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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Whangarei.—April 2. Meeting oi*ned with prayer. Mrs. Lane in chair. Discussion on youth work. Talk on Ezekiel’s dream. President’s letter read. Arrangements lor Executive meeting. Afternoon tea. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Avondale.-April 10. Mrs. Watring presided ar. 1 led devotions. Auckland District Executive rejoit considered. Regret expressed at children being allowed to sell lottery tickets. Hvinn. Prayer. Benediction. May 8. Mrs. Young presided. Cradle Roll rejiort and temperance fact by Mrs. Hiett. Poem, “The Bible,” read. Prayer. Benediction. Birkenhead. -May 1. Good attendance. Mrs. Luker presided. Three babies enrolled, also two new members. Report of Convention by Mrs. Mount joy. Vote of thanks to speaker. Benediction and afternoon tea. Epsom.-April 21. Mrs. C. M. Neal presided Minutes and letters from Miss Kirk and Mrs. Nome read. Rrjorted that our parcel for the Lady Galway Guild contained 30 new and 11 used garments. Decided to repeat the effort in July. Mrs. Mount joy gave a full report of the Dominion Convention and answered questions. One new member and one long absent member received. Mrs. Worsley thanked for the use of her home and for providing tea. Grey Lynn.— April 2. Mrs. McClenaghen presided. Devotions, Mrs. Cook. Choruses, prayer, temjtrrance fact and pledge reaffirmed. Decided to accept the invitation to visit the Point Chevalier Union. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Enjoyable afternoon. Kohi-St. Heliers.— April 27. A good attendance. Mrs. Kasjier presided. Rev. Farr gave a devotional address. Mrs. Warburton sang a solo, and the meeting went to prayer for the Empire. Northcote. —April 8. Mrs. Hay presided. Devotions. Business. “Take-a-part” afternoon. Mysic, songs, reading and speaking by members called upon. Miss Tremayne asked to make Anzac Day wreath, and Mrs. Joiner to give Convention report at May meeting. Otahuhu.— April 17. Mrs. Tavlor presided. Devotions, Mrs. Vereoe. Rev. Hughes gave a most interesting talk on the work of the W.C.T.U. and urged us to continue as our work was grand and noble, in addition to our teni|>erance work. (Rev. Hughes is the son of Mrs. Hughes, for many years Auckland Treasurer and Dominion Sn|>erintendent for Maoti Work. He is a brother of Miss Anderson Hughes.—Ed., “W.R.”) Onehunga. —April 10. President in chair. Mrs. Me jut joy gave monthly rejmrt of Auckland District Executive. Mrs. Fordyce, our delegate, gave a clear, concise ard comprehensive re|*ort of the Dominion Convention, and was heartily thanked by her interested listeners. Mrs. Mount joy spike of much work being done for Maori girls. April 23. Home meeting at residence of Mrs. Ashby. Choruses, competition, cuttings from magazines and newspa|»ers, and other items, with good attendance, contributed to very pleasing afternoon. Ponsonby.— April 17. Miss Read presided. Devotions, Mrs. Christopher. Arrangements for birthday afternoon next month for our oldest member, Mrs. McKenzie, who is 91 years of age. Miss Tobin appointed “W.R.” Agent. One new member. Rriiort of Dominion Convention given by the delegate, Mrs. Joiner. Remuera.— April 22. Choruses sung. First part of meeting dealt with the business and the second part took the form of a prayer meeting. Several members engaged in prayer. One new member initiated. Takapuna. -April. Meeting poorly attended, being so near Easter. Miss Read gave very interesting account of Convention at Nelson; also a comprehensive reason why the brewers mark their beer with XXX. This if well worth printing in the “W.R." (Send it along. -Ed., “W.R”) SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. OpotikL— May 8. President presided. Welcome extended to Captains Murray and Bowater. Arrangements made for Band of Hope to be held when it was moonlight.

