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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Mangakaramea. -Feb.: Mrs. Weir in the chair. Roll Call was “Cuttings from Newspapers, dealing with Temi>erance Reforms.” A \iMt from Miss Edmed who urged us to get new members even if they did not hold with all we stand for resulted in a Y branch being formed with a membership of ten. Whangarei.—Feb. 17th: Pleasant meeting at the residence of Mrs. Thompson, 4 Kensington. Rept. As. Frances Willard Day. March 3rd: Usual monthly meeting, decided to affiliate with N.C.W. Mrs. Cheesman appointed delegate. W.C.T.U. picnic, including Cradle Roll and L.T.L., arranged for March 20th. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland. March 9th: Good attendance; Mrs. Long presided and welcpmed members and visitors. Willard Day observed; collection taken for World’s Missionary Fund. Mrs. Holmes, delegate to Dominion Convention. Remits to Convention were discussed and a very interesting afternoon was spent. Mrs. I/>tig gave an interesting talk on our work and urged the necessity for a new outlook and fresh inspiration in our work. She stressed the value and power of prayer. A presentation of a beautiful pot fern was made by Mrs. f»ng to Mrs. Ross, our Flower Supt., to Mrs. Stimpson, our Evangelistic Supt., and to the Corresponding Secretary, Miss N. Dewar. Mt. Eden.—Feb. 23rd: Fair attendance, Mrs. Urocklehiirst presided; routine business. Year’s work planned. Work of Frances Willard spoken of. March 2nd Home Meeting, 30 present, at Misses McLay’s home. Afternoon tea. Mrs. Brocklehurst in chair. Miss A. McLay led devotions. Challenging address by Miss K. Hall (for 18 years nursing in China). Watching the rapid awakening and education of millions of |»eople and increasing opportunities for woman’s leadership, the res|»onsibility on Christian women here is immense, to really Christianise N.Z. for we are being watched. At the close, an Initiation Service was held; nine new or lapsed members. Onehunga.—Feb. 11th. Monthly meeting, Frances Willard Day. Mrs. Stacey in diair. Business arranged and Mrs. Moore appointed to represent us at Convention. Items from magazines and newspaper cuttings read by president ami various members. Very interesting and informative. One new member by transfer. Otabuhu.—Feb. 18: Mrs. W. Taylor presided, xiood attendance of interested friends and rr.emh<.» . A social half-hour of pianoforte and vocal sclos, also two recitations preceded the speaker Miss McLay, from Auckland, who took fo her subject “This the Day of Great Things.’’ A most interesting and inspiring address. Two new members. Pukc-huia.—Jan. 10th. Meeting held at president’s home and final arrangements made for our annual Public Temperance Meeting and Bring and Buy at the hall. Jan. 19th: In spite of petrol shortage and rain, between 40 and 50, mostlv young people and adults, gathered. Miss Edmed and Mrs. Jolly, from Dargaville Union, came and gave great help in meeting, with short, straight Temperance talks and two short plays. The public helped our small union splendidly by both bringing and buying.

Ponsonby.—Feb. 18th: Mrs. Osborn presided. Devotions, Mrs. Read. Mrs. Osborn extended a welcome to the district prr ident, Mrs. J. W. Miss L. M. Read’s resignation was received a id accepted with keen regret as Miss Read has been the president for Ponsonby for 14 vears, and she will be greatly missed. Miss J. Joiner was elected president and Mrs. Osborn secretary. Mrs. Blogg. delegate to Dominion Convention. Mrs. Christopher, Bible-m-Schools Supt.

Remuera.—Feb. 23rd: Mrs. Kasper in the chair. Mrs. Mackey appointed delegate to Convention. A letter from Mrs. Norrie, thanking the branch for gifts and money received for Seamen’s work.

