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District Conventions

NORTHLAND DISTRICT The Northland District Convention was held at Maungakarainea on September 22 nd, Mrs. Green, District President, in the chair. Alter leading the opening Devotions, Mrs. Green welcomed the delegates, who represented tour Unions. A resolution of protest was passed which ran as follows: “That we urge railway authoiities to enforce the law prohibiting the taking 01 liquor into railway carriages. Young people travelling are otten subjected to very objectionable conditions.” • Noontide Devotions were led by Mrs. Pickers. An address was given by Mr. S. Green, oi Donnelly’s Crossing, in which the value and purposes ot the W.C.T.U. were emphasised, and the need for its work to. continue into the coming generation. Air. Green was asked several questions at the close of his address. Lunch and afternoon tea were served by the Maungakarawffa ladies, for which they were duly thanked. * Mrs. Roberts led the opening Devotions for the afternoon session. A "Memorial Service’’ was conducted during which all members stood in silent prayer to honour the memory of those who had passed away since last Convention, who were Mrs. Vyle and Hiss Hilford, Whangarei; Mrs. Bradley, Dargaville; Mrs. Hahnan, Maungakaramta, and Miss Andrews, of New Plymouth. The reports of the Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, the Treasurer, “W hite Ribbon,” L.T.L., Bands of Hope, Peace, and Maori Work were given and adopted. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. S. S. Green, Donnelly’s Crossing; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Edmed, Dargaville; Recording Secretary, Mrs. F. J. Moorhead, Dargaville; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Taylor, Dargaville; Departmental Superinintendents were also appointed. Mention was made of the interesting fact that two ex “Y” members are now District Officers. Branch Reports were read from Maungakaramea, Dargaville, Te Kopuru, Maungaturoto, Pukehuia and Whangarei. Further Resolutions passed were: “That we strongly protest against the proposed extension of the hours of the sale of liquor, and ask for a Referendum on the question.” “That the Agricultural Department be asked to use the expansion in the grape indusliy in the making of mifermented drinks" “That a letter be written to Tauranga W.C.T.U. asking for more information re Prison Reform.” Plans of W'ork were discussed, arising from w'hich it was agreed that

Miss McLay should be invited to come north for organising in the Far North in the coming year. The Convention closed with the Doxology and Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT South Auckland Convention was held at Hamilton, in St. Paul’s Methodist Schoolroom, under the chairmanship of the District President, Miss A. M. McLay, on September 19th. Nine Unions were represented. Opening Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Christian, Vice-President. Miss McLay welcomed the Dominion President, Miss Kirk, who was able to attend the morning session, and also all delegates and friends present. A special welcome w ? as given to the delegates from Te Kuiti, Sister Nicholls and Mesdames Josephs and Ewan. The annual report compiled by the District Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Lewis, was read by Miss C. McLay. This showed a gain of over 100 in the district membership, owing to the fine organising work of the Dominion Organiser, especially in the King Country. A new “Y” Branch had been opened at the Maori Girls’ Hostel in Hamilton, with 23 members, and Band of Hope work had been begun in other places. Sister Nicholls then spoke on her work for Temperance among the Maoris, and drew a very moving picture of the struggle involved in keeping the Pledge taken by some of the people she knew. Miss McLay then called upon a visitor, the Rev. Hemi Nikora. w r ho had been the first of the “Y” branch which -sed to be at Opotiki. Mr. Nikora spoke briefly. recalling his association with Mis* McLav. and appealing for a friendlv spirit to be shown towards those of his race, saving that the Maori would always respond to a friendly approach. Miss Kirk was asked by Miss McLav to sav a few words, and she added to the interest of the discussion on the Maori position bv telling incidents from her own knowledge and experience. Referring to the great Temperance Rsllv held on the previous evening. Miss Kirk said she had been struck bv the earnestness of the faces, and the intent expressions as the address of the Rev. Mr. Henkin was given.