Article read re excessive drinking in France. A short rejKirt of Convention read and discussed. Hostesses, Mcsdames Downey and Corney. Pukekohe.— April. Mrs. Richards opened meeting with devotions. There was pathetic reference to the death of our valued member, Mrs. Preece; also sympathy expressed with another member, Mrs. Johns. Discussion followed as to how to get new members. Taumarunui. -April 17. Mrs. Graham, VicePresident, in chair. Devotions. Pledge. Text. Pajier read on the girlhood of Frances Willard, also enfranchisement of women in New Zealand in 1893. Tauranga.— Mav 6. Mrs. Christian presided. Devotions. I>ecicied to have Bring and Buy at each meeting. Mrs. Whittaker to be Evangelistic Superintendent and Miss Brain for Tenijierance Facts. Mrs. Bryan spoke of the life of Mrs. Booth (’libborn, better known as “The Marshal,” and was accorded a vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Meeting for prayer and thanksgiving to be held May 29th. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. May 1. Devotions, Mrs. McGregor. President, Mrs. R. Wilson, referred to the recent passing of our beloved sister, Mrs. T. E. Taylor, and paid tribute to her work in the cause of teni|>erance. Members stood in silence. A letter conveying the Union’s sympathy to he sent to the relatives. Members reaffirmed their pledge. Thanks from Navy League for another parcel of honey. Mrs. Grinstead spoke te Convention’s urge to form groups for the study of the international situation. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin. April 4. Mrs. Ketmerley presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Stratford, devotions. Mrs. Neal gave comprehensive re|iort of Convention. Over cup of tea members farewelled Mrs. Dennis, and Mrs. Ketmerley presented her with a clock as an appreciation for her faithful work while with us. Mrs. Henskie presented Mrs. Dennis with a posy. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Daatingg. -April 24. Fair attendance but great interest. Devotions, Mrs. Commandant Cook. Scientific fact, Mrs. Osborne. Chair, Mrs. Chapman Taylor, who returned on Dominion Convention. Appreciation expressed by meeting for re*x>rt. Two visitors present from other branches. Havelock. -April 21. Devotions, Mrs. Neilson; subject, “Light in our Darkness.” I)onated 5/- to Dominion Headquarters Fund. Each member to bring a friend to next meeting. Delegate gave report of Convention. Napiee.—Anril 15. Fair attendance. Mrs. Lewis presided. Delegate’s report read and discussed. A letter of congratulation sent to Miss Bradley, Dominion “Y” Sui»erinten<lent. Waipawa.— President presided. Usual devotions, prayer, Scripture reading. A good attendance of members. Apologies. President’s address read from Convention. Pledge read. Next meeting to be a social Peace Day. Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera —Devotions by President. Solo, Miss Frances Best. Rejiort of Dominion Convention by Mrs. Barron, delegate. Afternoon tea. Prayer and benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—April 29. Mrs. Reed presided and welcomed members from local women's societies. Miss Kirk gave brief resume of life and work of Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Temperance fact, Mrs. Ineson. Two items by League of Mothers’ Oioir. Mrs. Pearce to be representative on Bible in Schools League. Mrs. Brewer gave most instructive and comprehensive report of Dominion Convention. Lower Hutt. -April 23. Easter message by Mrs. Swift. Cutting from a paper, “Temperance Drive in Britain.” Discussion as to advisability of forming a "Y” branch; left for further consideration. A splendid report of recent Convention was given by Mrs. Brewer, who was accorded ja hearty vote of thanks. £1 donated to the N.Z. Fund. Benediction. Wellington.—Mav 1. Mrs. Mowlcm presided. Devotions, Mrs. Ferry. Tribute paid to the late Sir Chas. Luke, who had taken an active interest in the Union tor many years. Sympathy expressed with the relatives of Mrs. T. E. Taylor, 0.8. E. Home meeting held at Mrs. Harnor’s. Address on “Jov of Christian Service” by Mrs. Harnor. Pledge. Benediction.