Frb. 23rd: A very successful Cradle Roll Party was held. Mrs. Kasper gave an interesting talk to the children on Temperance and explained the Cradle Roll work. A baby was enrolled at this party and an adult member was initiated. Good attendance of children, mothers and some visitors The children were entertained with games and competitions. Afternoon tea was provided and each child received a gift. Takapuna.—March 2nd: Cradle Roll picnic. A very enjoyable afternoon which was well attended. Some of the young mothers had been to this function when they were infants over 20 years ago. A drawing-room meeting was held at Mrs. Winstone’s on 25th February which included a stall for “bring and buv” and this added considerably to the funds. Miss McLay gave a wonderful address on the work of women in these troublous times. Mrs. V nstOM was presented with a bock a small token of affectionate appreciation of her work by the members, a: d Mrs Atorjr.nRichards was warmly welcomed ss our new president. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Thame*.—March 3rd: Devotions, Mrs. Whiteside. Mrs. Christian asked to xepresent Thames at Dominion Convention. Remits generally approved. Appreciation and gratitude for Miss Smith’s long devoted service as Secretary placed on record. Officers elected: Mrs. Paul, secretary; Mrs. Middleton, vicepresident; Mrs. Gooder, W.R. agent. Arrangements for debate, April meeting. Benediction. Tea. Tauranga. March 2nd: Good attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Discussed Dominion Convention and remits and instructed delegate how to vote. Asked for hflj*rs at Waste Paper Depot. Held a bring-and-buy. Disjrnsed afternoon tea. Benediction pronounced. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. —Nov. 4: Miss Hill presided. Devotions. Musical programme, afternoon tea. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Hartmann; Sec., Mrs. F. Baker; Treas., Mrs. Barron; C.R., Miss Hill; Notable Days, Mrs. G. Tozer; W.R., Mrs. Barker; Seamen's Work, Mrs. Hurrell; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Hall. Hawera.—Feb. 23rd: Adj. Lavers in the chair, devotions, and gave very fine talk. Temperance Facts given. Frances Willard Day celebrated. Afternoon tea. Prayer. Benediction. New Plymouth.—Jan. 27th: A well-attended meeting. Mrs. Ashworth presided. Devotions, Temperance Fact, treasurer’s report and balance-sheet. Delegates to District Convention appointed. A Cradle Roll picnic arranged . a collection taken up to defray tipumi: members agreed to assist and Miss Peterson asked to speak to mothers. Benediction, afternoon tea. New Plymouth.—Feb. 27th: Good attendance. Miss Drew presided. Devotions by Mrs. T ufTrey and Mrs. Jenkins. Mrs. Ashworth reported a successful Cradle Roll picnic. Mrs. Rugby Hawkins sang a solo. Mrs. Ashworth, delegate to District Convention. Benediction, afternoon tea. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Marton.—Feb. Mrs. Jordan presided and led devotions. Attendance fair. Several items af interest were read. Mrs. Anderson was appointed delegate to Dominion Convention. Hvmn and Benediction. Wanganui Central. —Feb.: 4th: Devotions, minutes. Agreed Mesdames R. Wilson and R. Prince be in charge of bring-and-buy stall *hich is held every month. Mrs. Glenn thanked for her untiring effort during last year whereby we have been enabled to place £lO in P.O. Savings Bank towards our Fighting Fund for election this year. New Plymouth Union acknowledged and thanked the Union for donation of 10/- and parcel of woolies for Seamen's Rest. Mis. Chelley was appointed delegate for Dominion Conference. Frances Willard Memorial Day observed and a collection taken up towards Missionary Fund. Scientific Fact was given by Mrs. A. Morrison. Mesdames Ogg and Chelley hostesses for March. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Halting*.—Feb. The president, Mrs. H. Hickmott presided. Good attendance. “Willard Day.” Devotions by president. Letters