Sister Nicholls led Noontide Devotions and the Maori members sang n hvmn in their own beautiful language. The afternoon session was onened with Devotions, led bv Mis., C McLav. Union reports were then read bv the delegates, and much fine work was shown to have been carried out. Tt was noted that 'the Maori Unions were able to show the Pnkehns how to carrv out things properlv. their reports recording great attention to detail and care in proper procedure.

Officers elected for the coming year were: President, Miss A. McLay; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Craig, Christian; Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Lewis; Treasurer, Mrs. Clark. Miss McLay then gave her Presidential Address, in which she spoke of W.C.T. U. work in many lands, showing pictures of great interest. A beautiful solo was sung by Miss Clark, and, being recalled, another was given. Shoulder sprays were presented by Mrs. Bradley, of the Hamilton Union, to all officers, and afternoon tea was served. A remit from Tauranga »v«*s referred to the Dominion officers for their comments. Hans of work were discussed. Votes of thanks to all helpers were carried, and the usual Closing Service was held. A special Greeting was to be sent to Mrs. Stephenson Craig, Life VicePresident, who was unable to be present owing to illness, her presence being greatly missed. WANGANUI DISTRICT The Wanganui District Convention was held in the Baptist Church Schoolroom on October 13th. Pastor Griffith led the opening Devotional period, speaking from Romans V, on The Gifts of God” Mrs. Chesswas, District President, was in the chair; and welcomed all delegates and friends, especially Miss Scar row, of Raetihi, and Mrs. Robb, new President of Wanganui East. Greetings were to be sent to presidents unable to attend. Delegates present represented Wanganui Central and East, Aramoho and Gonville. The District report showed a slight increase in membership, and the Financial report showed a favourable position. Union reports were read by the delegates, and showed that the work was being sustained. The “Service of Memories” was conducted by Mrs. Chesswas, and a special tribute was paid to the memory of Miss Elsie Andrews. Various departmental reports were given, and it was agreed to continue the annual subscription to the Crippled Children Society. Mrs. Chesswas led the Noontide Devotions, following which she reported on the Dominion Convention. The afternoon session was opened by the Rev. A. S. Archibald in a Devotional Period. Mrs. Chesswas then gave a full repbrt on the NfC.W. Reporting on hospital visiting, Mrs. Duxfield mentioned the Jubilee Home, saying the work there was profitable, being much appreciated. All Officers W’ere returned unopposed: President, Mrs. Chesswas; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Day, Dnxfield. Clancy and Sanford; Secretary, Mrs. H. R. Ogg; Treasurer, Miss E. Christie. Departmental Superintendents were also appointed. N.C.W. delegates were Mesdames Day and

Chesswas. Mrs. Clancv a \uic of thank.* 10 those who had served tea and to all who had helped, and Mrs. Chesswas thanked all for their presence, urging them to carry on their work as opportunity offered, especially among the young. * HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. The Hawke’s Bay District Convention was held in the Baptist Hall, Napier, on September 15th, Mrs. Lewis presiding. About forty delegates and friends attended, seven Unions being represented. Devotions were led by Mrs. Major Hay, Mrs. J. R. H. Thorp, and Mrs. Calcott. Resolutions passed dealt with: 1. —The use of the “blood test" for alcohol after motor accidents. 2. —The sale of raffle tickets by children. 3. —Further extensive vineyards in Hawke’s Bay for wine production. 4. The use of sports grounds under public control for organised sport on Sundays. 5. The need for a public enquiry to investigate allegations made against certain members of the Police Force recently in the Magistrates’ Court, Napier. 6. —The need for a. continuation of the restrictions on Maoris in regard to liquor, as a protection to the Maori race. The Rev. J. R. Grave, of Hastings, gave a very stirring address, his text being “Therefore, being engaged in this service by the mercy of God. we do not lose heart.’’ The following Officers were elected : President, Mrs. P. Lewis; Vice-Presi-dents, Mesdames H. Ryan and J. R H. Thorp; Hon. Secretary, Miss L. Ennor; Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Smith. The Gisborne delegate issued an invitation for next years Convention to be held there, and this was accepted. Hospitality was extended to delegates by the Napier LJnion. NELSON DISTRICT Nelson District Convention was held at Richmond, in the Methodist Hail, delegates from all Unions attending. Mrs. Toomer, District President was in the chair. Miss Dyson. Richmond President, gave a welcome to all present. The opening Devotions were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Champion of Motueka, whose subject was “Righteousness, Temperance and Judgment.’’ Mrs. Toomer expressed thanks to the speaker. Greetings were sent to Miss Kirk and absent members. The Secretary’s and Treasurer's reports were given, and also Union reports. Motueka was congratulated on having the largest proportional increase in adult and Cradle Roll membership, and Mrs. Houston, Richmond, was thanked for her interest in the Alexandra Home.

