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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Wark'vorth.—J uly. Good attendance. 18 present. Devotions by 4 members. Roll Call—- " What I do on a rainy day.” Competition, "best dressed clothes-peg.” Donation of 5/towards supper for soldiers. Miss Percy, recently arrived from England, si>oke of conditions there and braveness of the women-folk. Memorial Day on August Ist, and ‘‘Bring and Buy” for funds. Violets sold for Patriotic Funds. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Avondale.—July 10. Fair atendance in Avondale Baptist S.S. Hall. Mis. Young, VicePresident, in Chair. Several members handed in jietition forms completely filled in. Decided to alter date and place of meeting, so as to enable members of other Churches to attend. Miss Queen, of Papatoetoe, spoke on ‘‘What Manner of Man is This?” Mr. Hilatt led the devotions. This member has already obtained 12 names for the Cradle Roll department, and ordered a further dozen pledge cards. Hende.son.—July 18. Mrs. Chadwick presided. Devotions. Extract from the “Vanguard” written by Dr. A. J. Hodge was read. Encouraging L.T.L. report. Benediction. Kohi-St. Heliers. July 17. Mrs. Farr M with Scripture talk and prayer; 5/- donated to Soldiers’ Welcome Club. Miss Preece gave very interesting talk on work amongst the Maoris, and distributed cards to raise funds for a larger Maori Guild Hostel, which is very much needed. Y’ote of thanks to sjieakers. Good attendance. Leigh.—July 29. Meeting at Mrs. Gozar’s. l air attendance. Mrs. H. Torkington read -of conditions in Kansas State. Prolonged discus--ion on the evil of the drink traffic. Mrs. Yearbury gave the Temtierance Fact. Discusion on the work done by the L.T.L.’s. Mrs. Gozar, hostess. Mt. Eden.—August 5. Mrs. Douglas Smith in the Chair. Votes of sympathy to Miss Pudnev, our President, on the passing of her lather, and to Mrs. Peryman, on her illness. Mrs. Broklehurst rejiorted on the Alliance Convention (through the efforts of the Alliance, one hotel in a country district that had been oi>eii practically all day and night, the police had taken it up and the man was compelled to shut at six, the man said he lost £IOO a week through having to do this. Pact given: "The greatest contribution factor in cancer is Alcohol.” Ponsonby. -July 17. Sister Jessie presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Christopher. Collection Cards were distributed for Maori Girls’ Hostel. Report on N.Z.A. Convention received. Being "Memorial Day” a paper on the life of the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor was read by Mrs. Christopher. Rev. P. W. Norrish spoke oil “The Grace of Appreciation.” One new 1 member. Onehunga. —fulv 10. Maori Day. Delegate ap|»ointed to N.Z.A. Conference. Mrs. Breese to assist in sending Birthday Cards. Miss Woodcock s|K)ke on helpful assistance to Maori cirls from country districts and information given re Hostel to be started. Decided to take collecting cards. Otahuhu.—July 17. Mrs. W. Taylor presided. Mrs. Vercoe led the devotions. Miss Read snoke on the aims and accomplishments of the W.C.T.U. The rest of the afternoon was q>ent in honouring an 80 year old member. Musical items and a recitation were rendered, after which the octogenarian guest cut the beautiful icc-cake, which had been provided, each member receiving » slice of the same. Altogether a most enjoyable meeting. Remuera.—July 22. Mrs. Robinson presided. Memorial Day was observed by' the reading of a Special Prayer fo*- Memorial Day. Delegates to the Alliance (Auckland Area) Convention gave reports of p.-oceedmgs. One new member gamed and was placed on the scattered members' roll. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Tauznarunui.—July 17. Good attendance. Mrs. Drider presided. Mrs. Brock conducted devotions and gave a reading based on Mark 6, 48. Temperance Fact. Pledge. Text. Rev. J. Graham gave very inspiring talk on the visions of Zachanah from text ‘‘Despise not the day of small things.” Benediction. Tauranga.—August 5. A fine gathering of women, comprising a "Mothers’ Party.” Violin solo by Mrs. Davidson, and Mrs. F. Gresham spoke on “The Child, the Hope of the Race.”