Wellington Central.—April 16. Mrs. Israel, our delegate to f he Convention, gave a most interesting report of what had been done and what we are asked to do. Temperance fact. Birthday posy presented. Remit passed re pledges for young people to be sent to the District Executive Sale table in charge of Mrs. Davidson. Afternoon tea. Visiting friends f om Dunedin, Onehunga, Hamilton and Oamaru were welcomed and spoke. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelaon.—April 8. Good attendance. Devotions and hymns of thanksgiving for successful Convention. Miss Cooke gave a very interesting account of Convention doings. Sympathy to bereaved members. Greetings to visitors. Plans of work. Special collection for Seamen’s Rest. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Tua Marina.—April. At Mrs. White's. Nine present. Devotions, Mrs. S. Harris. Mrs. White, our delegate, gave comprehensive report of Dominion Convention. Mrs. Rodgerson, District “W.R.” Agent, gave ideas for getting new subscribers. Next month we hold combined meeting with Spritiglands. Birthday sprays. Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. New Brighton.—May 1. Mrs. C. F. Scott presided. Devotions, Mrs. Flower. Good attendance. Mrs. Lewis rej»orted on party g'ven to the young folk and their parents. Sympathy with members in bereavement. Good Band of Hope report. Rev. Mr. Farrar gave a splendid talk on the peace of the world; a true j*eace that would come in God’s good time. Mrs. H. M. Hall thanked the speaker for a very fine and able address. Oxford. —April 16. President in th* chair. Treasurer presented statement of accounts in connection with catering at A. and P. Show. An excellent report of recent Dominion Convention given by Mrs. C. Morris, our delegate. Two new members. Good meeting. Runanva. —April 9. In Church of England hall. Talk and discussion on “Use and Abuse of God’s Gifts” and “Methods of the Liauor Trade." Hostesses, Church of England ladies. Christchurch.—April 9. Miss C. Henderson presided. Presentation of flowers o# behalf of our Union by Miss Gordon to Miss Henderson and Mrs. Adkins. Posies to Mrs. E. Brown and Miss M. IL I-ovell-Smith on their return from Convention. Very full and comprehensive report of proceedings given by our delegate, Mrs. E. Brown. Miss Henderson endorsed all her remarks. Votes of thanks. Invitation extended to members to attend birthday evening social of our Riccarton Union.

Linwood.—April 29. Good attendance. Members stood as a mark of esteem to our late sister, Mrs. T. E. Taylor Mrs. Black gave informative talk on Dominion Convention. A resolution re maintenance folders passed unanimously, and reported elsewhere. Decided to have leaflets printed and given to school children on aims and objects of Band of Hope education. Committee set up to do educative work on Social and Moral Hygiene and evil effects of alcohol on human body. North Brightoi.—April 15. Presided over by Mrs. D. Goldman. Devotions, Mrs. S. Goring. Extracts from report of recent Convention read by Mrs. D. Goldman. Arrangements for piocuring Anzac wreath. Benediction. Papanui.—April 23. Mrs. Carr presided. Mrs. Hodder gave temperance fact. A very interesting report of Convention was given by Mrs. Elliott. Arranged to commence the Band of Hope meetings early in May. Bring and Buy to raise funds for local Union. Syllabus of work for the year was presented. One new member.

Reef ton.—March 28. At the home of Mrs. Thompson. Special meeting to receive Mrs. Hiett and Miss Lovell-Smith. Miss Bradley. Dominion “Y” President, also present. Good attendance. Mrs. Hiett presided and spoke of aims and objert« of Union; Miss Lovell-Smith on the recent Convention. Four new members. Solo, Mrs. Burnett. Supper. Votes of thanks. Prayer. Spreydon.—Members enjoyed Dominion Conference report presented by Mrs. Pirrett. Arrangements made to hold social afternoon to augment the branch’s funds. Gifts received for mental hospital patients. Hostesses, Mesdames Clark and Sim. Votes of thanks. Benediction.

