. Judkins, who last week attained her ninety-seventh birthday. President welcomed Mrs.’ Richards, who later spoke feelingly of all our temperance meetings had meant i© her, and turther mentioned how we should all make every effort to cultivate other interestand talents. Miss Thomas ieiorted on Dominion Convention. March 23rd. Results of Referendum discussed, our President bringing before us the continued need of educating the public regarding great evils in our midst the harm of alcoholic liquors and the iurtlier harm of gambling. Miss C. Henderson, President, occupied the chair at both meetings. Sydenham. April 7th. Mrs. Filer presided over an attendance of ten members. Pledge. Concise and informative rejxjrt of Dominion Convention was given by the delegate, Mrs. Stringer. Mrs. Filer contributed a sacred solo which was enjoyed by all present. New Brighton. Meeting presided over by Mrs. Edmond, President. Mrs. Ford, President of the Band of Hojie Union, addressed the meeting, stressing the need for Band of Hope work. Devotions were led by 1 aptain Hadtield (S.A.), alter which she spoke on her experience* during nine years’ work. Letter <>| thank, for soap parcel received from Miss Staunton, London. Benediction and tea. Papanui. March 24th. Mrs. Tillman presided and Mrs. Elliott led Devotions. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. I’ledjfe. Roll Call. A text oi Scripture. C.R. party arranged. Several parcels of soap received for Sailors Rt - 1, Tuuaru, to be despatched after next meeting. Question Box created discussion among members. Riccarton. March 10th. Mrs. Griffith, President, took the chair. Devotions being led by Miss Hughes. A letter of thanks to ,ent to Mrs. McLean for her work in connection with securing new subscribers for the "W.K.”; and so gaining the Banner and Silver Ya,e. Mrs. (.lark read a splendid lepirt of Convention wlrch all enjoyed, about twenty being present. Usual Cop|»er I rail for Mental Hospital, Mesdames Gam,ford and Griffiths Ix'ing visitors. Pleasure expressed at Referendum result. Meeting closed with prayer. Woolston. March. Vice-President, Mrs. Pedlar, in the chair. Pledge re-affirmed. Te in tie ranee Fact by Mrs. Palmer. One new member. Special prayer meeting arranged for May. New “ W.R. ” agent, Miss Malcolmson. Afternoon tea and Benediction. Recfton. March Bth. Mrs. Thompson presided. The Rev. Mr. Baker, Methodist minister, gave an interesting talk on the liquor question, al,c reading the King Country Pact. A letter to be sent to the Rev, Mr. Mackell, thanking him from this Union for his letters to the press. Mrs. Thompson read the President's message. Mr. Baker closed the meeting with prayer. Lyttelton-Heathcote. (>o<xl attendance of ootli Unions at Hcathco'e. Mrs. Tredennick presided. Secretary reported that £ll/13/6 liad been sent to Mr. Milner as the result of a retiring collection of the combined Presbyterian and Methodist Churches. v ”7 <£■ OTAGO DISTRICT Lawrence. March 22m1. Miss Ferguson • resided and led Devotions. Reference made to the passing of Mrs. Clultt, a foundation neniber. Mrs. J. Mrkinlay reported as delegate, on Dominion Convention. Hymn and Benediction.

Oamaru. March 14th. Mrs. Rawson presided. Miss Me Lay, Dominion President, welcomed, also three members of the Wainute Union. Devotions led by Mrs. Poole. Mis* McLay spoke of the work of the early ternperance workers, urging us all to so work and build that Oamaru will still lie dry after next election. A vote of thanks to Mis* McLay for her helpful and inspiring address wa, carried, and alter the address, a friendly chat with Miss McLay was enjoyed over a cup of tea. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT Winton. March 2nd. Members and friends met in Sunday School Hall to hear Mis* McLay s most interesting address on six o'clock closing,, and her experiences iu the work during her twenty-five years in the W.C.T.U. Ihe Revs. Mr. Sutherland and Mr. McKenzie outlined and explained the Gaming Act, and both sjieakers were thanked for thrir help by Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. and Miss Stevens rendered a duet and an encore which were much appreciated. Members provided supper.

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White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 4, 1 May 1949, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 4, 1 May 1949, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 4, 1 May 1949, Page 9