Comj>etition won by Mrs. R. McNaughton, Mrs. Gaulton, second. Rev. Mr. Lawrence sjxikc on some problems of the Maori race. Dainty afternoon tea. A Bring and Buy was held. Closing hyma. Waihi.—July. Attendance small, sickness and absence caused apologies. A number of signatures to |ietition sent in. Band of Hope enjoyed singing comiietitions; previous one recitations. Mrs. Christian, Dist. Pres., exacted shortly. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Napier.—July 15th. Mrs. Lewis presided. Good attendance. Posy sent to sick member. Arrangements for entertaining the Blind Club finalized. Jumble Sale on 25th. Sewing meeting to make garments for needy to oe held fortnightly. Invitations accepted from Y.W.C.A. to attend United Prayer Meeting every 2nd Monday, also to meet with Y members on Sunday afternoon. A qucstionaire and educational session evoked keen discussion. • TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.—July. The President presided and led the Devotions. Teinjierance Facts. Letter* to go to sick members and to Mrs. Peryman. Address by Mrs. G. Stickwell on "The Sanctity of Marriage.” Afternoon Tea. ‘‘Memorial Day" observed. Bring and Buy stall in aid of the Seamen’s Rest at New Plymouth did good business. Benediction. New Plymouth.—fuly 31. Fair attendance. M rs. A’shworth presiding. Devotions. Temperance Fact. Petition Forms dealt with. .Arrangements made for Seamen’s Rest mart on August 22. Miss Drew reported several substantial donations for "Rest” from Rotary Club and Patriotic Committee, also donation from Pahotu. P.M. Tea. Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.—Julv 11. Mrs. Kennerley, President, in Chair. Mrs. Finch led devotions. Pledge taken. .Scientific Fact by Mrs. Warren, who also rejiorted on Band of Hope meeting, and said children keenly interested. Memorial Day. Several members read extracts from article* on work done by Pioneer Temjjerance Workers. One new member. Temi>erance Doxology and Benediction. Palmerston North.—Aug. 5. Miss Jamieson presided. Mrs. Willson, Devotions. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Penketh. Visitors welcomed. Rev. Garner gave a very helpful talk. Afternoon tea. Mrs. Boniface expressed thanks. Prayer. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central.—August 7. Good attendance, presided over by Mrs. R. VNiJson. Devotions, Mrs. Mercer. Temperance Fact, Mrs. A. Morrison. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for the late Mrs. Bassett, also the late Miss Parsons. Letter of sympathy to the relatives. New member initiated. Sirs. Grinstead elected Cradle Roll Superintendent. A challenging paj»er, entitled "Temperance Throughout the Ages,” by Mrs. Phizacklea. Prayer and Benediction. Afternoon tea. Bring and Buy table gave satisfactory resu’t*. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—July 29. Mrs. Brewer presided, letters of sympathy to be sent to Mrs. Stinson, Mesdames Peryman, Reed and Carl**nter on account of illness. Mrs. Gillings thanked for her work in connection with the Petition Forms. Gifts were received and £l/11/- collected for Comforts for Sailors’ Rests. Correspondence read from Mrs. Cliff Deans, District “Y” Supt., asking Branches to do their utmost to form Bands of Hope, or '‘L.T.L.’s” in every suburb where a W.C.T.U. is functioning. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Dudley. Resolutions dealing with the reduction and sale of alcoholic liquors and the strict observance of the Liquor Laws were forwarded to Parliament. Interesting readings by several mem • bers. Mrs. Brewer reported or< the N.Z. Alliance Convention. Annual Church Parade on Aug. 10th, in Methodist Church. Social afternoon in August. Mrs. Sired to address the meeting. Benediction. Presbyterian and Anglican ladies served tea. Mrs. Pearson conducted a "Sa!es” Table.

Lower Hutt.—JuD 23. In Church of Christ. President in Chair. Mrs. Swift taking devotions. Reported that a number of filled petitions sent in. Coin afternoon, also members’ afternoon. Soles were sung by Mesdames Aldersley, Clark and Davis. Other members contrifjuted various items. A most helpful meeting. Nice assortment of gifts for Seamen’s Rests. One new member. Benediction.