Sydenham.—May 1. Devotions included prayers for peace, followed by inspiring talk nv Mrs. Major Brace-Girdle on “The Peace Within’’—“the only basis for international peace.” Motion of sympathy with relatives of late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Prayer. Solo by Mrs.

W. F. Drewett. Donation received with thanks from Miss Smart. Woolston.—April 16. Good attendance. One new member. Splend’d report of Conference given by Mrs. Middleton. Arrangements made for birthday social. Sympathy to Mrs. Busing. Donation of 5/- received towards our eftort for Seamen’s Institute. Hostesses, Mesdames Talkingham and Ferguson. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—May 6. Mrs. Robinson presided, letters of sympathy to relatives of late Mrs. T. K. Taylor; to Mrs. Llovd, loss of her brother; and Mrs. Dabinette, loss of son overseas. Short inspirational talks by Miss M. Jackson and Mrs. Robinson. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Timaru. -April 29. Mrs. Cave presided. Mrs. Armstrong, devotions. Members stood iu silence in memory of the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Mrs. Norrie offered a prayer. Mrs. T. E. Holdgate reported on N.C.W. and invited members to next N.C.W. meeting to hear Miss Havelar sjwak. Mrs. Nelson gave Convention report. Arrangements were made for Peace Day prayer meeting. Mrs. Nelson was presented with a long service badge. Waimate.—April 9. Owing to inclement weather only fair attendance. Miss Haymati in chair. Miss P. ” ooley gave a most interesting account of the Convention. Hearty vote of thanks to s|>eaker. Hospital visitors apjiointed. Meeting shortened and members adjourned to the M.W.M.U. Thanksgiving Easter Service. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai.—April 29. President in chair. Devotions, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Orr. One new member; 14 present. Miss Gray gave a full report of I)oiniuion Convention. Protest re children selling Art Union tickets. Secretary to write to Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs. Motions of sympathy to Mrs. Gracie, “W.R.” Agent, on the death of her husband, and to relatives of the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Lawrence. -May 1. Mrs. McNeilly presided. Fair attendance, letters from Prime Minister and Minister of Defence re consignment of beer to Egypt. Report of Convention read. Decided to purchase three Handbooks. N.E. Valley.—April 24. Miss Gray presided. Devotions, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Garden re|»rted on Poppy Day collection and thanked all workers. Miss Bigg rejx>rted on N.C.W. meeting. Miss Gray gave fine renort of Convention and was heartily thanked. Oamaru.—April 21. Fair attendance. Devotions, Miss Cowan, who also gav** a very comprehensive re|>ort of Convention. Names handed in for Cradle Roll. Two solos much enjoyed. South Dunedin. —April. Mrs. Donaldson presided and Mrs. Belling led devotions. Letter of appreciation for members’ sympathy from Mrs. Williams. Cuttings read by President re cinema, gambling, military service. Secretary reported meeting of M.T.R.C., where Mr. A. S. Ouennell lectured on, “Food V’alue of Alcohol," proving from scientific works, apart from teni|>erance literature, that the food *alue in the various concocted alcoholic drinks was practically absent. Mrs. Porrit*. read report of Convention. Small sums passed for payment. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill.—April 18. Mrs. Goring led devotions. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of one of our old members, Mrs. Matthews, members standing in silence. Miss McCallum, our delegate to Convention, gave comprehensive report. Mrs. Walker, District President, ga>e some sidelights on the Convention and proposed a vote of thanks to Miss McCallum for her rc’iort. Mrs. Goring, who is leaving for Nelson, was farewelled. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

Wyndham.—April 17. Good attendance. Mrs. Ashton, President, presided and led in devotions. Pledge repeated. A request from Lyttelton Sailors’ Rest for donations was attended to. Letter read from Victoria Home for Friendless Girls. Miss Jamieson and Miss McCallum, from Invercargill, were present and were welcomed by the President. A report of the Convention held in Nelson was given by Miss McCallum. One new member initiated. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 4, 18 May 1941, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 4, 18 May 1941, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 4, 18 May 1941, Page 7