Mrs. Toomer welcomed Mrs. J. H. Grigg, Guest-speaker, w’ho gave a most interesting talk on the influence and power of women, and was w-armly thanked. Noontide Devotions were led by Mrs. Walker.

Ihe Rev. Mr. Palchett opened the afternoon session with Devotions, speaking challengingly on “Personal Responsibility.” Superintendents’ Departmental reports were read, and Mrs. Grigg gave an interesting talk on “Alcoholics Anonymous.” Solos by Mrs. Dickinson and a play, “Reaping the Whirlwind” were greatly enjoyed during the afternoon. Two new members were initiated, and four Long Service Badges were presented. All Officers were re-elected for the coming year. Morning and afternoon teas served by Methodist, Baptist and Church of Christ ladies. Convention closed with the Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT Manawatu District Convention vas held at Feilding, in the Methodist Hall, on September 22nd, in beautiful weather, and among lovely floral decorations. Miss Jamieson, President, led the opening Devotions, and welcomed all present. Four Unions were represented. Many plans and suggestions for w’ork were brought forward. Reports wer read by Officers and Superintendents. Officers elected were: President, Miss Jamieson; Mrs. Coles, and Mrs. Stewart; Treasurer, Miss Edwards; Vice-President, Mrs. Stewart. A bright public meeting, chaired by the President, followed. Opening Devotions w’ere led by Mrs. Thompson. Much appreciated solos and recitations were given by Mesdames Cuming and Gill. The speaker was the Rev. F. Fitch, who gave a very telling address. Thanks were expressed by Mrs. Tremaine and Mrs. Simpson, and the Convention was closed with prayer. It was reported that the Maori Girls’ Hostel had been assisted by the proceeds of a garden party, which amounted to £B. and. also by gifts of vegetables. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Wellington District Convention met at Brooklyn Methodist Church on October 28th. Devotional session was conducted by District President Mrs. Watt. It was a spiritual uplift. Among the outgoing greetings, it was decided to send our good wishes to the British Sailors’ Society, who on this day were holding a special sale for their work. Letter was received from our Parliamentary Superintendent, Mrs. Chesswas, asking every Union to be on the alert and ready to send in protest in connection with Licensing Legislation that will affect the King Country. The Referendum in February in regard to Off-Course Betting was well discussed, and all Unions to do their best to encourage vote against this. Remit to Dom.nion Convention regarding the wav pictures are advertised. Literatm* Committee be asked to prepa-e a> sun as possible, leaflets suitable tc *ht icquircments for distribution between now and February that will show cleariv the evil of Off- „ Course Betting.