Masterton.—August 7. At Home Meeting. Mrs Jamieson and Miss Jackson entertained

members at the residence of Mrs. Jackson. Several members gave their experiences, which were mostly on the amusing side, and the arguments met with as they went round with the petition. Mrs. Speight gave two nicely rendered solos. Resolutions to be sent to the Minsters concerned and local member on lack of justice in social evil court cases, and lack of enforcement of the liquor laws. Members were very pleased to have the opportunity of talking to Mrs. Jackson, who is unable now to attend meetings. Mrs. Jackson was very cheery and busy knitting. Thanks to the hostesses. Temperance Doxology. Benediction brought a pleasant afternoon to a close. NELSON DISTRICT. Richmond.—July. Devotions. Temperance Fact. Papers read by President and one by White Ribbon Agent. Seven petition forms filled. Good meeting closed with Sigil and Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.-August 5. Mrs. Girling presided. 14 present. 15 minuies intercessory prayer. Roll call answered with temperance facts, all of which were very striking. Franchise day will be held in conjunction with September meeting. Benediction. Springlands.—July. Meeting held at Mrs. Gascoigne’s residence. Ten members present. Motion of sympathy passed with the relatives of the late Rev. Mr. Milgrew, Vicar of Havelock, who was ever a loyal supporter of the tein|>erance cause. Members invited to opening of new Y.M.CA. canteen at Woodbourne Aerodrome. Canvassers stated that petition was being well supported. Memorial Day noted by members reading resiews of the lives of famous people, namely, Mrs. T. F. Taylor, Frances Willard, Florence Nightingale, Napoleon, and Sister Dora Pattison. Mr. McArthur s]>eaker at next month's meeting. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch.—July 9. Miss C. Henderson presided. Vote of sympathy to Mrs. Quartermain in the passing of her sister, Miss Mary Robertson. Remits read re suggested Temperance restrictions by members of Christchurch branch National Council of Women. Linwood.—July 29. The President presided. Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Arthur Anstice. Mrs. Black reported on Band-of-Hope activities. Four of our members are on a social Committee for finalising arrangements in coimnection with th? Band-of-Hope Union annual examinations and competitions. A report on Mental Hospital work was given and a special collection was taken to purchase comforts for patients. lhble-in-Schools and "Y” activities were rejwrted on, showing steady progress in all departments. Mrs. Turner gave a good temjierance fact. A letter of sympathy was sent to Mrs. Peryman, our "White Ribbon" Editor, who is ill it. hospital. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect to the late Mrs. Sharp, a daughter of one of our Vice-Presidents. Mrs. C. Barrell painted a vivid word picture on ‘‘Pioneer Women of Our Movement in New Zealand,” which was greatly enjoyed by one and all. Mrs. Hodgson rendered a pianoforte solo. Many Petition Forms were filled and other signatures were obtained after the meeting. Mrs. Arthur Anstice rendered a solo, “Crossing the Bar.” Afternoon tea was dispensed. One new member. Benediction.

New Brighton.—July. Mrs. Scott presided over a good atendance. Sick visiting arrangements made, next month’s meeting to be a recite and pattern afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Hall was congratulated on her thirty years’ service badge, a decoralion not easily won. Readings by Mrs. H. Inns. Hostesses, Mesdames N. Fraser and Flower. North Brighton. -July 15. Mrs. Goldman presiding. Devotions, Mr*. S. Young. Mental Hospital visiting re|>orted on by Mrs. Pepperell and Band of Hope by Mrs. A. Noonan. Scientific Fact by Mrs. A. Noonan. Several members reported having attended an A.R.P. demonstration at the Fire Brigade Station. Mis-; O. G. Searle spoke on War Relief work in Snanghai. Oxford. Julv lfi. In Coronation Halt. Memorial Day. President in Chair. Good attendance. Sympathy expressed with Mr. and Mis. Hawxe in their bereavement. Letters of sympathy to those sick or in trouble. Temperance Fact given. £1 donated to Headqr. c rs Fund. Pajier read on life and work of <*' beloved leader, Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Sever nember* gave personal memories of Mrs. Taylor. Reference was also made to the late Mrs. R. Gainsford, first President of the Oxford W.C.T.U. Benediction and "Hymn for those at Sea.”

Papanui. July 2.1. Mrs. Thornton presided. Good attendance. Regret was expressed at the death of Mrs. Kruse, one of the foundation members and whose many acts of kindness and loving sympathy endeared her to all. A letter of sympathy to be sent to her family. Tern--1 Trance I- act, Mrs. Hodder.

Runanga. July '). In Church of England. Retort of North Canterbury District Executive meeting. Extracts from “Bulletin” and “White Ribbon.' Farewell to President, Mrs. Densen, who is leaving the district. Church of England ladies hostesses.