of love and cheer to sick members. Sympathy with relatives of late Mrs. Horne. Solos, M s. Peach. Mrs. Pitt delegate to convention. Mrs. Murtagh suj>sti;ute. Rev. and Mrs. Russell Graves were our guests and Mr. Graves gave an address on the “Life of Francis Willard” and on the* influence of women. Mrs. Hickmott thanked the speaker. Tea-hostesses were Mesdames E. Paul and D. Osborne. Mr. Russell Graves closed the meeting with prayer. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Palmerston North.—Feb. 2nd. Miss Jamieson presided. Devotions, Mrs. Wilton; Temperance Fact, Mrs. Boniface. One new member. Arrangements for Dominion Convention, also for the Union to take their turn at the A.N.A. Club first week-end. Community singing. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Sexton. Afternoon tea. Benediciion. Palmerston North.—Feb. 2nd: Devotions led by Miss Jamieson. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Boniface. Mrs. Sjience welcomed. Congratulations to Mrs. Pitcher on attaining her 94th birthday. Business for Dominiou Convention discussed and arrangements finalised. Mrs. Wrigley appointed delegate. Afternoon tea. Prayer. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Lower Hutt,—Jan. 27. Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Swift. Cradle Roll party, weather bad. A visit from Father Xmas. mi’Ci' enjoyed. Mrs. Swift was congraimated cn attaining her golden wedding. Deepest sympathy to relatives of late Mrs. F. Clarke. Arrangements for the visit of Miss Andrews. Plans of work discussed and a syllabus to be drawn up shortly. Prayer and Benediction. Feb. 24th: Mrs. Swift devotions. Subject, “Walking with God.” Members reminded of the world day of prayer on March 12th. Rev. Lopdell gave a very comprehensive address on Sabbath observance. Remits for Convention considered and a delegate appointed Convention. Masterton.— Feb. 4th. A good beginning for the year. Three new members. Three cradle roll cards handed to C.R. supt., three new W.R. subscribers reported. Discussion on proposed visit of Miss Andrews Delegate apjointed to Convention. Reading, “Sugar and Beer,” from British W.R. by Mrs. Speight and Miss Jackson. President reported havin' interviewed the manageress of U.S. Service Club in Queen Street re rumour that a wet canteen was to be ojiened there. Satisfaction expressed that the rumour was denied, and that we were invited to go and inquire about any rumour we might hear. Afternoon tea Benediction. Congrats., on the Trio o ( Trios.—Ed. W.R. Masterton.—March 4th: Plans for Miss Andrews’ visit considered. Circular from Auckland branch Alliance brought by a member read and discussed. Also probability of poll this year. Two L.W.R. pledge cards handed to Sujit. Pres, and Sec. to represent Union at Convention. Wellington.—March 4th: Mrs. Bade presided and led demotions. Mrs. Bishop appointed delegate to Convention. Suj*erin*endents appointed. Hosjiital visiting arranged. Mrs. Montgomery to fie Suj>t. of Band of Hojie to be formed in conjunction with District Y Branch. Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.—Feb. 2nd. Mrs. Girling presided. Heljiful remarks on St. John 14th and 15th chapters. Greetings to sick friends. Plans of work were discussed. Prize offered to member bringing most new members to February meeting. Inspiring reading by Mrs. Girling on “Trust.” Annual street stall on March sth. Band of Hope to resume on Feb. 12th. Benediction. Blenheim. —Feb.: Mrs. W. B. Wilson occupied the chair and conducted devotions. Mrs. Milgrew, delegate to Dom. Convention. The annual street stall will be held on April 7th. Ar-angements were made for a women’s aay of prayer on April 7th. Mrs. Wilson read a sjdt-ndid article from the “Country Women” entitled “Alcohol and Health.” Very full and interesting meeting. Tua Marina. March 9: Devotions, Mrs. Robinson, 10/- voted for delegates rxj>enses. Arrangements for meeting at Sjiring Creek. Mrs. D. Knight gave very interesting paper on