District Officers’ reports received, also the various Superintendents’ reports. Seamen’s work was encouraging, a number of parcels brought, and £7/14/6 in donations. Belmont Youth work shows much activity, 16 “Y” meetings so f r this year, and 17 L.T.L. meetings, Sunday teas, and several united gatherings on special occasions. All Unions except Carterton were represented and each brought their report. Cradle Rolls in almost all Unions are in flourishing condition and the district has added 20 new members. N.C.VV. delegates were elected, aiso Superintendents for the various Departments. Our Officers for coming year:—President, Mrs. F. Grigg; Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Brewer and Miss Jackson; Secretary, Mrs. Reed; Treasurer, Miss Atkinson. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Blenheim, 21st September. Despite cold weather conditions there was a pleasing gathering of members- of Picton, Springlands and Blenheim Unions, besides a full attendance of Officers, at St. Andrew’s Hall, for the District Convention. Mrs. V. Underhill, President, was in the chair. The opening Devotions were taken by Mr-. VV. J. Girling, Vice-President, who also welcomed the visitors on behalf of Blenheim Union, and the President added a welcome, especially tc those who had travelled some distance, including the guest speaker, Mrs. J. Tennant, of Picton. The Rev. A. O. Jones, speaking on behalf of the Blenheim Ministers’ Association, gave greetings and good wishes, together with a brief message of commendation and encouragement, which was much appreciated. Greetings were received from Miss Kirk, Dominion President, and several members who were unable to attend. A resolution of sympathy w r as passed to the relatives of the late Miss Elsie Andrews, and members stood in silence in memory of Mrs. E. Milgrew. Letters of cheer sent to several aged and sick members, and greetings jto Miss Kirk, Mr. H. W, Milner and Mr. Geo. Dash. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. E. T. Hegglun, Treasurer of Springlands Union, on her appointment as a J.P., the first woman J.P. in Marlborough. Reports of the work of the Executive were given by Mrs. N. Forbes, Recording, and Mrs. S. Harris, Corresponding, Secretaries, and a \ery satisfactory balance sheet was presented by Miss E. Tarrant. The Union reports were given by the delegates from Blenheim, Picton and Springlands, and revealed keen interest and activity. The work among young people was a feature of Picton reports—the “Y’s” and Band of Hope w’ere very active. Appreciation was expressed for the interest and time given by Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mrs. E. Leslie reported on the Cradle Roll

work, the district roll numbering 728. Mrs. Rodgerson spoke in regard to the peace Department and the “White Ribbon” reports showed a satisfactory position. At noon the Noontide hymn was sung and prayer offered for the victims of the Poliomyelitis epidemic and for women and children. A discussion on the work was followed by a brief address by the President. A buffet lunch partaken of in the sunshine, with a little social chat, made a happy break. The afternoon session was opened with Devotions by Mrs. E. Blick. Several visitors were welcomed and musical items were rendered by Mesdames Tennant and Jenkin (Picton), Mesdames W. Glennie, N. Grylis and B. Patchett (vocal trios), Mrs. W. Glennie, piano solo, Mrs. Tennant and Mrs. Sanders, vocal solos. A most interesting address was given by Mrs. Tennant, who spoke on “The Potter and the Clay” (Isaiah 64:8), which was much enjoyed. Votes of thanks were passed to the speaker, those who had entertained, Board of Management of St. Andrew’s Church, Blenheim Union and “The Marlborough Express.” Mrs. Sanders was initiated and welcomed into membership. The Officers were all re-elected, while Mrs. F. C. Wilson was made a Vice-President, and two new Superintendents—Mrs. E. J. Blick, Evangelistic Superintendent, and Mrs. R. Watson. “White Ribbon” Superintendent. At the conclusion of the meeting, which closed with hymn and the Benediction, afternoon tea was dispensed. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT The District Convention was held in Invercargill on Friday, October 29th, in the Esk Street Baptist Hall, and delegates from six Unions were present. Mrs. Frances D. Smith, of Gore, conducted the morning Devotions, speaking of the obscure, the humble, and the unexpected people whom God chose throughout the ages to be His servants, His prophets, leaders and missionaries. The District President called the meeting to order, and after the Pledge had been repeated, the usual routine business was conducted. All present Officers were re-elected. At noontide, the President called the names of those who had passed away during the year, and Mrs. Richards led in prayer. Two members who have passed on were Mrs. Southern, aged 94, and Mrs. Perry, aged 92 years—both faithful Christians and alert in mind to the end. At the afternoon session, several remits were passed, and a helpful address was given by the Rev. R. Thornley, who, recognising the extremely difficult times through which we are passing still, showed us reasons for carrying on with renewed hope and courage. Miss M. Hallidav rendered a vocal solo, and the town Union* supplied afternoon tea.

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 11, 1 December 1948, Page 6

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District Conventions White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 11, 1 December 1948, Page 6

District Conventions White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 11, 1 December 1948, Page 6