Sydenham. August. \niiual Social Afternooti, presided over by Mrs. Woodward. A Drgt* attendance enjoyed the iw'*« i cal and elocutionary items rendered by members and friends. Mrs. McKay Kav . nterestinjr talk on the inspiration of pio . a . >meu and women’s sphere in the mod in vorld. She rhallenifcd the women of these tiine> to mould from the chaos of the war, not bitterness, but eternal j>eace and endeavour. Money was voted for a tea at the Welcome Club and helpers appointed. Spreydon. July. The Rev. J. Dennis, our s|«eaker, stressed the necessity of members thinking and dwelling on the encouragements arising out of the work and urging to greater endeavours. Copies of the Petition to Parliament were given to members to secure signatures. A Temperance Fact was given by Mrs. Murray. The usual visit and gilts were paid to the Mental Hosjatal. The District rejKirt given by Mrs. Afecall. Mesdanies Kurley and Lockwood werrt hostesses. Benediction. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton. —July. Sympathy with Mrs, Robinson in death of her mother, and with Mrs. Pcryman in illness. Musical monologue ar.d tw’o vocal solos. Re|»oit of Work for Seamen read and collection of £1 for it. Rev. Murray spoke of work of Navy, congratulated Union on setting apart “Seamen's Day,” Petition forms returned. Timaru.—July. Memorial Day. Mrs. Cave presided, Mrs. Armstrong, devotions. Motion of sympathy to Mrs. Robinson in loss of her mother. Petition Forms handed in. Miss Fyfes read an interesting pa]>er on former worker of W.C.T.C. in N.Z.. including a tribute to the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Mrs. T. E. Holdgate, President of N.C.W. and our representative, read the Conference remits, which were discussed. Arrangements made for District Convention and delegates appointed. Benediction, afternoon tea and a “Bring and Buy.” Waimute. July Presided over by Mrs. Duckett, a Vice-President. Mrs. Mills led in prayer and a responsive reading on “Courage” was taken. We were pleased to have the menibei s of the Wdlowbridge and Morven P.W.M.U. to take the meeting and give us such an insight into their work in this and other lands. Afternoon tea and benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT.

Kaikorai. July. Devotions, Mrs. MacDonald. Final arrangements for Street Day Ap|*eal for signatures on |*etition. Sympathy expressed with Mrs. Penman in her illness and best wishes for a recovery. Very successful Bring and Buv sale at close of business meeting. 11 members present. League of Mothers invited to our next meeting. Rev. Pringle to address us. Oamaru. July. Fair attendance. Plans forwarded for Birthday Party next month. Helpful address by the Rev. Francis. Sympathy to the relatives of the late .Mrs. J. C. Milligan. \ isit paid to Old People’s Home. Go<.gi programme provided and afternoon tea enjoyed bv all.

Port Chalmers. Annual meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Mi rams, who presided. Numerous re|mrts were read and adopted. Office bearers ap|>ointed:- President, Mrs. G. Mirams; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Watson, Hannah and Pate; Devotional Leader, Miss Johnstone; Secretary, Mrs. Trcsidder; Treasurer, Mrs. laylor; ( radle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. G. Mirams; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs. Jenkins. Decided to send a letter of sympathy t<* Miss Fanpiharson, Vice-President, in her illness. Appreciation of the help given by Mrs. Gray, a Swedish L?dy, was voiced by members, and regret expressed at her leaving owing to removing to Wellington. Thanks to Mrs. Mirams for an enjoyable afternoon tea. South Dunedin. July. Mrs. Donaldson presided. Devotions, Sirs. Rippin reported Alliance meeting and Mrs. Milner’s address re purpose of questionaire. Full arrangements made for Street Day for obtaining of signatures for Petition. Members handed in completed forms. Afternoon tea. A brisk sale held, most articles disposed of.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Gore. -July. The members met at the home of Mrs. G. ('. Smith for a change. Mrs. I’<kl more read part of “Streams in the Desert” a* an aid to devotions, a very helpful book. Some time was spent planning practical work and a afternoon in aid of the Pluuket Apjwal for emergency garments. South Invercargill. July X. Miss McCallum presided. Mrs. Richards, devotions. Tenqierante Fact, Mrs. Reidy. Eight sheets of the Petition handed in ail tilled up. Others to follow. "Memorial Day,” Rev. L. Kernohau gave a very fine address on the stalwarts of the Temperance Cause in N.Z.—Messrs. T. E. Taylor, the lsitt>, McCombs and others, and exhorted members to continue in the fight for God, Home and Humanity. S|**aker thanked. Afternoon tea. Benediction. National Anthem.

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White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 7, 18 August 1941, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 7, 18 August 1941, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 7, 18 August 1941, Page 9