’’Poems”; Mrs. H. Knight sang “Ye Banks and Braes.” Article on life of Mrs. Rachel Don was read. NELSON DISTRICT. Richmond. -Feb. 16. Miss Tarrant presided. Devotions, pledge, fact, Miss Tarrant and Mrs. Lightband; 10 at roll call; 2 visitors, one being our newly arrived Baptist Minister’s wife. Votes of sympathy to Misses Tarrant in theloss of a brother. Remits considered. Headquarters fund collection handed in. Short extracts on Frances Williard read. Sigil, Benediction. Nelson.—Feb. 9th: Mrs. Toomer pre'ided, good attendance, devotions, Temjierance Fact, delegates appointed Dominion Convent on. Proposed to order 1,000 blotters to be given to school children from standard two ujiwards. Talk by Mrs. Toomer, “Home Influence ir the Family Life.” Birthday posies presented. Successful jumble sale held. Bring-and-buy, copper trail. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Spreydon.-Feb. Mrs. Ancall presided over a fair attendance. Mrs. Perrett led devotions. Mrs. Lowry gave the Temjierance Fact. Mrs. Ancall gave district and mental hospital reports. Mrs. Lockwood, sen., appointed delegate to Annual Convention. Six scholars, four from Addington School and two from Spreydon School, won prizes offered by the branch for essavs on the booklet "Keejiing Fit.” Mesdames Fehsenfeld and Foster hostesses. Mrs. Foster apjiointed treasurer. Benediction. Sydenham. -Feb. 4th. Mrs. Woodward presided. Arrangements for our forthcoming 21st birthday party were made. The secretary reported on the Executive meeting held Jan. 25, also District Executive. An address of exceptional interest by Miss Boyer on jiersonal exjieriences as a welfare worker in the City of London. Solo by Mrs. J. Filti. Temperance Fact by Mrs. E. Rogers. Christchurch.—Feb. 10th. Miss C. Henderson presided. Resignation, Mrs. G. Brown, White Ribbon agent, received with regret. Mrs. Neutze elected our agent. Invitation to attend birthday social Sydenham Union. Interesting rejiort of Christmas tea given to lonely jiatients Mental Hospital by Mesdames Adkins and Neutze. Gifts of clothing will be acceptable for our Lady Galway Guild. Feb. 24th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Satisfactory balance-sheet report read by our hon. treas., Miss M. B. Lovell-Smith. Mrs. Adkins gave a refiort of recently held meeting of N.C.W., and Mrs. E. Woods rejmrted a successful concert given to inmates of Addington Reformatory. Our Union expressed its gratification at the splendid result of recently held postmen’s drive. Out president then gave an address tracing prison law reforms. Linwood.— Feb. Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie presided. The members stood as a mark of resect to the relatives of the late Dr. C. C. Farr. Being "Frances Willard Day," the Crusade Psalm was used for the opening devotions. A unique opportunity was given members to take part in a “Quiz” afternoon in which members answered questions dealing with the inception of the movement in America and New Zealand, and other historical reminiscences. Mrs. Turner’s Scientific Fact proved of great interest to our “Frances Willard Day.” Mesdames Black and Fuller rejxirted on the Band of Hope picnic, helping with the sale of Health Stamps, and assisting with the street collection for the Society for the Protection of Women and Children. Flowers and fruit were taken to the hospital for the sick members. Literature of educational value distributed to mothers and to inmates of Jubilee Home. Recently, at a specially arranged afternoon, opportunity was given to bid farewell to our vice-president and devotional leader, Mrs. Arthur Anstice, woo has gone to reside in Auckland. A presentation of an electric toaster was handed to Mrs. Anstice as a small token of our love an 1 esteem. Two books were added to the Peace Library. Papanui.— Feb. Mrs. Thornton presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Elliott led devotions and Mrs. Hampton gave a temperance fa?t. The Cradle Roll party postponed to a later date. Mrs. Hamjiton rejxirted on visits paid to patients in the Mental Hospital. Discussion on social evils in our community ar.l urges stricter control of the same. Afternoon tea.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Lyttelton-Heathcote. February: At Heath* cote, uood attendance of nieniDers. Mrs. J. T. Norton presided. Mrs. Preston took devo* tions. It was announced that the first "Y” meeting for the year wor’d be held first Sunday in March. World Day of Prayer was announced and members asked to attend meeting in Holy Trinity Church. New Brighton.—Feb. 4: Good attendance, Mrs. Flower presided. Devotions, Mrs. Hall. Request for books for soldier's camps. Report on visits to mental hospital. Arrangements for annual picnic xncl garden party. Treasurer’s report received. C.R. picnic arranged for Feb. Help requested in packing parcels for overseas. Mrs. Flower, delegate. Presentations to Mrs. Mitchell, secretary, and Mrs. Fraser, treasurer, for many years of loyal service. Riccarton. -Feb. 11th: Mrs. C. \V. Darrell presided and conducted devotions. Invitations to Sydenham Union 21st birthday accepted. Arrangements made for assisting with United Nations Fair in aid of patriotic funds to be held in March. Reported visits to mental hospital and fruit, gifts, etc., had been taken to patients at Christmas. Hand of Hope meeting cancelled until after epidemic restrictions lifted. Mrs. Newth appointed delegate to Convention. Miss C. Henderson gave an interesting address tracing prison law reforms. Literature distributed. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton. —Feb. 2. Mrs. Robinson presided. Good attendance. National Anthem. Devotions, Mrs. Elliott. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hoskins. Greetings from Spreydon by Mrs. Lowry. Sympathy to relatives of Mrs. Varcoe. Mrs. Frampton, Miss Blee and Miss Miller. Report of District Executive meeting read. Remits to Ministers re increase of 22 per cent, of sugar to brewers. Miss McGregor delegate to Convention. Ashburton.—March 2nd: Devotions. Sympathy with Mrs. Drayton, Mrs. Wakelin and Mr. T. Wakelin carried. Mrs. Tulloch led in prayer. Tinwald invited Ashburton members on April 22nd to conduct the meeting; the invitation accepted. The Revd. R. B. Gosnell gave an address on the v ark of the W.C.T.U. Temuka. —Feb. 24: Presided over by Mrs. Grocott. Good attendance; devotions, Mrs. Douglas. Very interesting programme for year was drawn up by the Executive. Cradle Roll afternoon to be held on March 17tli. Speaker to be Capt. Axleson. Letter of sympathy in her illness to lie sent Mrs. Elder. Collection for World Missionary Fund. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Timaru.—Feb.: Miss Fyfe presided, good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Browning. Temperance iact, letter of cheer to a sick member. The president reported on her objecting to the tyj* of Sunday concert held recently and her action was endorsed. Mrs. Minifie, delegate to Convention and will represent Temuka also. Three members have qualified to receive longservice badges. Donations for Sailors’ Rest received. Three new members initiated. Community singing. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Feb.: Cradle Roll party at Miss Fyfe’s garden. The children played games and ran races and so did their mothers. Each child presented with sweets and animal biscuits. Mrs. Norrie urged mothers to teach children evils of alcoholic drinks. OTAGO DISTRICT. Oamaru.—Feb. Fair attendance. Miss Cowan presided and took devotions. Members expressed indignation that a great quantity of sugar had been allowed for wine making in the district during a time of war rations when housewives cannot get enough for jam-making, etc. Letter send to local paper. Delegate elected for Convention. White Ribbon paper for Franchise Day read by Mrs. Hurst. Collection taken; 8/- donation for Timaru Seamen’s Rest. Benediction; cup of tea. South Dunedin.—Feb. 25. Ojiening meeting. Mrs. Williamson presided. Mrs. Donaldson sang. Report from Bible-in-Schools. Mr«. Rippin (Sec.) to attend Convention. Mrs. Horwood proposed: (a) That branch bear expense of literature from dist. union, and That such be distributed to local church guills at special meeting. Both suggestions adopted. Mrs. Rippin exhibited striking temperance posters, which branch desires to use effectively. Exec, meeting kindly entertained earlier mi

month at Mrs. Horwood’s home. Cradle Roll Fartv at close of an outstanding success. Musical items, games, generous entertainment. The little folk, mothers and members had i splendid time. Mrs. Horwood spoke briefly to mothers.

Balclutha. March 11th: Mrs. Jones (pres.) in the chair. Good attendance. Devotions. Paper read on Frances Willard. Sympathy to be sent to Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Copeland, and a letter of congratulation to Mrs. Jefferson on the birth of a son. Greeting sent to Convention. Presentation to Mrs. Fordvce on her departure for Opunake and good wishes expressed for a bright and happy future. Mrs. Fordvce suitably replied. Afternoon tea. Benediction. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill. March 2nd: Social afternoon; Solos by Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Strathearn. Talk given by Mrs. Marsden cn social work. Discussion on girls being manpowered to hotels. Four new members initiated.

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White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 2, 18 March 1943, Page 6

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 2, 18 March 1943, Page 6

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 2, 18 March 1943, Page 6